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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
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Samara is leaving Bridgeport, to try and find some success in the music career. She is a talented song writer, but living in a quiet small town is just not doing anything for her dream. She is very nervous about packing up and moving for a whole new life but after splitting with her partner and working a dead end job, she figures, she doesn't have anything to lose!
I know my descriptions and links are long but it's the only way I can ensure that my sim gets to you in the way it is intended to look in the pictures. You need to download the CC also as well as the sim to get the sim to look like the pictures. I cannot stress enough on how important that is , otherwise you could get problems in your game (please see Creator Notes for CC download links)
In your sims library you must go to advanced settings and tick the following boxes:
Include Custom Content
-Please see the creators notes tab for CC clothes link and instructions on how to install the clothes and the sim before asking any questions
1.When you download this sim the files need to be extracted and placed in the Sims 4 Tray folder. The location of that folder is:
Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray
2.You must unzip the file and place only the items in your tray folder, not the zip file itself.
3.Once you have placed them there, you should be able to find the Sims or Lots in your personal Gallery in the game.
I have all the GamePacks and EP's Installed (but no content from them were used) :
Get to Work (EP)
Get Together (EP)
Luxury Party (Stuff Pack)
Kids Room (Stuff Pack)
Movie Hangout (Stuff Pack)
Perfect Patio (Stuff Pack)
Spooky (Stuff Pack)
Romantic Garden (Stuff Pack)
Cool Kitchen (Stuff Pack)
Backyard (Stuff Pack)
Outdoor Retreat (Game Pack)
Dine Out (Game Pack)
Spa Day (Game Pack)
City Living (Exp Pack)
Vintage Glamour (Stuff Pack)
Parenthood (Game Pack)
Toddler (Stuff Pack)
My game is always updated to the latest patch.
My Policy:
This sim is for GamePlay ONLY. Please enjoy my sim in your game but do not modify, change her, or reupload her back onto the exchange or other sites claiming to be your work. Thank you.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1386979
ItemID: 1386979
Filesize: 86 KB
You need to download the following CC to have the sim look like the pictures. If you do not, you may encounter problems. All CC goes into your Sims4/Mods folder
For the Sim to show up in Game:
In your sims library you must go to advanced settings and tick the following boxes:
Include Custom Content
You will need to turn Adblocker off for some of the external custom content. (outside TSR)
Click the links with in the *Asterix* symbols
Everyday hair by *Blahberry Pancake* and *Cazy*
Formal and Athletic hair by *Gramsims*
Skin by *RemusSirion*
Hairlines by Daerilia *here* and *here*
Halcyon Eyebrows by *Simpliciaty* (the first download)
Eyelashes by *Kijiko* (download both files)
Blush by *Praline*
Lipstick by *RemusSirion*
Eyes by *FRS*
Everyday Outfit by Metens : *Shorts* and *Top*
Formal Outfit by Me : *here*
Athletic Outfit : *Top* and *Bottoms*
Nails by *Natalis*
Shoes by Dreamteam sims *here* and *here*(extract both files within the zip)
Glitter Choker by *Praline*
Credits: All the CC Creators whose items were used.
- Custom content: Creation needs CC (links to all needed CC listed in the description)
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.