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hiedibear75's Guestbook

maxi kingNov 6, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!Thats sounds horrible,the poor animal!\:\(I only use the Front-Line one,witch is expensive,we have to get one for the cat and two differen once for the dogs because of the size but luckely I don't need it often.The last time was a view years back!\;\)It is raining here alot the past day's but it's got a bit warmer again.The coldest month over here is January!i wish you a wonderful day my friend!TC,huge hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Nov 5, 2010

\:o \:o That should have been lunderwear..lol \:o < makes note GET NEW BRAIN \:o :P

ziggy28Nov 5, 2010

\:o Grrr lunderware??? \:o ..lol stewpid keyboard \;\)

ziggy28Nov 5, 2010

\:D Hiya!!! Im really pleased you like my new banner and avatar, it was soooooo pretty I had to use it \:D Ermm,,, you know the washing machine cycle,,, well you can pick at setting on the washing machine,  but it doesnt say lace!!! \:P I think the downloaders like my new lunderwear set the lacy one, I have had over 600 sets downloaded already today...Makes all the hard work worth while \:D I agree with you about creating items, I only make items I like \:D I dont think I would do such a good job on creations if I didnt like them \;\) There alot of fireworks going off here tonight, bonfire night, but its raining \:\( We were going to go over to Keiths brothers and have a bonfire and fireworks tonight too, but It says no rain tomorrow so we are going to have the bonfire and fireworks tomorrow night now \:P I hope you get your walls all zipped up \:D I will catch you tomorrows \:D TC ((((hugs)))) \:wub\: Lorraine

maxi kingNov 5, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!Thank you for letting me know about Denise! At least it is the internet and not her being ill!I'm so happy that she feels a bit better now!\:DI do know how it is with a brother of mine,he didn't like school at all and rather did not allowed stuff!Bit troubles all the time!He is 39 years old now,didn't learn anything and doesn't work!I didn't speak to him in over 10 years now!\:oI hope you can upload your wall ok,you doing a great job with them,if i would still play sims2,I would have alot of yours!\:rah\:I wish you a good sleep and a wonderful day!Huge hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

BillsAngelNov 4, 2010

Hi Hiedi \:D I love the Patchwork sets you've been sharing with us! Very cute \:wub\: I also wanted to thank you again for all of your help with teaching me how to create sets. I hope you & your family had a fun Halloween \:D We have candy coming out of our ears over here!! Have a great weekend sweetie \:wub\:

ziggy28Nov 4, 2010

\:D Hiya!! You would think Maxis would have made the wall without the wood at the bottom too, peeps like to do 2 story walls \:rolleyes: Im glad you got it the wallpaper sorted \:D What have you got lined up next? I have been trying to think what next for my clothing. I have got loads of pictures lined up..I just have to make them and now that the stuff pack and EP have been updated in the workshop I have new meshes to play about with \:D You know sometimes when I make pictures I think members will love this set, but Im surprised they dont like them as much as a different set which I liked but didnt think the members would like as much, I hope you understood me there \:D I have made a new banner and avatar \:D Catch you laters Hiedi \:wub\: (((((hugs)))) Lorraine

maxi kingNov 4, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!I'm glad you had a nice day!Over here it got a bit warmer but rainy and windy as well!So not that nice at all!My hubby feels a bit better,thank you.But you probely know men are terrible when they ill!I wish you more of these lovely day's!Tc,hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

hatshepsutNov 4, 2010

Hi Hiedi and thank you for commenting on my Fancy Brick set, I hope you have fun using them. \:D

ziggy28Nov 3, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Im glad you liked my knickers..lol (not my personal one folks)..lol We dont have thanksgiving here, but we do have bonfire night with on 5th November \;\) We dont need a turkey for that \;\) We have the turkey at Christmas \;\) I have been looking at your lastest wallpapers \:D They are all very warm and cute for the nursery \:wub\: Loved them \:D Thank you for your comments on my ballet paintings, Im not sure if I will make them for TS2, I havent fired up my TS2 game for months now. I am still enjoying playing TS3 even with all the bugs..lol I didnt play it for about 3 months, but I really like the new EP \:D Keep up the lovely work with your walls \:wub\: Catch you tomorrow TC (((hugs))) Lorraine

jsfNov 3, 2010

Hi Hiedi, I was so happy to see your comment on my Federal Blues set.\:D Its great to hear from you again, thanks so much \:wub\:  I've missed you and I hope all is well with you and your family. Hugs, judi

