froilan's Blog
I have loved the time I've spent as a Select Artist here on TSR, but now it's time for me to step aside and let some up and coming talented artist take my place. I have found myself in a position where I must choose between the priorities in my life. First off, I recently got a new job. It's a GREAT job, but my office is now a windowless cubicle and I spend much more time in front of the computer than I did before. To come home and then spend more time in front of the computer is a little more than I can bear. Summer is coming and the sun, fresh air, and bike trails beckon. I'm also a single mom and every moment I spend in front of the computer takes away from the time I spend with my son. That's a choice that I'm no longer willing to live with. Lastly, a friend of mine is nearing the end of her life, dying from cancer. We are now witnessing her last days on this earth. I have come face to face with what is really important in this, friends, home, faith, among others. Upon examination of my own life and my priorities, I find that a computer game doesn't really come near the top of the list. While I get a great deal of satisfaction out of the things I create and the fact that other people like them, it doesn't compare to the beauty of the smile on my son's face, or the sound of his laughter when we're having quiet conversations about whatever makes us happy.I may still submit occasionally, when the inspiration strikes me and I have the time. I want to thank everyone who has downloaded my creations and give me such positive feedback and encouragement. This would never have been as much fun without you.
See ya!
Expensive Fridges and kitchens
Well, I think the Designer Color Series of kitchen items is finally complete. I found a beautiful mesh by buggybooz that uses the repository technique to recolor a stunning set of counter and cabinet meshes - therefore only one file is required to recolor the entire set. I have recolored the counters to match the Designer Series One and Designer Series Two appliances. I tried a couple of the ones in the brights series and I was definitely not happy with the results. Some of those colors should be used sparingly at best! I also did not recolor the counter in black or white or stainless steel, as the original author of the mesh already did those recolors so I felt no need to duplicate his efforts.I am also giving in to the pressure to recolor the expensive Maxis fridge! Those will be released all together in one set and will include all the colors in Designer Color Series One, Two, and the Brights series as well.
These will all be coming out at the beginning of May. I hope you like them!
Two Million!
I hit another milestone today and I have to stop and thank everyone who has downloaded my items and given me such positive feedback. It makes me happy that you have all enjoyed my items in your games and that you feel they make your Sims' world a little more beautiful.I'm currently working on recoloring a set of kitchen cabinets to match my Designer Series Appliances - sets 1 and 2. I'm still debating whether or not to do the Brights series, some of those colors are just a little overwhelming in such large doses!!
Canopy issues solved
Sunni Sims has updated the canopy mesh for the Bed in a Bag series and I have updated all of my recolors. If you download the new mesh, you will also need to re-download any of my previous recolors. Sorry for the inconvenience, but this was the only way we could get it to work with Free Time. If you still have the old mesh and aren't using FreeTime, you'll need to download the new one in order to use any of my future recolors, as I'll only be using the new mesh from this point forward. The new mesh will work with or without Free Time installed (but does require NightLife)Thanks!
Canopy troubles?
I've had a few reports of game freezes after installing Free Time for those who are using the canopy from my "Bed in a Bag" series. Kimberly at SunniSims has been gracious enough to update this mesh for us. Please get the updated mesh at this URL:
She is in the process of updating the SunniSims site. Once she has that all updated, I will be changing the links on my recolors.
Thanks to a request from MisfitChicks, I have finally gotten motivated to publish a bathroom set. The Designer Bath series launched yesterday! I tried to focus on Maxis recolors for most of the stuff, but also threw in rugs and curtains to complete the set. I've got a few more Bed in a Bag sets lined up, but after that I may have to retire that series for a while until some fresh inspiration comes along. If spring ever shows up and the rain EVER stops, then maybe that will happen!Lots going on
My blog has been a little quiet lately as I've had lots of stuff going on in RL that have been monopolizing my time. But I've got some new sets coming up and am trying to come up with some new ideas. I'm thinking of a companion to the "Bed in a Bag" series that focuses on bathrooms, but that idea is slow in forming and I haven't had a lot of time to really focus on it. If you have an opinion, I'd love to hear from you...PM me!Back into the swing of things
I've finally been able to carve out time to get some submissions done, so you'll see some new sets being released in the coming weeks. This includes my new series - "Bel Muro Art Gallery". Back when I actually played the game frequently (LOL), I always preferred to recolor the paintings to familiar pieces that I have in my own house. I used to put lots of stuff on the walls in my sims' houses, so I figured, why not recolor a few paintings? As it turned out, I ended up doing more than a few, of course, so there will be several sets in that series. I hope you like them!Slowing down (temporarily!)
I hope everyone had a great holiday season, mine was very busy and fun! Real life is taking over for me right now, so my submissions might slow down for several weeks while I try to catch my breath. I have taken on additional responsibilities at my job which will require extra hours and my son's basketball season has started, which takes up time as well. But I've got several projects in the works and a new one that I've just started. There will be several more installments in the "Bed in a Bag" series and I haven't forgotten about the "Just Color" series, next up is the dining room and kitchen for Just Color Three. And my new project is called "Bel Muro Art Gallery". I do not feel that any room is properly decorated until there's stuff on the wall, so I'm recoloring lots of paintings and will begin publishing those in the coming months. Below is a preview.