100,000 Downloads and counting ! Amazing !!
Hi ya All,
The most amazing thing has happened today, my sim creations which are published and are online have reached the incredible number of 100,000 downloads!! I almost can't believe it !! It's just amazing, thank you all SOOOO much and thanks for all your support !!
Some numbers:
Total downloads: 100,000+
Total creations online: 144 (141 female sims, 1 male sim & 2 lots)
Average downloads per creation: ~695
34 Simmehs with 1,000+ downloads
10 Simmehs with 2,000+ downloads
3 Simmehs with 3,000+ downloads
1 Simmeh with 4,000+ downloads
My thanks go out to:
EA, ALL the awesome Custom Content Creators, Cstyles (CeCe), TSR, Blogger, Mediafire, Mod The Sims 3 by Bożena, Sims 3 Updates, The Sims 3 CC Gallery, Facebook and last but not least ALL YOU GUYS for making this possible !! :D <3
Thanks, Merci, Gracias, Danke, Bedankt !!
I love you guys !! <3