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figaro_black's Guestbook

TantraNov 10, 2007

Hi there\:\) I'm so glad you like my latest dresses for little girls, thanks so much for the beautiful comment\:wub\: As for toddlers, yepp, I'm going to make similar dresses for them! So stay tuned\:D Have a great weekend!

confideNov 4, 2007

Hi figaro_black \:\) Thank you for leaving such a nice comment on my creation, it means a lot! Have a great week \:\)

TantraOct 29, 2007

Hi! Thank you so much for the beautiful comment you left on my creations, your kind words are much appreciated\:wub\: Have fun!\:rah\:

tlkaskaOct 27, 2007

Hello \:D . I just stopped by to say thank you for your lovely comment on my hairstyles for men "Bed-Head" set. Have a wonderful day!

BeOSBoxBoyOct 21, 2007

Hi Figaro_black, I am sorry to hear about the problems you are having with my Catacomb Niche Wall Torch. I cannot think what the problem might be - I didn't heavily customise the object and it works flawlessly for everyone else (so far). It may be that there is a subtle incompatibility with some other object you have installed, or maybe even a video driver compatibility issue, and we cannot discount the possibility that it might be a conflict with an Expansion Pack or Stuff Pack item \:\( If I can think of anything or get more information from others having a problem, I will keep you informed.

ShinoKCROct 20, 2007

Hi Figaro! Thank you for a great comment on the Bathroom \:wub\: I made a new texture for the PB series. This time it should be more very dark brown. Tell me if its still to black. Sometimes i think the color becomes more black after loading the game many times *lol* Sad thing is that the details I worked so hard on get lost. I like the creamrecolor most. The Kitchen will look awesome. Its allready in work. Have a wonderful weekend Huggles Renate

simtomaticOct 16, 2007

Hey Figaro! I totally know what you're saying and have been thinking about this myself. I'll come up with something, just got to get the design right so I don't have to do more curtains, blinds, lol. Sally \:\)

simtomaticSep 22, 2007

Hiya figaro! \:D Cheers for the great comment - loved it. I'm using these windows alot in my game right now because of the BV factor - the curtains etc will be along in a week or so because I know it'll be impossible to find drapes that fit these big bodgers! Doors will be released in a couple of days, followed by recolours. Really happy that you like them, Sal \:\)

lildebbye75Sep 11, 2007

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my story To Be Blue. Your feedback was greatly appreciated.

tdyanndSep 8, 2007

Thanks for the comment you left on my story!

galileaSep 7, 2007

Hi figaro_black! Oh! It is always good to hear from you and I am delighted that you have downloaded Harper Quine's Cottage! I hope it looks and plays well in your game ... thank you again .... and have a great weekend!!!

confideSep 1, 2007

Hi \:wub\: Thank you for the nice comment you left on my creation, I hope you'll have fun using it! Have a good weekend \:\)

confideAug 15, 2007

Thank you so much for the great feedback you left on my creation figaro_black! I don't think I can make pregnant enabled clothes, because the mod needed is not on tsr .. I will see.. Have a nice day \:\)

sophel21Aug 12, 2007

Hi! Thanks for the note about the vanity! Of course I'll fix it in the next days. Cheers, Sophia \:\)

ShinoKCRAug 12, 2007

Hi Sweety! I'm so glad that you like the Nurcery \:D I was not shure that about it. Tell me if something with your babies does not work. I tested it just with a toddler *lol* \:cool\:

confideAug 10, 2007

Thank you so much for your beautiful comment figaro! Have fun & a great day \:wub\:

sophel21Aug 2, 2007

\:wub\: Thanks so much for your kind words on my creation! It is really appreciated! Have a nice day! Cheers, Sophia

SpaikJul 7, 2007

Hi figaro_black, thanks for the lovely comments on my Folding Staircase. I'm glad you like it. \:D Silvia

shakeshaftJul 1, 2007

Hi, just a quick thank you for taking the time to comment on my creations, Happy Simming!! Andrea\:D

galileaJun 19, 2007

Hi figaro_black! Thank you for downloading Quille Cottage! I am so glad you like it and my other houses, too! Have a good week!!!

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