Thoughts On Designing New Objects
I was pondering on my loo, one day, as It Is The perfect place to think about things, an object I would love to see made. I was thinking about the medevil days, the days of the castles. Ive looked and grabbed up many objects walls floors and other content off numerous sites that are castle themed but I fail to find the latrine thats was used in the mievel days. Pretty much it looks like a counter with a hole in it, but I'm sure its much more idepth if The though process was lengthened.
So I want to find a castle loo, toilet, latrine, gong hole, what ever its called... and some counter parts like that belonging in kitchens and bathrooms but not funtional as counter just elongated parts to the loo maybe extra places to sit around the old poo hole :P. Lols
Ill rough sketch some thing on paint and upload and I dea some time in the near future.
Let me know if there are any here at TSR or any other free sites.
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