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emilymarie02012's Blog


Hello everyone, I know I haven't written in awhile, and I'm sorry for that. I highly doubt anyone reasons my blogs, but just in case, I will be going on hiatus as of July 11th, 2011. I'm not sure when I will return to finish my stories, but eventually I will. 

Although the 11th is a few days away, I will not be posting another story until after the hiatus ends.

Goodbye my fellow TSR members :)


~emily marie


*sigh* of course when I want to start writing reguarly again, something MUST go wrong.

First, Generations messed up my saved game...well, actually, it DESTROYED my saved game & CC with it's EA powers of evilness. I lost every saved game, Sim & piece of CC *cry*

I thought to myself, "you can't give up Emily! you must continue!" So I finally got Generations to work after 2 days...I finally got ALL of my CC for my story, which was an epic story in itself.

I went to start up my game, my mouse died -__- I went to Wal-mart at 12 AM...to get batteries, for my mouse. I came home, the batteries don't work!? My mouse is broken....of course. *sigh again...*

Never fear! My dear fiance is going to take me somewhere tomorrow...er...today o.O where I can get a NEW mouse! :) But then I'll have to go to work :(

HOPEFULLY, *crosses fingers* I can get my shots in later today, MAYBE write it up & get everying situated. Another Chapter will DEF. be out sometime this week, I promise :) I'll probably do 2, to make up for lost time :)


:) <3 Emily

The Grey Wardens (3)

More on the organization of The Grey Wardens.


"Being a Grey Warden is almost tolerable.  It's a pleasant stroll in the park -- with Darkspawn!" - Anders

The nominal leader of our order is the First Warden, but you can expect little assistance or guidance so far from the Anderfels. Even those close to Weisshaupt learn to suffer along.  The murmurs are true -- the First Warden is often embroiled in the politics of the Anderfels and has little opportunity to consider worldly matters.  I would like to believe it is a matter of survival , not of political self-interest.


The order of Grey Wardens is commanded by the First Warden in Weisshaupt.  The hierarchy seems to follow a system of nationaly branches, each commanded by local officer referred to as a Warden-Commander or a Commander of the Grey.  Apparently, small numbers make for simple hierarchy, as no other ranks have been mentioned; the other members appear to follow a less formal "pecking order" determined by seniority (decided by time of Joining).  At the time of my story (Fifth Blight), the strength of the Grey Wardens is estimated at over 1,000 Anderfels, several hundred in Orlais, and around two dozen in Ferelden.


The Joining

To become part of the Grey Wardens, a recruit must first go through a ritual called the Joining.  One of the reasons for the small number of Grey Wardens is that few can survice this ritual.  Only those who have a decent chance of surviving the Joining will even be made recruits.  The ritual and the details about it are kept a strict secret by the Grey Wardens, because during the Joining, the recruits drink from a goblet containing a mixture of darkspawn blood, lyrium, and a drop of blood from an archdemon.  Few survice this, but those who live become Grey Wardens -- forever connected to the darkspawn, and forever tainted by the blood they have consumed.

Becoming a Grey Warden requires a dose of the darkspawn corruption in sufficient potency to have an immediate effect, rather than slowly corrupt the consumer into a ghoul.  While archdemon blood is typically used, blood of other darkspawn creatures can be magically treated to make it function in the ritual.  However, the average darkspawn doesn't have enough of the corruption within it for this to work.

The Joining rituals grants Grey Wardens several abilities: their link to the group mind allows them to detect the presence of darkspawn and they become immune to further corruption by the Blight.  However, they also suffer from bad (if occasionally prophetic) dreams, ravenous hunger, and shortened lifespans.  Also, while they can sense darkspawn, darkspawn can also sense them.  As much of a boon as this dark gift is for the Wardens, it has also allowed them to be hunted by the darkspawn on occasion.

Avernus, when asked, states that the darkspawn taint conferred by the Joining contains incredible powers, with the ability to sense darkspawn as the least of such.  He speculated that applications of energy and blood could unlock these powers, and endeavored to replicate the effects alchemically.


*Avernus is a human mage Grey Warden that has lived since the time when Wardens inhabited Soldier's Peak, also known as Warden's Keep.