BBKZNov 2, 2010

Hey, Hiedi \:\) Thank you for taking time and commenting my creations. I'm glad you like them. Enjoy and happy simming \:\) Barb

ziggy28Nov 2, 2010

\:D Hiya hun !!! How's the back?? \:o No more scary movies for you \;\) Its wasn't Thriller you was watching was it? Body popping? \;\) What yer like \:P And how is the cat did your mom sort it? Im not a big horror/scary movie fan, coz they are usually so predictable. I used like the ones with Pin Head in them \;\) I prefere comedy ones \:P I have a new set of underwear in my upcomming pod if you want to take a looky \:D Catch you laters TC ((((hugs)))) Lorraine\:wub\:

lmc69101Nov 2, 2010

Thank you so much for the wonderful comment on my "Fruity" wallpaper set. It feels so good to be able to share my walls I just wish I would have done it sooner as I have needed this (one thing I can actually still do) \:\)

ziggy28Nov 1, 2010

\:D \:o Hiya..lol Im back to my normal self now \:o ..lol We had a great night at the halloween party..was really funny, Diane, Keiths daugther was still at work when we arrived and Paul her partner was taking care of things, well there was a lot of trick or treaters calling at the door and Paul was answering the door to their guests, only he didnt know all of Diane's freinds who she had invited, so he ending up inviting in some trick or treaters who he thought were Diane's freinds.lol He guy said ' Were only trick or treaters'..lol Was very funny he wont live that one down for along time..lol Keith will put the pics up on FB at some time \;\) I hope you had a good night too last night \:wub\: Yes we do know Dolly Parton here in the UK \;\) And yes thats what I meant the sims now could look like her \:P Did you manage to catch the last cat???  Catch you laters TC (((((hugs)))))\:wub\:  Lorraine

ziggy28Nov 1, 2010

\:eek\: I have to get up in the morning, Cersy goes back to school after half term \:eek\: \:rolleyes:

ziggy28Nov 1, 2010

Hiya !! I have \:P jst got back from that halloween party \:P I can just about type this \:P I am so far gone \:eek\: I will have to  catchy up with you when I am more with it \:o Night night night sleep tight \:wub\: TC Lorraine (((hugs)))))

ziggy28Oct 31, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Yes that place would great for your sons birtday \:D If he makes 13 that is \:P You know what you were saying about you are careful what clothes you have in your game coz your son eyes them up, well, how can I put this tactfully, ermm in the new TS3 ep they have added new sliders for the boobs and boy all I can say is that  sims can now have big future in front of them \:P So maybe TS3 might be a little to much for your son \;\) Ihavent really done any creating today,, I have been playing my game. Its still buggy for me though \:\( Oh well not much I can do, I checked in the forums, others are having the same problems too \;\) Well I will catch you latters \:wub\: I may not be around tomorrow, got that halloween party \:rolleyes: TC (((((hugs)))) Lorraine \:wub\:

maxi kingOct 30, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!How are you?I'm still busy!The whether is a little better over here!Have a fun Halloween weekend!TC,hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Oct 30, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Keith has bought me the new EP for TS3, Late Night. Highrise buildings, new hood, new clothes, furniture, building tools and vampires!!! \:D I have been having a play with a new sim in the new hood \:D So far so good \:D I havent created anything to day \:P Just been having fun with my game \:D Have you had a good day? OOO yes I checked your pics out on FB I asked Keith to leave a message from me on them \:D Nice to see you all getting out and having some fun \:wub\: And eating \:D It looked a fun place to visit \;\) Im glad you enjoyed your evening out \:wub\: We dont have anything like that around here, but I expect there are places like that in London..\;\) We Im going to have a look around the forums, so I will catch you tomorrows \:wub\: Night hunnie TC ((((hugs)))) Lorraine\:wub\:

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