The KiDzVeRzUm is approved
I was really quick with this lot. It was all in my head so I was clickin' so fast like a crazy servo! :D But I have to admit and also proudly present, that my own two kids had lots of really good inputs and especially enthusiasm and fantastic ideas to this project. E.g. the stream flowing out of the castle or the middle ages looking arches, the used patterns on the ground etc. Badi, my 8 years old son is a great critic and examined every step from boys point of view, and my 11 year old daughter, Panni was responsible for girl balance :DDD So, I can say, this lot is tried and tested by real kids, I hope your simmies will like it! Publish date is january 23. Ah, yes, and btw, when I wanted to take a preview shot, a white witch was just about to land there, that's why the shining sparkles. So she thought it was wirth a check! ;-)