Finally Back!
What happened in these almost 3 years... !?
Firstly my father died cause of a tumour.. I had to recover myself (my mind and my heart) for those moments... -and no please, don't tell me anything religious about Paradise/HEaven or God, 'cause I don't believe in these..-
Secondly, I finally found my sense of living: help people and animals... So i'm an elder nurse and ofc a veterinarian helper ^^
Thirdly, I'm finding a job -right now I only work sometimes and only if people call me but most the time I'm a volontueer- I'm happy about it, but I need money XD
Fortly, one of my cat recently died...
and last but not least... My PC was dead again.. I need to change it in few months 'cause I really want Sims 4 :P
And what about you, people???
I miss TSR and Sims!!!
PS: I found a real/great sister-like friend!! <3
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