I Googled
I decided to Google "Sims 3 sims are ugly" & I came up with page after page of other people who have the same opinion. I think maybe there are people who play Sims 3 but do NOT like the way their Sims look as well as a few people who are sticking with TS2 mainly because they do NOT like how TS3 Sims look. My room-mate plays TS3 & some of my friends now play TS3 & nolonger play TS2. I wanted to see if I'm the only "crazy" person or if I wasn't as crazy as my TS3 friends think I am......I'M NOT! So I guess I'll just sit here being jealous of the TS3 players cuz they're getting new stuff to do with their Sims & cuz most of the creations are for TS3. But I really can't see spending money on games for UGLY Sims, nor can I see having the same "aww" when they have babies.........OK so they'll be just as ugly as Mom & Dad.....poor things, & I'd also loose out on one of my biggest loves.......BUILDING (my TS3 friends have LESS Sims & only tend to focus on a few families......unlike with TS2 where we routinely have dozens of Sim families we play with). SO......if I sit here by myself or with a throng of other people who feel the same as I do........I'm not going to "make myself" like something........I'll just keep playing what I TRULY LOVE in the 1st place.