What LIFE can teach you if you let it.
Many of you TSRians know who I am or at least I've been spotted from time to time. But not many KNOW me. I did have an accident that left me with some "problems"........but most of my friends are "Able-Bodied". One of my AB friends had pointed out something that I'd kinda missed........unlike her & most others......I don't take things for granted. There is nothing like almost dying to show you just how precious LIFE is.....even if it's loaded with "problems"......any & EVERY day is a GREAT DAY cuz at least you're still alive. No I'm not suggesting that having something like I did will make ALL people appreciate life.......some people who survive that kinda stuff just become bitter. I just know that for me even though it might be hard to do I love to push myself out on the porch & feel the sun on my face smelling the air & hearing the birds sing......and SOAK IT UP! I don't get to go out as much as I'd like cuz my body is often hurting too much TO do anything much.......but when I AM ABLE TO......I even enjoy going to the DMV. That sounds odd you say.......hey you'd never see so many "intresting people" on your porch now would ya? :P I know how easy it can be to forget about other people & just get wrapped up in "our own junk"......but I also know just how much it can mean to someone.....a kind word or even just a smile....so I try to be that person with a smile or kind words.....you never know what difference you can make in someone's day if you don't try. ;) I hope nobody ever has to have a terrible accident or live with the crappy parts of my life.......but I do wish I could share the zest & appreciation for life with everyone. <3