grim123's Blog
Not a bad day
As the title says and on my front page using a laptop until next year, get money for new and improved computer, fingers crossed lol. going back to the title "at leased I'm playing sims 2 with all pack and at the moment one stuff installed "YIPPY". Still goog fun, but can't upload anything at the monent "sad". so tonight going on sims 2 and make a young lady with a cat. "All fun". Do.n't forget KEEP ON SIMMING "LOL"
Happy fathers day to all the dads out there
Haven't been here for a while, but I'm back so hi to you all on this great site. just got a new expansion pack for fathers day. Just installed and going to play soon. Happy fathers day to you all, and have a great day.
God may have made us the way he wanted, but his wife had the final say. Have a great day guys.xx
I've just put these on as a requesand they came out rarther well surprisingly.I love changing the way a top looks or just add a picture on to make it pop. So here they are
[ This Will be out soon ]
Green top with three quarter length sleeves and butterflys.
Dark green top and under that is a fancy but busy pattern.
Patterned top with a colourful top uderneath.
HERES THE LINK TO THE TOPS WHEN IT'S OUT ................ItemID.... 1033413
I've just put these on as a requesand they came out rarther well surprisingly.I love changing the way a top looks or just add a picture on to make it pop. So here they are
These are for the girls goto link for more pictures, whats on offer.
HERES THE LINK.............
These are for the men goto link for more pictures, whats on offer.
HERES THE LINK............ Blood on the dance floor top male_v1
Quite chuffed with this take a look

HERES THE LINK............................ COOL TOP
Pool mosaic designs
Hi again, I wondered what next to design to make, I thought I'd do some mosaics for the bottom off pools. I love dragons, my son likes manga. I've just uploaded the 2 designs and I say quite chuffed so here goes.
Been busy today, made 4 fabric patterns and 3 pictures and posters, with some cool pictures in, I thought you all might like to see in advance,so here they are, please if you download say thanks and again thank you.
Hope you like!!!!!!
resident evi
I've just finished a new art project, I absolute love resident evil games and zombie games so this is for all the fans like me.It's pending but will be out soon. Here's the number 1027222 or check my uploads please write a comment if you like.
New Post guitar hero
Hi all, how you all going, hope you all will like my new posts, 3 separate uploads of pictures.Their Guitar hero pictures, if you enjoy decoration let me know, just take a moment and comment.Thanks for stopping by.
New Upload T- Shirts
I just finished uploading the new t-shirts to the site, I think there all right, in a day or two they will be available hope you like and please comment.
Hi all my first post.
Hi al,l my first post,I joined 94 days ago when I drought the sims 3.After playing for a few days I drought World,Ambitions and Latenight and I think Latenight is the best.Only got it yesterday but hey I love it.I've made a couple of tshirts check them out,hope you like.My new picture for a tshirt will be
What do you think.
These are my tshirts with a link take a look......if you like please comment......
Heres the final product