Matt & Jenny
I finally got what I think is somewhat close to what Matt & Jenny looked like. I didn't get the house exactly.....but close. Jenny's hair is a bit different because I couldn't find the exact mesh again......and I'm leery of adding too many meshes. Aside from their clothes I think I got THEM pretty darn close if I do say so myself (took several attempts to get her face looking like "Jenny"). :D (knock on wood) The only computer problem I currently have is that I do NOT have a question mark key; so "(Q)" = "question mark".
Here are all 3.....Matt, Jenny, and Lumbar Matt's service dog.
Here is a close up of Matt & Jenny so everyone can see what their faces look like better.
I got the house kinda sorta close. There ARE......SOME differences.
I'd really like to know what everyone thinks. I don't know that I can get it any closer......but I'd still like to hear everyone's opinion.
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