Happy birthday dear city of Irkutsk XD
Today was the last day of a huge festival devoted to 350 years of my home city (started in January ended today). On this day, Tzar's explorers of Siberia, built a wooden fort on bank of Irkut river just 80 km from lake Baikal. On this day was signed a treaty between Russian Empire and Buryat's tribes, and they became russian people.
So our city got a lot of bday gifts, like a huge reconstruction of old buildings which were restorated on a special location near the downtown, but this reconstruction not finished yet, only 10 wooden houses (of 58) were rebuilt and moved to the new place, where they will stand until the idk end of the world i hope XD lots of buildings which were destroyed during the Communist Revolution (let's say truth: barbaric revolt of killers, terrorists and other socially danger people XD).
So here are some photos,
Banner on central square, it says "I Love Irkutsk" =)
This was made by local graffiti-group, to memorize the 350 years of the city =)
This is one of the oledest and never rebuilded Irkutsk' Railway Station, it's looks exactly like it was built in stone, and it was nevr rebuilded, nor anything was added to the building =)
This particular triangle is where the reconstruction of wooden buildings began,
this is one of the restorated buildings in that triangle.
This is Moscovian Triumph Arch, they were destroyed during communist goverment, and now they were rebuilt in original place =)
So lot more photos would be tommorow due to that i'm a little bit sociophobic person, and i hate huge groups of people who surrounds me XD so i just drove a car through the city and all the objects, and couldn't make photos, so tommorow i'll post a new blog-post with normal day-lighted photos, and not this ones, which were photoed during the august XD
And for dessert i want to show you where my house stands XD
Yes i live in Siberia, it's cold in winter like -30 Celsium, but it's hot in Summer like +39 - +45C. My house is not seen here, because it stands in not good position XD I just love to show to Europeans and Americans this photo, as i don't want them to think that we have always winters and bears and other stupid things XD
CYA =)