Created for: The Sims 4
Dedicated to my so supportive friend Metens, this 2 stories contemporary house features a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, commodities and a study with 2 desks and 2 computers on its ground floor as well as 2 bedrooms (a master bedroom and a kids' room) a piano and a bathroom on the first floor. It also provides on its 2 large terraces a chess board and a BBQ area. I hope you'll have fun with it.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1278776
ItemID: 1278776
Filesize: 201 KB
Custom content used in this lot :
http://www.jomsimscreations.fr/chambre-adulte-sims-4.html - New Envy Rug from the set Chambre New Envy by Jomsims Creations
http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1266343 - Plant Lemingstone by Jomsims
I used some custom content as well as the cheat unlocking the gameplay rewards it this lot, so you may have to set your game as follows to see the house appear in your game : Go in My Library, at the bottom of the left columns check "Advanced" and then check "Allow unowned objects" and "Allow custom content".
Please do not re-upload and claim as your own.
Credits: Jomsims, Jomsims Creations
- Value: 125446
- Furnished: Partly
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 2
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size: 30x20
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