The Grey Wardens (2)

Continuation of The Grey Wardens :)

The Second Blight and the Chantry

In 1:5 Divine, approximately 200 years since the slaying of Dumat, the archdemon Zazikel rose to lead the Second Blight.  The entire city of Nordbotten -- the very place where the Grey Wardens first appeared on the battlefield -- was destroyed before a defense could be organized.  The Tevinter Imperium withdrew from the Anderfels, abondoning it in an attempt to protect central Tevinter.  The Anderfels area was in much trouble, and even the Grey Warden headquarters in Weisshaupt came under siege by the darkspawn.

Fortunately, the armies of the recently founded Orlesian Empire under the command of Emperor Kordillus Drakon I proved both motivated and capable of standing up to the Blight.  After several victories against the darkspawn, Drakon's army lifted the siege of Weisshaupt in 1:33 Divine and proceeded to save the rest of the Anderfels together with the Wardens.  The Anderfels joined the Orlesian Empire, and the Grey Wardens were suffciently impressed by Drakon's actions to convert to the Chantry of Andraste.

In the following decades, the Blight was again slowly pushed back and the Grey Wardens took command of the war.  The archdemon Zazikel was finally confronted and slain by the Grey Wardens in 1:95 Diving at Starkhaven in the Free Marches.


The Third Blight

The Third Blight began with the awakening of Toth in 3:10 Towers, roughly 200 years after the last Blight.  The initial darkspawn attacks occured in central Thedas in Tevinter and Orlais, but even though the hordes were larger than those previously encountered, a rapidly-organized defense led by the Grey Wardens managed to hold them back.  The darkspawn started to focus on the more lightly defended Free Marches while Tevinter and Orlais tried to remain neutral, but pressure from the Grey Wardens eventually brought them into the war.  The darkspawn horde was crushed at Hunter Fell in the Free Marches in 3:25 Towers, and Toth was slain by the Grey Wardens.  The Third Blight remained a relatively short event compared to previous Blights.


The Fourth Blight

Not much is told about the Grey Wardens for another 200 years, when Andoral awakening and the Fourth Blight began in 5:12 Exalted.  Most of the damage was to the east of traditional Grey Warden territory, in the Free Marches, Antiva, and Rivain, but the Anderfels was also attacked and Hossberg, not far from Weisshaupt, came under siege.  This time, both Tevinter and Orlais were lightly attacked and refused to send aid.  The hero of the fourth Blight was an elven Grey Warden named Garahel, who first led the liberation of Hossberg in 5:20 Exalted and then managed to gather an army from the Free Marches to support the Grey Wardens.  Garahel's army marched north and faced the main horde in 5:24 Exlated at Ayesleigh, where Garahel was lost after personally slaying Andoral.

After the fourth Blight, the influence of the Grey Wardens waned considerably.  It would be 400 years before the fifth Blight, and many started to think it would never happen.  Although remaining an eternal threat to the dwarves, darkspawn were rarely seen by surface people, and the Grey Wardens were slowly dismissed as a relic of bygone, darker time best left forgotten.

In the vicinity of 7:10 Storm, there was an awkward incident in Ferelden with the local Warden-Commander -- Sophia Dryden, previously a rival for the crown of Ferelden --  becoming involved in a planned coup de'etat.  The result was fighting between Grey Wardens and the royal army, the loss of Commander Sophia and her command at Soldier's Peak, and King Arland banishing the order from Ferelden -- although it became a close thing with the Grey Wardens; a force of less than one hundred, nearly defeating the entire Ferelden army.  The Grey Wardens were allowed back in Ferelden by King Maric in 9:10 Dragon and they were able to begin a slow rebuilding, but by 9:30 Dragon, their presence remained light and the order was not well known.

The Grey Wardens

Some history on The Grey Wardens.


"In war, victory.

In peace, vigilance.

In death, sacrifice."

-- Grey Warden motto


The Grey Wardens are an ancient organization of warriors of exceptional ability dedicated to fighting darkspawn in all of Thedas.  They are headquartered in the very place of their founding, the Weisshaupt Fortress in the Anderfels, but maintain a presence in most other nations as well.  The Grey Wardens are known for ignoring a recruit's racial, social, national, and even criminal background if they deem the person valuable in terms of character of ability.

