For the handful out there who actually read these things. ;)
OK so as some may know but most dont my lap top died. :eek: So I'm now moving into a desktop (this is gonna suck come winter :rolleyes: ) slowly but surely. i've gotten all my games loaded in (though the M&J flowers on a wall the flowers dont show up properly), but am pretty much at 100% Maxis. I'm going to be correcting that one before long. I need for things to match again! And oh how I miss those completer sets that so many have made. :wub: I also miss those "little touches". :wub: Oh custom content how I miss thee. :confused: OK enough of the whining & on to the nitty gritty. ;) I've hit a point where physically a lot of my creativity had got up and went anyway so I don't think I'll be making anymore stories.....but ya just never know. ;) I do however still very much enjoy building lots & creating pets. I had a list of people for who I was going to be making pets for.......this list along with my MTS2 info is in the notebook that got lost, so if you were someone that I had agreed to making a pet for just remind me.....if your're just someone who'd like one go ahead & ask and I'll still see about it. ;) I'm going to concentrate on building for the most part. For one thing I can do it semi-comatose. If I fall asleep while playing no big deal (so long as I don't fall out of my chair). While building there are no fires and such other forms of disaster. I miss a lot of things from a lot of different artsts; but what I'm missing the most at the moment are my Tabbylou Mission Match (love it when things match), SimAddict's & Mutske's maxis completer sets, then again MsBarrows SPAIK, Shakeshaft, & windkeeper all have some stuff I'm very very very much missing. Oh yes & then there are all the recolors that MoMama did, & dddrake, and yeah I have some downloading to do when I get CleanPak up & running again. :ph34r: Yes we can all make some nice lots with maxis but we can make such nicer lots with the great cc available. :D When I was writing stories I had a ton of stuff just for the stories.......I don't think i'll have as much problems with overloading my computer if I stick to stuff to upload here. But wow there were a lot of nifty plants out there. But there are still a ton of great plants that are TSRAA so my game will still have a lot of content........just not the tens of thouseands of downloads that I had from before. ;) So I'll be around just making lots for the SPACE-ally challenged Sims (my Sims are almost getting stuck in the darndest places & it wouldn't seem they'd manage to get stuck yet they do so I make my lots a bit more spacious than some but that is so that Sims are not stuck anywhere........& though the majority of the lots are maxis my favorites are usually the ones using cc. :cool: So a million thanks to all the awesome creators out there. :wub: