hiedibear75's Blog
Matt & Jenny
I have NOT will not give up. I got so far as making a young Jenny and her family for my Matt & Jenny story........when I did I noticed I couldn't pull up the "cheat window". I put in an "sos" in the forum; hopefully someone can figure out why I can't and how to fix it. I had fun with making Matt & Jenny, although they're not going to look exactly the same.......I should be able to keep 14 out of 20 happy.LOL :D Well that is IF I can get that one problem fixed.......thanks for everyone's patience.1 Cosmos 1 Community
I started off wanting to make a small shopping center for my sims to go. Then I thought "they need a grocery store", and "I sure could use a hotel that has a couple rooms for larger families"..........one thing led to another. This went from BIG to HUGE and now we're at GIANT! I'll just give the list of names........you should be able to figure out what type of business or community lot they are by that.(FYI get a cup of coffee.........it's a long one):
#1 Cozy Crater Inn,
#2 Out Of This World Family Dining,
#3 Everything Under The Sun Flowers + ,
#4 Planet Earth Produce,
#5 Shooting Star Toys,
#6 Wish Upon A Star Pets,
#7 Asteroid Arcade,
#8 Saturn Skating Rink,
#9 Comet Bowling Alley,
#10 Dark Side Of The Moon Night Club,
#11 Star Base Billiards,
#12 Warp 10 Work Outs,
#13 Galaxy Gifts,
#14 The Commander's Closet,
#15 Polarity Park,
#16 Lunar Lakes,
#17 Outer Rings Ice-skating,
#18 Super Nova Electronics
; and if there are any others I come up with I'll add them (as if this wasn't big enough LOL ) and if there is some kind of business you're just "dying to have" let me know what it is and I'll try and add something.
#19 Star Dust Make-Overs,
#20 Milky Way Massages
I'll keep adding too this project once Free Time comes out.......I'd like to try having a mechanic shop.;) If I can I'll be calling it "Interstellar Engines". ;)
I've gotten to play around with the new Free Time EP & love it! Well there is the draw back of my computer NOT liking all these Sim games + cc. Unfortunately for me.......it sucks; fortunately for those of you who liked the project so far AND are/have gotten the Free Time EP.....it MAKES me use MAXIS in MY OWN building........so I'm getting more and more used to NOT (gulp) having cc.
What's GREAT about being in a wheelchair.
Mostly people think of being in a wheelchair and only think of the negative. There are a ton of negatives out there of course like people using a handicapped spot "for just a few minutes" which sucks! Don't do it! But hardly anyone thinks of anything GOOD about it.......so let me fill you in and hopefully you'll get a chuckle out of them. ;) :)#1) Shoes last a REALLY LONG TIME.;)
#2) You NEVER get asked to help a friend move. :P
#3) Sitting on your ass all day is not only accepted......it's expected. LOL
#4) The parking is great! (so long as it's not being abused by someone Able-Bodied)
#5 When going to a show if you didn't like the performer........it doesn't matter that you didn't give them a standing ovation......you didn't want to give it anyway and hey......you DON'T LOOK rude. :D
#6 When going to amusement parks...........front of the line baby. :P ;) :)
#7 Oh speaking of lines or lack there of.......hardly any waiting at the DMV either. ;) :D
#8) Bus fair is reduced.
#9) I never have to worry about there being any gum on the bottom of MY CHAIR.........well maybe occasionally my wheels. ;)
#10) I can shop without moving a muscle. Now how many of you ladies can say that (excluding internet or home shopping channels). ;)
#11) You're always sure to leave an impression on people........and it's not always referring to the tread marks a crossed people's shoes. ROTFL
Any other gimps out there feel free to add on one of your own. And yes of course Able-Bodied people can leave a comment too. :P I love walkies. :P After all.......some of my best friends are walkies. ;) :P :)
#12) When you have to wait for 30min+ at the cell phone store........you're the ONLY one with a seat. ;) :P
My stories
I am hoping to recreate the stories I had been doing. I've had nothing but computer problems however (the reason why new stories haven't been done since late 2007)! With the installation of the new EP Free Time my computer has decided to go on a major cc diet......like practically anorexic. (I've had to get a couple of "NEEDED" hacks......and my computer isn't very happy about it. I'm not sure how many meshes my computer will allow me to have and still run. The Camper family isn't too big a problem ( there would be some changes like in their home....but THEY should look and seem pretty much the same.....I hope). The story with Matt Wheeler on the other hand......may be a bit harder; it of course requires the custom content of windkeeper's wheelchair and a hack that allowed me to use the backpack while on community lots (with boolprop but with BV I lost some BV abilities if THAT hack was in.....so it was a "Matt & Jenny" hack for me)...... <----those are a necessity to pull off making their story at all. So for those of you who'd like to see these stories come back.........keep your fingers crossed.......I'm tryin.You know you are a sims addict when..........
I was simming with my best-friends Laurie & Karen; Laurie started falling asleep while on the phone simming with us, which is what got Karen & I talking about and laughing about our sims addiction. I'm sharing what KAREN & I came up with; plus she doesn't have a mini-site yet.YOU KNOW YOU'RE ADDICTED TO SIMS WHEN:
#1)You fall asleep at your computer playing sims.
#2)You see buildings in REAL life and think to yourself "hey I can make that!".
#3)You went out and bought a baby name book....not cuz you were expecting......you needed it to name your sims. ;)
#4)You talk about your sims as if they're "real" people.
#5) You like the sims' furnishings better than your own.
#6) If you've ever wished "if only I could motherlode my bills away".
#7) You talk for hrs on the phone and the whole topic of conversation is the sims.
#8) You construct houses for the sims while you dream.
#9) You wonder why your "real life" pets can't go to work and bring home a paycheck.
#10) You wish your pets were as easily trainable as sim pets.
#11) You say "my energy bar is in the orange or red" vs. "I'm tired".