Despite their small numbers, the Grey Wardens have been instrumental in defeating each Blight so far, and thus are vital to the survival of the world as a whole.



The first Blight had already raged for 90 years.  The world was in chaos.  At Weisshaupt fortress in the desolate Anderfels, a meeting transpired.  Soldiers of the Imperium, seasoned veterans who had known nothing their entire lifetimes except hopeless war, came together.  When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium.  They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.



The First Blight & the Founding

The First Blight occured in -395 Ancient (395 years before the Chantry calendar), or 800 TE (800 years from the founding of the Tevinter Imperium), a plague was unleashed upon the world.  The Deep Roads, underground highways built by dwarves, were swarmed with monstrous creatures that became known as the "darkspawn".  These creatures seemed limitless in number, and spread a taint that infected other living creatures, mutating them into monsters, and corrupted and poisoned the very environment around them.  The cult of the Maker claimed this was the result of Tevinter mages entering the Fade through a ritual and attempting to usurp the Gold City, although dwarves and other non-humans discounted the theory.  Nevertheless, this invasion of darkspawn -- named the Blight -- soon destroyed most of the underground kingdoms of the dwarves and spread to the surface world.  Thedas was in chaos and entered a dark age.  The darkspawn were found to be led by an immensely powerful dragon tainted with the darkspawn corruption; this creature was named an archdemon and believed to be one of the Old Gods worshipped by Tevinter.

In -305 Ancient (890 TE), after nearly a century of bitter war against the darkspawn hordes, a group of veteran warriors came together in Weisshaupt Fortress in the Anderfels, the western part of the Tevinter Imperium.  They had somehow discovered the process of Joining, and employed it to found a brotherhood that cut all other ties, as a price, in order to dedicate themselves to fighting the darkspawn.  They called themselves the Grey Wardens, and would accept anyone, no matter their race or background, without distinction if only deemed suitable to join the order.

The Grey Wardens first appeared on the battlefield during the attack on Nordbotton, arriving mounted on griffons, plunging into the darkspawn with each Warden taking on crowds of ten or twenty darkspawn at once.  Incredible, they broke the horde and won the battle.  They proved to be a desperately needed spark of hope in the darkest of hours, and quickly gained renown since.  The Grey Wardens started receiving tithes, supples, and recruits from all lands; they grew, building fortresses and functioning as elite shock troops making quick and devastating strikes wherever darkspawn appeared, as well as rallying the mundane armies to greater deeds.

During the next 100 years, humanity slowly managed to stand firm and push back the Blight.  Finally, in -203 Ancient (992 TE), the Grey Wardens gathered an allied army composed of soldiers from the Tevinter Imperium, the tries of the Ciraine (the lands that would become Orlais), and Rivain to confront the main darkspawn horde, led by the archdemon now indentified as Dumat.  The massive battle was waged at the Silent Plains, in what is now southern Tevinter or nothern Nevarra: the legion of darkspawn was defeated and Dumat was slain by the Grey Wardens: with the archdemon's death, the horde's will to fight on was broken.  It took several years to eradicate the remaining darkspawn from the surface, but the deed was done and the Grey Wardens had carved our their legend.  After the battle of the Silent Plains, they were much celebrated and most nations gave formal promises of support for further darkspawn invasions.  The Grey Wardens were also given the Right of Conscription to guarantee sufficient recruits.


*Right of Conscription - Should they need to, the Grey Wardens possess the Right of Conscription; they may demand that any individual from king to criminal be drafted into their ranks.  However -- especially in Ferelden -- this right is used sparingly for fear of political reprisal.  Further complicating matters, the Grey Wardens won't accept just anyone.  Only the best and brightest are invited, regardless of race or social standing.

Hero of Ferelden - Background notes (The Blight)

Since my stories have an extensive back story behind them, I wanted to share. Hopefully after every story I post, I will post a blog afterwards with side notes & whatnot :) It's a lot of reading, and if you love fantasy & medieval lore, read on my friend!


