OFFICIALLY....I feel....PUSHED, unwanted, & insignificant!
My Sims....oh how I really L-O-V-E MY SIMS!!!
I have ben playing SIMS for a VERY loooong time, since about 2000 when they were still coming out with NEW Expansions for TheSims = TS1. I had a # of years of fun with that 1st generation especially since I had/have ALL the Expansions. I had enough fun with that generation of Sims that rather than tossing them out or selling them, the CD's still sit on a shelf by my computer (although they're not installed merely collecting dust on a shelf) just "in-case" circumstances such as my current PC blowing up & only having the $ to buy a cheap one with low specs. ;) I still miss those winter vacations & the Hollywood expantion though.
When TS2 came out I LIKED it. I liked the differences in how the game looks graphics wise, & how it plays. I LOVE that TS2 has genetics where a cute couple might actually have a 1/2 decent chance of having a "pretty" child (I have nothing against the "not so pretty people" of the world) & lets fact's nice that like in REAL LIFE the Sims could have "a family look". I didn't feel "pushed" into going to TS2....I just liked it.
When TheSims3 came out everyone went nuts drooling til EA finally released it. EA made a LOT of changes to this 3rd generation of Sims....a LOT of CHANGES! Among these changes are the way Sims now LOOK. Although I have seen a few of the designing big wigs have created some "OK" looking Sims.....but among screenshots & even MOST preview pix for new CC (no PERSONAL offense is intended) I just don't really see PRETTY TS3 Sims. I do NOT like the way the sky, water, & lighting look. I'm also not too keen on the differneces in playing style either (a friend has TS3 & let me play on her PC 4 a while.....YUCK!).
Yes there are a lot of "fun" things to do & places to go...& I did like the ability to copy any testure so things can ALWAYS match/coordinate with the eyedropper tool....& yes it's nice the infants (about time MAXIS) are nolonger freezing with nothing but a diaper/nappy on them. But that's about IT.....& certainly NOT enough to make me want to switch.
When the mass majority of SIM-ers went to TS3 I & a few others who were unimpressed with TS3 or who's computers were just no where near capable of handeling TS3 waved you/them all a fond fairwell. I admit perhaps it was nieve to think that MY TS2 wouldn't change in any way. At 1st the only change was that most of the items being created were nolonger being made for TS2 but now TS3. I admit to drooling a time or 2 or 3 or 4 for what the TS3 SIMS got to wear/use in regards to custom content. But then some of the sites that USED TO have content for TS2 just went POOF & vanished OR converted to carrying TS3 items only, & many items that have been made in years past for TS2 are now harder & harder to find....IF you can still find them at all.
(I'm hoping I don't get "into TROUBLE" for this but I feel it needs saying) IF uploading TS3 content was what I wanted to do......I would have NO problems. I would have absolutely NO problems because I was uploading TS3 content. But I don't want to play TS3 therefore I'm not interested in creating for it, I DO like palying TS2 & it of course is the generation I enjoy creating for. The submissions area of TSR has been having "trouble".....not in the TS3 submissions area of course THAT area is just fine, TS2 submissions area on the other hand has been having "trouble" for WEEKS now. I didn't check on TS1 submissions area, but after several weeks of seeing a note in red in the TS2 submissions area AND having trouble uploading my walls I looked to see if it was the entire submissions that was having issues or JUST the TS2 submissions......wouldn't ya know it.....TS3 players will be happy to know none of your artists are experiencing technical difficulties.....ONLY the TS2 submitters are having a hard time submitting!
EA has an on-line store where you can buy exclusive items. I....DID sights set on the ADORABLE/AWESOME interaction infant objects that for what ever reason didn't make their way into the Apartment-Life EP. Would you know it.....EA no longer has TS2 items in their "EA store"! EA ONLY has TS3 items in their store. I'm glad I did not have any credits with them.....if I had spent $ only to be told TS3 items is all I could use them for I'd have been fit to be tied.
OFFICIALLY....I feel....PUSHED, unwanted, & insignificant! Pushed aside as a TS2 player & creator to make way for TS3, unwanted because EA doesn't even want my $ because I'm not using it for TS3 items, & insignificant as a TS2 creater HERE @ TSR because IF TS2 it's players & creaters were not concidered "insignificant" the problems with the TS2 submissions area would have had more time devoted to fix whatever is going on with it.
My Sims Midevil showed me that I would most likely grow tired of playing TS3 rather quickly as I did with Sims Midevil once I did most of the things in that game a couple times.....I don't want to play Sims Medevil because I don't like it's looks or gameplay (Sims Midevil & TS3 are VERY similar in these regards) "if you can't beat them join them" won't work for ME. MY choices then are; I can just play & create for MYSELF.....but MOST of the "fun" in creating is being able to share it/them, OR....I could just give up on Sims altogether & "shelf" the TS2 aswell & stick with playing games on Face-Book & Pogo. But I'd MUCH RATHER for there to be another option to where I & other TS2 players/creators can have some "tech-support" maybe not as soon as the TS3-ers get it but at least in a matter a few weeks not month+!
If those of you who still play/create with TS1 because you didn't like TS2 or your PC just couldn't handle the higher spec requirments.....if you felt as trampled on as I do now.....I'd like to extend my belated but heartfelt appologies! There are enough things in "REAL LIFE" to make us feel inferior or it's extremely disheartening when one of the few joys/escapes from that "reality" starts to BREAK YOUR REAL HEART. </3