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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Lillian is a young adult sim. She is outgoing, noncommittal and self assured. Her aspiration is party animal.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1486662
ItemID: 1486662
Filesize: 92 KB
I have the following packs installed:
Expansions Packs:
Discover University
Island Living
Get Famous
Cats and Dogs
City Living
Get Together
Get To work
Game Packs:
Realm of Magic
Jungle Adventure
Dine Out
Spa day
Outdoor Retreat
Stuff Packs:
Tiny Living Stuff
Moschino Stuff
My First Pet Stuff
Laundry Day Stuff
Toddlers Stuff
Fitness Stuff
Bowling Night Stuff
Vintage Glamour Stuff
Backyard Stuff
Kids Room Stuff
Romantic Garden Stuff
Movie Hangout Stuff
Spooky Stuff
Cool Kitchen stuff
Perfect Patio Stuff
Luxury Party Stuff
Following CC is used:
Hair: |Click here|
Lipstick: |Click here|
Eyebrows: |Click here|
Shoes 1: |Click here|
Nose piercing: |Click here|
Eyelashes: Click here
Jeans: |Click here|
Top 1: |Click here|
Eyeliner: |Click here|
Eyes: |Click here|
Earrings: |Click here|
Dress 1: |Click here|
Nails: |Click here|
Top 2: |Click here|
Eyeshadow: |Click here|
Blush: |Click here|
Dress 2: |Click here|
Dress 3: |Click here|
Top 3: |Click here|
Skin tone: |Click here|
Shoes 2: |Click here|
Credits: All the amazing CC creators
- Custom content: No CC used
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- LeahLillith Boyfriend Hair
- FRS Jodie Lipstick
- Victoria Eyebrows
- Madlen Stella Shoes
- DIY Nose Piercing Set
- Eyelashes
- Madison (jeans)
- Belaloallure_Denim jacket
- Natural Wing Liner N36
- Babydoll Eyes N153
- S-Club ts4 WM EARRINGS 202007
- Ivy Dress
- Eumacia Nails N18
- Casual Crop Sweater 03
- Eyeshadow N17
- FRS Blush N05
- Halter Cut Out Mini Dress
- belaloallure_Irene dress
- ShakeProductions 416 - 1
- Skintone Set V3
- Madlen Zannone Shoes