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What LIFE can teach you if you let it.

Many of you TSRians know who I am or at least I've been spotted from time to time.  But not many KNOW me.  I did have an accident that left me with some "problems"........but most of my friends are "Able-Bodied".  One of my AB friends had pointed out something that I'd kinda missed........unlike her & most others......I don't take things for granted.   There is nothing like almost dying to show you just how precious LIFE is.....even if it's loaded with "problems"......any & EVERY day is a GREAT DAY cuz at least you're still alive.  No I'm not suggesting that having something like I did will make ALL people appreciate life.......some people who survive that kinda stuff just become bitter.  I just know that for me even though it might be hard to do I love to push myself out on the porch & feel the sun on my face smelling the air & hearing the birds sing......and SOAK IT UP!  I don't get to go out as much as I'd like cuz my body is often hurting too much TO do anything much.......but when I AM ABLE TO......I even enjoy going to the DMV.  That sounds odd you say.......hey you'd never see so many "intresting people" on your porch now would ya? :P   I know how easy it can be to forget about other people & just get wrapped up in "our own junk"......but I also know just how much it can mean to someone.....a kind word or even just a smile....so I try to be that person with a smile or kind words.....you never know what difference you can make in someone's day if you don't try. ;)  I hope nobody ever has to have a terrible accident or live with the crappy parts of my life.......but I do wish I could share the zest & appreciation for life with everyone. <3

Quengel ∙ Sep 7, 2010

Hello again \:\) See, that's what I meant... with my try of explanation... weeks ago, that you had at least on your birthday "party" some of your dearest relations around you. That's what I meant... precious gifts in meaning of they were expensive have a less value, or none! The most important things are: kind relations, beloved ones, friends which stay on your side, all the time... and maybe a cozy and warm home.... oh and good music... lol because music CAN change your mood. Life can be unfortunately too fast over. And the most people don't think on it, only when it is almost too late \:\(! So each one in the world should enjoy its own life as much as he/she can.. and do whatever makes fun, alike what it is... (if it is not being rude to other humans, or even animals, too). So enjoy your life as much as you can, too. Sorrows you can make when you are 90. Live your life NOW... alike if just playing Sims, or other games, cooking, reading, whatever... each one should do, what he/she is doing well. And I'm very lucky that all the people to whom I care very much and myself, didn't had so far an accident. And I HOPE this will NEVER happen! Enjoy EACH DAY \:D \:D \:D! So I wish you a very beautiful, joyful and sweet evening (already evening here) \;\) \:\) &gt;HUGS&lt; \:wub\:

topaz27 ∙ Sep 3, 2010

I was so moved Hiedi when reading this \:wub\: very well said and I agree fully in always trying to be thankful with what we do have and taking time out to simply say a kind word or give a hug to help make someone else feel alittle better, I believe the only worth while things we do while in this life are what we do for others, and I live by the saying 'Do onto others&nbsp;what you would have done to you'&nbsp;live by this and you can't go far wrong \:\)&nbsp;&nbsp;your a wonderful and good person Hiedi &nbsp;\:wub\:&nbsp;

Living Dead Girl ∙ Sep 2, 2010

And that's exactly why we love you.&nbsp; \:wub\:

maxi king ∙ Aug 30, 2010

\:rah\:Yes,you so right!I'm so lucky that I never had any accident or anything else but I do know how fast life can go away!I think every day is a present for us and that we only honor the good times when we know the bad between the good once!Well,I hope you have many of the good once my friend!TC,huge hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

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