hiedibear75's Blog
"Download Junkie" Are you one?
OK so according to "Wikipedia" on-line dictionary an addiction is defined as:
The term "addiction" is used in many contexts to describe an obsession, compulsion, or excessive psychological dependence, such as: drug addiction, video game addiction, crime, money, alcoholism, work addiction,compulsive overeating, problem gambling, computer addiction, pornography addiction, etc.
OK so are you a "junkie"? Do you have trouble not downloading stuff for the Sims? I'm probably the guiltiest person of them all. I've got so many downloads that my game can't even read them all at once. How many is that you ask? Oh just 70,000 some odd files all together. No big right? Well it's kinda hard not to when there are such talented creators as we have here on TSR and other sites. I'm constantly jealous of my Sims. They've got a ton of things I wish I had. And of course there are a ton of other reasons why (no owie bars, motherlode, labor and delivery are done in minutes and they get their figures back........I'm so jealous) I'm jealous of the digitial people we call Sims. But back to the addiction thing......... I prowl the internet for goodies for my Sims/me to enjoy + anytime I can find something that would look nice in my story or make it better (I know I have not written in a while I just have not felt up to it.....too owie). So I have to juggle folders so that there is always a few Gigs off in a folder on my desktop, I've hardly got any room on my computer anymore, and it runs quite slow in general cuz it's so bogged down (did I mention the 19Gigs total of custom content on my computer? ), and so as you probably guessed it......my game is slower than malasis to load & lots take quite a while, and a family with a bunch of custom content & their memories take even longer. So I have this little argument with myself all the time "you have too much content as it is"........"Oh well. I love it! It'll look great in my game" "My Sim ______ needs this for their house" I think you get the picture and can guess which side wins. I can make some pretty nice homes using maxis.......but I can make some AWESOME homes using custom content. I wouldn't be able to make my stories seem as real had it not been for custom content. I wrote a story about a family who camped 24/7 all year long.......but I did it before Bon Voyage came out. I would not be able to write the story about Matt Wheeler who uses a wheelchair like I do if not for the talents of windkeeper to make the wheelchairs he has, & then tdyannd was nice enough to make a shower-chair to make my story even more like "real life". So I find myself having load of ideas as to what I want to do with the stuff I got and then rather than just being content to play with those things I surf the net because "you never know what you'll find". I just hope I don't kill my computer......it's the only one I've got & since I've got a limited income I don't have the money to buy a new one (it would have to be a laptop because I go back and forth from laying down in bed to being in the living room in my wheelchair). So am I the only "download junkie" or am I just the worst? But hey if there is anyone out there who is even worse than me & has even more than 70,000 files I'd love to know........so I can turn in my crown as "Download Diva". (I bought it as a personal forum title)
Creativity low
Well basically I have tons of idea but am having a heap of trouble actually accomplishing much. :confused: I know it is mostly due to the fact that I don't feel all that great I know has a whole lot to do with it. :( And that really sucks because even though the things I make are not that popular I still enjoy making & sharing them. ;) So even if a lot I make only gets a dozen downloads that's till "OK" with me........a dozen people liked it & are enjoying it in their game. :cool: But me is creative and "bubbly". :D So my not knowing what to do or not feeling like making anything.......isn't.......me. :confused: Got plenty of meds......but if I'm medicated enough to not hurt I'm kinda loopy & only operating at "1/2 pwer". So for those Matt & Jenny fans that have not given up on there being more chapters I thank you. :wub: For those who downloaded the pets & lots I've made........it made my day knowing that they're liked......even 1 or 2 people is still just as special. :)
And as for the owchies.......well I'm just trying to keep the mind busy & hope it eases up. :cool:
Why is it & what if.
I know that I myself am somewhat guilty of it myself. What is "it" you ask? Well I've noticed over & over & over again that the numbers just don't seem fair. When I look on any given item or set; I notice that there are loads of downloads, only a handfull of "thank you"s (the thank you button) and hardly any comments telling artists what people think of their work. Well obviously a lot more people donwload than ever bother to click the "thank you" button OR leave a nice comment.
So here is my question: What would happen if artists pulled any & all items they made but for which you did not bother to thank them or leave a comment about it? I know I personally would loose quite a bit of things that I really do like. For the most part these things would be single items (NO this does NOT make it "OK" for me or anybody to do) & also a lot of items from other web-sites.
OK not all sites make it that easy to figure out how to thank the person, and others are in a forieghn language. But why is it this way for TSR where it is super easy to find how to thank the artists? I do not know how to make anything for the Sims in the way of custome content downloads, so if it were not for the wonderful talent of the Sims2 community we would be stuck with 100% MAXIS! When was the last time you played with NOTHING in your game?
And one other thing that I think many downloaders forget about is that each and every one of the artists is a REAL person, whith a real life and feelings and a few kind words can make their day. Seeing as they spend a lot of time and effort in making the custom content we all enjoy so much, I don't think that taking a few minutes to give our thanks and appreciation is too much to ask. And since it takes them hours or days or more to make the custom content, I think less than 5 minutes to click the "thank you" button, and SAY something nice in the comments is NOT asking all that much.
