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gamelia's Blog

Busy Building

Just thought I would drop a note to say that I am around and building. Because I am working on several lots at once, I haven't uploaded anything in the past couple of weeks. But I should have several lots ready to go at the end of May or in early June.

Alien Invasion slows down construction

I got sidetracked for a few days, building an alien invasion theme lot for the S2HBAA April lot building contest. It was very fun to play and test. Here's a screenshot of the alien nursery (quarantine) and the observation room: I don't plan to upload the lot, but I might use it for a story in the future. My plans for May: - 3 or 4 more Down on Main Street lots - An entry for the S2HBAA May lot building contest. Theme: PICTURESQUE PORCHES - An Open for Business restaurant and night club with a surprise theme. June - A hotel for Coca Beach - A restaurant and night club for Coca Beach. - More Coca Beach community lots.

Night Life Down on Main Street

I'm currently working on Down on Main Street VI: a night club, Internet cafe, and ???? I haven't decided about the third shop for this lot. If you are using this series and have any special requests, please let me know. Here's a preview of the night club down on Main Street:

Preview Next Lot Down on Main Street

It's 1:00 a.m. in the morning and I'm still up working on the next lot in the series: Down on Main Street IV. This one is a little different because it's a residential lot with a home business. Now your Sims can live down on Main Street in a spacious 4 bedroom+ flat! Right next door you'll find a cafe and pastry shop that's all yours to run. Let the dough roll in! I'm actually very excited about this lot, and can't wait to test it tomorrow. Fun, fun, fun! I'm not yet decided on the mixed architecture. I would appreciate any feedback. Here's a preview:

New Series: Down on Main Street

I just uploaded the first in my new series of Main Street shops. Two others have been built--I just need to polish them off. More will be on the way in April. I hope you enjoy them! Here's a preview of Main Street in Trenton, so you can get an idea what these shops look like when they're lined up. Feedback and constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Main Street Construction

Just a quick update ... I think I'm done building Coca Beach homes for now. But I will be going back to Coca Beach at some point to build community lots, hotels, and more homes. My interest has turned back to my base neighborhood, Trenton. I am currently working on a series of Main Street shops. For those Sims in the UK, these shops will do nicely for a High Street, too. Below is a preview of the first set of shops, which includes a grocery/convenience store, a clothing shop, an outdoor cafe, and a pub. I will probably spend the remainder of March building several of these before uploading. Feedback is appreciated!

Sneak Peek: No prior EPs required lot

Below is a low-graphics sneak peek of the Coca Beach vacation home I'm building. Other than Bon Voyage, no other EP's will be required. I just started landscaping and decorating, but I am nowhere near satisfied. I'll keep working at it! Once complete, I will test it before posting to TSR. Feedback and suggestions are always welcomed. :)

BV-only beach lot

My husband has taken over my gaming computer!

So I decided to try a new experiment while he's off enjoying adventures in Oblivion. I am passing the hours on my old office computer by building a Coca Beach lot that only requires Bon Voyage. I got the idea from Tigerblue, one of my favorite TSR artists. What a challenge!

Cue Ad Line:
Now you, too, can enjoy a Coca Beach vacation home. Bon Voyage! No prior expansion pack required!

A couple of observations:

1) The graphics on my office pc are pitiful. I can't believe I ever played TS2 on it! Everything looks like plastic, there are few textures, and the water is just a flat blue. After I package the BV-only lot, I'll have to load it on my gaming pc to take proper photos. I'm so thankful I have my Sims pc... yep, I bought it expecially for The Sims 2. My husband is so lucky I let him play on it ... ;)

2) I love the challenge of being limited to fewer options as I build. Will my BV-only Coca Beach lot be as nice as the others? I'll let you be the judge!

Coming soon ...

Coca Beach lot coming soon...

I just completed another Coca Beach pier foundation vacation home. Here's a preview of 1102 Coca Beach Drive:

Currently building ...

I build in The Sims 2 because I like to play. If I can't find the perfect lot to suit my playing needs, then I build it.

Recently I started building an entire hood from scratch. It's based on southern rural towns (in the USA). I started with a trailer park that contains all my Indian Meadows lots. When I play new Sims, I don't like to use cheats. My Sims must work their way through life. So for some, that means life starts out in a dumpy trailer park. I dropped in my Peachtree Road lots, except they'll be on Peachtree Circle in my hood. Eventually, I'll build some farms, community lots, and mom-and-pop business lots for Main Street.

I am also building up a beach vacation hood using WolfSim68's Happily Never After hood terrain. I will probably build 4 or 5 mid-range vacation homes, then build some starter vacation bungalows before moving on to hotels and community lots.

Latest Headlines

Busy Building Alien Invasion slows down... Night Life Down on Main Street Preview Next Lot Down on Main... New Series: Down on Main Street Main Street Construction Sneak Peek: No prior EPs... BV-only beach lot Coca Beach lot coming soon... Currently building ...
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