great b2

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great b2's Guestbook

NINAWRFeb 20, 2012

Hi, Allie! I think you are very creative and talented. I usually do not download lots, but when I saw the Old Lighthouse I was glad because I had been looking for something like that. Unfortunately, I couldn't place it on anywhere in Pleasantview or in the BV neighborhoods. I am wondering what neighborhood you used to build it as it looks like there is a beach behind it. Your stuff has alot of attention to detail in them. You apparently take alot of time and care in creating them. In fact, I think the amount of great cc out there is astounding. There is an amazing population of creative people out there who do this because of the love of the game.\:rah\:

IllianaDec 23, 2009

Hi Allie! \:D This holiday season I wish you joy, I wish you happiness, but most of all I wish you love! \:wub\: - Illiana

paramitiDec 21, 2009

Merry Christmas Allie!!!! paramiti~

paramitiNov 26, 2009

Hey Allie..just came round to see if you are still using the sims 3 game and if so..did you get the recent updates and the EP? there have been so many troubles for people who dont uninstall everything..including the EA Download Manager and the Helper Monkey and then reinstall everythng..also if people try to use saved seems quite a mess..some of the .package files are not compatible with the new upgrades or the new EP..i also found out EA only makes room to save 1 GB on every save..this seems unwise to me considering sims 3 is about saving entire towns and not just households..i hope all is well with you and your game..let me know if you need anything..paramiti~

De_Rome001x0wOct 28, 2009

Thanks for responding and letting me know you're a different creator. I appreciate your work.

eshuffAug 29, 2009

Thanks for your compliment on my stories!  It's been like two years since I posted anything on TSR - moved off to a separate blog since I write collaboratively now - so I'm kind of surprised but very very grateful! I love your work!  Just beautiful! -- S.B.

SandraRAug 28, 2009

Hi!!  Thanks for leaving your nice comment about "Why do they leave me?" (my daughter´s story) THANKS!!!!

klbjcbAug 15, 2009

Hi Allie, I am glad you liked my profile. Yes, it is me and my grandaughter having some tea. I made my sim and she made hers to try and look like us. We both loved the process. Thanks and have a great day. Kathy

IllianaAug 12, 2009

Hi Allie! (((Hugs!))) Of COURSE you've been busy! \:P You are a college girl with a life, I am sure. LOL! It was so good to hear from you, and such a compliment on the Driftwood lot too...before it was even published no less! \:wub\: Thank you!!! Yes, I've been pretty busy too. Work, a 4 year old, getting my 19 year old ready for his new college year, and building with the new game takes a lot of time! I wouldn't trade it, but a few extra hours a day would be nice. \:D Ok...I've talked your poor eyeballs off, so you have a great day! It sure was good to hear from you. \:wub\: Love and hugs - Illiana

drewsolteszFeb 26, 2009

Thanks so much for reading and commenting on my story "The Horsemaster", I have a new story posted, "The Gambler' hope you can read and comment!!

IllianaFeb 13, 2009

Hi Allie! I am so glad to see you back, and thanks for the lovely comment on the Rosaro Bay lot! \:wub\: Actually, I've done the same thing with building - I get a "builders block", or just feel like I'm losing the fun of building, and I stop for a bit. Then, houses start popping into my head and it's all over. ROFL! Glad to hear you caught the bug again, and can't WAIT to see what you make! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

smp6185Jan 31, 2009

Thank you so much for the comment on The Legacy Of Music Part 7! I Just wanted to drop in and let you know that I just submitted the Legacy of Music part 8 today. So it should be out very soon!

eviJan 29, 2009

Hi great! Thank you very much for your comments on my dreaming story with bitzy's dinos \:D Glad we have same sense of humor! See you around\;\)

IllianaJan 28, 2009

Hi Allie! \:D Aw...aren't you just the sweetest?! \:wub\: I am so glad you liked the swimmable lake on the Heston Hill lot. It was sure a lot of fun testing it. LOL! I'm also thrilled to see that the Genevieve lot seems bright and cheerful to you. That was VERY kind of you to say. Thanks for your patience as we waited for the comments thingie to get know I couldn't let you leave such wonderful compliments without at least saying thank you very much!!! \;\) - (((Hugs!))) Illiana

EvaaDJJan 3, 2009

Thanks for your words! \:wub\: No I won't! But there will come a finale soon. But I really enjoy you liking it \:D

IllianaJan 2, 2009

Hi Allie! Aw...what a nice compliment you left on the Vallejo lot. Your Meditteranean lot is just gorgeous! I love the arched columns over the pool, the beautiful colors, and your gardens are really starting to shine! The kitchen island looks pretty spiffy too. \;\) Great job! I don't offer advice often...I usually just answer PMs...but if you'd like some technical pointers on building your architectural rep, drop me a line. \:\) Otherwise, ignore that last part, and just accept my heartfelt thanks for the sweet comment on Vallejo! \:P (((Hugs!))) - Illiana

IllianaDec 26, 2008

Hi Allie! My, I sure do have a lot to thank you for! First, let me thank you for the sweet comment you left on the Bellewood Bay lot. I'm glad you think my bathrooms are nice. \:wub\: I LOVE pretty baths, and now I know I'm not the only one. LOL! Next, I am just floored that you listed me in the credits for your Industrial Revolution lots, as well as so many of your other lovely lots. \:eek\: \:o Really, I didn't do anything...YOU built those wonderful lots and obviously they are pretty popular. \;\) I am so very honored, and just flummaxed. Thank you for being such a great person, and terrific friend! (((Hugs!))) Happy New Year, Allie! - Illiana

DOTDec 23, 2008

.:¨:.~Happy Holidays to you and yours! ~.:¨:.~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World!~.:¨:.

kissme87Dec 19, 2008

Hi Allie . Thanks a lot for signing in my guestbook and for your lovely compliments \:rah\: Im very glad that you like my houses . Merry Christmas \:rah\:

IllianaDec 18, 2008

Oh Allie...your kind comment on the Clermonte lot was so sweet too! Thank you! (((Hugs!))) - Illiana

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