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gamelia's Blog

I have Apartment Life!

Excuse me. I'm off to play for a bit! :D

Poll Results

Thanks to all of you who participated in the poll! I asked this question:

Which best describes your preferences for residential lots?

200 people answered with these results:

Just the architecture, please. I like to furnish and decorate it myself. 35.32% (71)

Kitchen, bath, and light fixtures included--just like buying a real house. 19.9% (40)

Basic furnishings with neutral decor. My Sims will decorate as they earn money. 16.42% (33)

Fully furnished and uniquely decorated, please! 27.86% (56)

It seems that most people like to to furnish and decorate their own homes. And with all the wonderful TSR content around, I can understand that! But a large number of people like to download homes that are already furnished and decorated. Hmmmm ... guess I'll just have to continue doing both! ;)

DJ Booth in Main Street VI lot fixed

The problem with the DJ Booth in Down on Main Street VI is fixed. Big thanks to KionaPlay for pointing this out! I DID test this lot, but then somehow uploaded the pre-test lot instead of the post-test lot. Doh! The corrected version is now up.

SA Status - Wow!

This morning I was so thrilled to find that I had been promoted to SA. I found it difficult to concentrate at work today and couldn't wait to get home again.

Thank you all for the well wishes! Special thanks to artists such as Illiana and Alyosha who have given me a boost in confidence. I'll try to live up to the high standards of the SA team here, but I must admit that I'm a little intimidatd by all the talent around TSR. Feedback, including constructive criticism, is always appreciated.

Now ... I better get back to building!


Gone Simming

I'm on a downloading spree and plan to spend the weekend playing. Several of my favorite artists have released lots, objects, and clothes that I've been drooling over. Gone Simming! Be back soon. :) -gamelia

3 New Lots Uploaded

I had several partially completed lots scattered around my neighborhood, so I finished up three of them today and uploaded them:

1) Down on Main Street VI
Another Main Street lot in the series that has a pet store, dance club and bar, and a cafe with pool table and card table. Note: with the upcoming release of Apartment Life, I have plans to include some flats in this series.

2) Evergreen Cottage
Not part of a series. Just a rustic country house I started working on a couple of months back. It is meant for players who don't like to use cheats and are moving their Sims out of a starter home. The price is $34,300.

3) 7 Peachtree Circle
This house was built for the contest Picturesque Porches. It's a typical southern house with covered porch for watching passersby while sipping ice tea.

Coca Beach Hotel uploaded

I took a few weeks off from TS2, but I'm back and building again.

The Coca Beach Hotel was just uploaded and should be available in a few days. I have a few houses in the works, and also hope to get back to my Down on Main Street series before the end of the summer.

Taking a Break

Just a quick note to say that I'm taking a break from TS2 and building. I plan to be start submitting some more lots in mid-July. I'm having a very busy, but wonderful summer. Hope all of you are having a great summer, too!


Computer still in shop

My old computer is still in the shop, so I don't have any of the files I was working on before. When I get it back, I'll be able to retrieve my Down on Main Street lot templates and continue with that series.

In the meantime, I offer you 200 Coca Grande Blvd. :)

Hard drive Failure

You know that it-will-never-happen-to-me syndrome that is so common in youth? Apparently, more mature adults such as myself also continue to suffer from it.

It happened to me. My hard drive is gone. Oi!

I lost all my lot building work done in the month of May. I had two lots completed and was halfway finished with three more. Bye-bye. Gone!

Two of them were lots that I entered into the May building contest sponsored by S2HBAA. Oh well! At least I have the pictures and can reconstruct the lots from screenshots. *sigh* I put 40 hours of work into one of those lots--La casa aguas tranquilas. Perhaps I can cut that down to 10 during reconstruction. After all, I now know exactly where things go and don't have to fuss over color schemes.

I am taking my pc into the shop first thing tomorrow morning. Maybe I'll get lucky and it's just a bad hard drive connection. I doubt it though. The cables are only 3 months old and fit quite snugly.

Latest Headlines

I have Apartment Life! Poll Results DJ Booth in Main Street VI lot... SA Status - Wow! Gone Simming 3 New Lots Uploaded Coca Beach Hotel uploaded Taking a Break Computer still in shop Hard drive Failure
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