The Chantry teaches that is is the hubris of men that brought the darkspawn into Thedas. The mage rulers of the Tevinter Imperium sought to usurp the Golden City -- the afterlife created by the Maker for mortals - but were cast out, twisted by their own corruption, only to return as monsters; the first of the darkspawn.  The dwares hold no such beliefs; to them, the darkspawn simply appeared one day and have been their bitter enemies ever since, although it is suggested that some Dwarves (if not all) believe the humans are the reason for their existence.


The First Blight - After the corruption of the magisters, the first darkspawn awaken Dumat, the first among the Old Gods, as the first archdemon.  Thedas is nearly overrun; the dwarves come near to extinction, leaving only Orzammar and Kal-Sharok.  The first Grey Wardens appear, and Dumat is finally slain at the Battle of the Silent Plains in 992 TE.  The Tevinter Imperium is left severely weakening, resulting in a barbarian invasion led by Andraste (Maker's wife).


The Second Blight - Zazikel awakens in 1:5 Divine and the second Blight begins, with the darkspawn coming out of the mountains in all corners of the continent. They slaughter the entire city of Nordbotten in the Anderfels before the Grey Wardens finally get the word out.  The Free Marches and Orlais are hard-pressed to defend themselves, but the Grey Wardens and the armies under Emperor Kordilus Drakon I make the difference.  Just over ten years into the second Blight, the Orlesians defeat several hordes of darkspawn, including the hard-fought victory at the Battle of Cumberland.  As the Orlesians and the Grey Wardens share continued victories, the second Blight winds down to it's last battle in Starkhaven.  Led by the Wardens, the human army destroys Zazikel and the darkspawn are routed for the second time.


The Third Blight - The Old God Toth awakens in 3:10 Towers and the third Blight erupts in the central lands of Thedas with darkspawn coming in greater numbers than ever before.  Darkspawn swarm the Tevinter cities of Mamas Pell and Vyrantium as well as the Orlesian cities of Arlesans and Montsimmard.  The Grey Wardens in both of these countries are able to quickly organize a defense, and despite heavy losses in the besieged cities, the darkspawn are pushed back.  Darkspawn proceed to ravage what is a modern-day Nevarra as well the Free Marches, attacking cities along the Minanter River.  Pressure from the Grey Wardens in Weisshaupt (Grey Wardens home base) convinces both Orlesians and Tevinter to unite, but consent to send aid to the beleaguered city-states.  After fifteen years of conflict, the armies of Orlais and Tevinter in Hunter Fell and join the Grey Wardens in ending the Blight.  Toth is destroyed, and the darkspawn are slaughtered in one of the bloodiest battles in history.


The Fourth Blight - The fourth Blight begins when the archdemon Andoral arises just as the Chantry's exalted march against the Tevinter Impreium ends.  This time, the darkspawn appear in great numbers in the northeast and northwestern regions of Thedas.  As Antiva is overrun, and its entire ruling family slaughtered, the darkspawn pour into the Free Marches and Rivain.  Meanwhile, the Blight rises in the Anderfels once again, with the capital city of Hossberg coming under siege.  Orlais and the Tevinter Imperium are attacked by fewer numbers and are able to drive the darkspawn back into the depths of the Deep Roads; despite these successes they send next to no aid to the devastated nations.

In 5:20 Exalted the elven hero Garahel leads an army of Grey Wardens and Anders to the city of Hossberg and breaks the siege.  With his fellow wardens from Orlais and the Anderfels, Garahel marches to Starkhaven and forms an alliance between the minor kings and teyrns of the Free Marches.  Under the banner of the Grey Wardens, this united army marches north, eventually freeing the nation of Antiva from the terror of the darkspawn in the battle of the city of Ayesleigh.  It is here where Garahel dies, having personally defeated and slain Andoral in single combat.

So many darkspawn are slaughtered in the fourth Blight that it is considered certain that they will never return.  This belief is compounded by rulers choosing to tell people that the Blight was forever defeated as a way to restore order.  Despite the fact that the surface world would not see another Blight for 400 years it is continously felt underground by the dwarves of Orzammar, a fact that is largely ignored by most except the Grey Wardens.

The Fifth Blight - Where my story takes place


The Sixth & Seventh Blight - Since propechy foretells of 7 Old Gods, it is likely there will be only two more Blights.


My arm is starting to cramp -__- Well that's some background history on the Blight! More to come

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