Have you stopped by to say hello and thank your favorite artists lately? :wub:
An outside lite I had IRL on my front porch a few years ago.
This is just an extely rough drawing of a porch light I had back about 8 or 9 yrs ago, I thought "I'd love to have a porchlight like that for my Sims to use"........so hopefully this is something "do-able". :)
creations by hiedibear75!
For anyone coming to my mini-site looking for lots and pets.....I currently have 182 lots,& 43 pets. I'm constantly creating. (NO this is NOT a complaint about TSR) TSR was having a bit of trouble keeping up with the # of items I have available, but I make so many it's not surprising. :D For anyone looking for new hiedibear75 creations please look under the appropriate category and just type in my screen-name, or for those of you who have already gotten my earlier creations......just look on my page.....although the #s may not coincide the latest creations will be available. :D If there are any requests for specific kind of lots just leave then in my GB with a detailed description of what you are hoping to have built (type of lot, color, price range, that kind of thing.....though cheaper homes are NOT my forte). For pets please contact me for specifics. Thanks to everyone who have downloaded my creations and a special thanks to all those who took the time to say thanks and/or leave a nice comment....they really make my day & make all the headache of putting the packages together and uploading worth while. :)
Since TSR has been able to keep up to date & accurate account of the # of downloads.........so I see no need to keep updating this particular blog. Tremndous thanks to all you who download my work.
Fan club
By signing "I love the stories and WANT you to let me know a new one is on the way".
Only cuz I don't want to bother those who aren't really all that into it. ;)
I have lost yet another computer & the one I have now will NOT allow me to have any custom content at all let alone meshes. So I my appologies but much to my sadness Matt & Jenny are essentially no more. :(
Well a TSRian can never have too many kudos. :D Some of us are in need of kudos more so than others. SO.....if you're in need of kudos sign your name and let me know if you're going for a specific goal or just in general. And of course there have already been some people willing to help me get some for other members SO.....if you're a member willing to help other members sign in along with the name of someone with a poll or just that you're willing to help. ;)
TSR is full of fuzzy warm SIM-ers......and I'm sure it'll show. :)
Keep checking back to see and/or add to the list of current polls by adding a comment.
My friend & roomie KarenKarie came up with a challenge for everyone ELSE to try. So since I'm not the only one in our little circle trying it I thought I'd post MY progress.I started the Sim in question as a toddler. Since she wanted the Sim to get ALL the badges including the sales and stocking etc. I'll have him run "Ethan Allen's" I named him Ethan Allen just for that reason. :D
Nursery rhyme
Potty trained
Made best friends with BOTH mom & dad
Grew up well
Had a great birthday party
Membership to Will's garage
Best friends with big sis
BFF with BOTH parents
Learned to study
Maxed mechanical skills
Bronze fishing badge
Membership to My Muse II art studio
Maxed creativity
Membership to nature club
Silver fishing badge
Got A+
Gold fishing badge
Got into private school
Grew Up Well (forgot to throw a party)
Sold Masterpiece
Quigly Visual Arts Stipend
Sim City Scholarship (for good grades)
Engineering Award
Got A Job
Science Club Membership
Gaming Club Membership
Maxed Logic Skill
Genius Grant
Met Aliens
Dug Up Treasure Chest
Alien Reparations Grant
Learn Local Greeting (To Bow)
Top Of Teen Law Career
Found Magic Lamp
Became Over Achiever
Young Entrepreneurs Award
Maxed Charisma
Gordon Communications Fellowship
Earned $5,000
Cooking Club Membership
Learned How To Make Pork Chops
Learned How To Make Omelets
Cooking Scholarship
Tsang Fancy Footwork Scholarship
Bronze Garden Badge
Silver Garden Badge
Maxed Cooking Skill
I'll add to as I accomplish. Or I'll just delete it if Karie keeps it up. >:~}
How to use clean pak installer
My favorite cows needed some help with clean pak and maybe others do as well.CleanPak Installer can be found at the web site Mod The Sims 2 (MTS2) for no cost. Once you've gotten it downloaded and installed you'll be ready to get started.
When you 1st bring it up there is a little gray bar with an arrow next to it, you'll want to click that arrow so the gray bar says "download" instead. This tells the program to search the entire folder......the more files the longer it'll take and so you may need to go bake some "chochy bikkies" or read a book if you're a download junkie. After it has come up with a number of files click "MD5" ONE TIME, this arranges the files by file# and so things with the same MD5# is most likely a copy. Anything pink is a copy or empty package meaning you're missing the mesh or some other essential part. Red files are global hacks. Just highlight any duplicate or empty files then delete(once you delete using cleanpak you can NOT undo & it does NOT go to recycle bin!).
Any more help needed or if anyone doesn't understand just let me know.
My next wall attempt. 1/2 way decent?
These are a ROUGH draft of a wall idea I have. When I get homecrafter to load I'll fix up the coloring of the walls. I just want to show off the color scheme and pattern for the mo. ;)