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demtay12's Blog

~Living The Life~

OMG! me sooooo happy! lol, Hiya everybody..... ok, so, i have been uploading some stuffs, BTW thanks everyone for downloading, and so, i think i need inspiration, so, i will TEMPERARELY take a request or two.... (lol, like anyones gonna req something Demi..... :() ehemm, so, yeahs, i just finished a hannah ontana inspired set, with 16 hairstyles of Lola Lufnagle, and of cours Hannah Montana.... so, i have 4 outfits too, so i hope yall enjoy! xoxoxo DEMI xoxoxo

First Uploads

Ok, so, i have uploaded my first ever make-ups, and i really like them in my game! it's winter in AUS, so the bright Citrus Glare Shadows really brighten up my day, and the Candy Apple Lips set makes me wanna DROOOOL all over my keyboard.... YUMMY! so, all of you can have a preview, right here! i cant belive that SEVEN people have seen my page! ACHIEVMENT! welll, yeah, it IS kinda depressing..... (violin) but, i'm having FUN creating...... i might post more downloads tomoz.... we shal see! xoxo Demi

OK.... so bit a drama uploading the pics..... but go to my page, and yeahs, look at the preview items.... xoxo!

Giving Credit and Ripping Off

ok, so there has been some dispyte about hairstyles in the sims 3 download archive......... and then someone said that the hairstyle looks like a rip-off of NewSea..... no, i wanna take this time to say that NewSea is actually the creator that *rips-off* so-to-speak, creations, well, she mods them, is what i should say...... on check out some hairstyles like the fringe on, the smooth one, and compare to NewSeas Moon-Rider, and her Lady....... she is practic;ly the modder..... but she is still one of my favourite creators on the web, more-so on here........ back to re-uploading.... the creator Maya..... made an honest mistake.... and pwople are jumping down her throat..... and someone said that she is only doing it to get download points..... that is far from the reason...... she gave full credit... and also thought that it WAS ok to re-upload. It has not much to do with the people, so i think that the person who uploaded it made a mistake, and that people should let the site and the actual creators deal with it instead of being a hero....

ok, i meant no offense to anyone.... and please dont leave me angry comments..... THAT makes my sad....

Demi, TSR (duh)

Have You seen My Gnomes?

have you sen my mysterous Mr. Gnomes?! i have them all, posted around the screenshots section of TSR! see if you can spot them! either that, or visit my profile and check my screenshots section, that might be easier! ok, well, i'm hungry, and BYE! sign my GB as well as comment!

Do you know a TSR artist that converts Sims 2 to 3 Hairstyles/Clothing?

ok, still waiting for responses, for like, hairstyles and stuff, i am really upaet, that no-one has replied to my requests..... it makes me really upset, atually. so if any of you's know who converts them, let me know, coz i am waiting for replies, now i am going around, asking all the fabolous creators, to do so! kk, and BTW can YOU convert that child curly hairstyle, it is in the TSR hairstyles catagory, BTW, to adult? PLEASE! if we could have a custom content TSR workshop...... PLEASE , OH, PLEASE help me out! can you, yes YOU go around asking people for them!? if you copy my PREVIOUS blog, then you will understand me..... so, PLEASE! leave a comment, and go ask people! xxx Demi xxx

Who makes Sims 2 to 3 conversions?

ok, well, who on here converts sims 2 hairstyles and clothing to sims 3, c'mon! i need that curly hair, or that Bella Goth hair, well, more like AND the Juliette Capp hair.... actually, i rly dont mind if it is non-recolourabled, as long as it's in brunette/brown! i need that kool girl kinda outfit..... the on with a on sleeve top, and that plaid skirt.... no-one i know will make them.... THEY NEED TO BE ON TSR THO becoz i cant download zips.... :( AND i need that corset top and jeans outfit.... WAAAAA! the one that Juliette Capps sister wore... Harmnia? was that her name? I hope people read this, PLEASE! sims 2 has WAY better features in clothing/hair than Sims 3..... :D :D :D the images are on google, type in JULIETTE CAPP and BELLA GOTH and type in SIMS 2 BASE GAME CURLY HAIR and the blonde child hairstyle is the one i'm talking about... kk's, bye byes, and please, if you can respond,  and well, MAKE THESE ITEEMS! please, please i have'nt got any responses from any creators, that i ADMIRE A TON... ok, byes xxx BTW: this is a page that has the hairstyles that, I and WE ALL want.....

Poems, well, my attempt

ok, so this is my FAIL attempt of a poem

if we could share a week together, it would feel like forever, whilst i'm with you time passes slow, i love you, and that you know. i love our short little laughs, and the place you take me, woodland park, this is where the journey shall end, i want you to know, you were my true friend. Now i wait, at that place, waiting for you to return, it's empty space. but i know we can't be together no more, but always, i will be yours, forever, more.


ok, so that FAILED but wateva! kk, sign my guestbook!

Holy Shark! follow up

ok, if you have seen my freaky screens, you will know that i have an array of fish, and equatic life on my screens. for the people who think its not in sims, well, it is! anyways.....some lucky screens, thats all. i am now focusing on screens, storys, and not creationg..... i want to earn KUDOS so i can use em on stuff, like a day of dowloads.... so, well, stuff that happenes, we have to roll with the bowl... lol, no idea wat it means.... anyways, :) happy simming :)

Random Ideas

I hate it when you find a screenshot, and you dont take it in time. This has been happinin' to me, for, like EVER! Blog, Blog Blog, can you have MORE than one idea in your Blog? yes, yes, well I am, SO! i want to become an artist, and i have made houses, and stuff. but it wont let me upload :( AHHHHHHHHH! so bored today, and kinda sicke, I LOVE SIMS! nuh-duh Demi, URG! I LOVE fridays, and I Live in Aus, so we are currently in Winter, and stuff, I am on school Holidays, right now, so i'm Chillaxin'! HAHAHAHAHA! please comment, becoz, well as you can see, i am PRETTY bored, xxx Happy Simming Peeps xxx

My Kudos

OMG! i have like only 1300 Kudos, and i am trying, every way to get more but this is not fair, because i have creations, and this thingy wont let me upload! grrrrr!, anyways, i hope you all enjoy my new DP and would like to say that if i had enough KUDOS i would buy that Profile banner thing, and i have already GOT a banner, just need the OPTION! urrg, TSR is a lot of work! its me who needs the stuff! lol

Latest Headlines

~Living The Life~ First Uploads Giving Credit and Ripping Off Have You seen My Gnomes? Do you know a TSR artist that... Who makes Sims 2 to 3 conversions? Poems, well, my attempt Holy Shark! follow up Random Ideas My Kudos
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