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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
This is a medium size house for your single sim or newly weds. House contains: Garden, Pool, partly covered terras, Garage Open plan living, dining, kitchen, upstairs bedroom ensuite, walk in closet, small Laundry and study. The garden contains plants, mushrooms, vegtables, fruits and herbs to either sell or use for your own benefit.(you can register at city hall)
The garden has a fence around it, this is to avoid the zombies eating away your planted ingredients.
Please note: planted garden stuff is from basegame, but also World adventures and most from Supernatural so that with the ingredients, elixers can also be made.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1172522
ItemID: 1172522
Filesize: 48 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

![Modern Panel [Open] by wondymoon - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/2004/w-133h-100-2004203.jpg)

House was built with all EP's/ SP's installed up to Supernatural (patch 1.39) And is basegame compatible.
However, any Items used from the EP's/ SP's or Store that you do not have installed will be replaced.
IF the wallpattern is not sticking to the lot, please use the modern concrete (in stone and rocks) and enter this
colour in Create a style: #a6a39a
Please note: The sim living here previously maxed out her skill to garden, and therefor can plant/ weed and work any seed/ plant. Plants will die if not being worked on. Note 2: Unfortunatly the sprinkler system does not remember when it's been set to autowater the plants. If you skill handyness, you can work the sprinklers again to make them autowater. (saves you some gardening time)
Credits: ALL creators!
- Price Unfurnished: 35472
- Price Furnished: 77812
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 2
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size (z): 30
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.