Can I scream?!?!?!?
Why me?!?!? I've got a pretty decent PC as far as parts go & such; my best-friend/roomie/caregiver got me some pretty good parts to upgrade my PC to handle TS2. TS2 for those who don't pretty much my life (sad as that may sound). I love building & playing! I can't play though; after a while of playing I start having the Sims crash on me more & more often. I can start over in a hood & build til the cows come home.......start playing with the Sims themselves & all of a sudden the game wont run. I've gone without my precious cc just so I could play again........and apparently it's been for nothing! I can build with TS2 but TS2 wont let me play with the Sims. So we put this VERY graphically demanding game into my PC.......darn thing ran just fine! In fact the sucker looked awesome! I'm not really into the shoot-em-up kind of games but I don know that if my PC handled THAT like a dream then it shouldn't be my computer's fault. So BF thinks I may have to think about just going ahead & start playing TS3........rather NOT! I miss my days of playing........but I didn't want the Sims for wii because they don't look like Sims they look like Mario & Luigi's next door neighbors (aka they look like Mario Bros. to me), & I don't like TS3 Sims either. So do I just play with TS2, play with TS2 AND suck it up & start the stupid looking TS3 Sims just so I can play WITH Sims? I just wanted to play with TS2 & maybe get a good portion of my cc back.......was that really so much to ask for?