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hiedibear75's Guestbook

ziggy28Oct 28, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Thank you for all the lovely things you said about my creations, new and old \:wub\: I havent a clue how to tell which wallpapers came with what expansion pack either \:confused\: It is important? .....Wouldnt flee power be better for your cats or here you can get lke a liquid that you put on the back of the cats neck (where they cant lick) to get rid of flees, or someone with need iron gloves to wash them \:P They stratch terribly..\;\) I used to have cats, 6 infact, but they got to much for me.... I just have Casper now and a pond of fish \:D You know there is nothing stopping you getting TS3, you dont have to stop playing TS2 just because you have TS3 and if you really dont like it you could sell it?? Just a thought \;\) There is loads of CC out there now for TS3 and with some of the CC even the sims dont look as ugly as they did\;\) But saying that I do still prefere the sims in TS2. I miss the weather on TS2 I wish they would do weather for TS3\:\( People make me mad, they always blame the parents when the kids are bad \:mad\: A parent cant be with their kids 24/7 even if they live with them, its just not possible and you cant keep them in the house at all times \:rolleyes: .....I hope you are managing to get though your creations while is it dry \:D Its not a bad day here,, dry, cloudy at the moment but they said it was going to brighten up later, we shall see \:\)  Jessica  my middle daughter has picked up Cerys and taken her back to hers for the day today \:D She will think she is deaf later when we pick Cerys up \:P But its nice and quiet here \:rah\: Keith is on his Little Big Planet on the psp3 making a Halloween game \:D And I am going to finish up washing and drying some clothes then I might have a go at making something, dont know what yet...I was messing about with a boob tube top, I might have a look at that and see if I can improve it \:D Bye for now TC \:wub\: (((((hugs))))) Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 28, 2010

\:D Hiya!! What yer like \:P Its ok hun no problems \:wub\: Just be thankful the 13th not on a Friday \:eek\: \:P You should have crossed yer legs till the 14th  \;\) \:P Cricky bathing cats !!! We dont bath cats in uk unless you are the cat that belonged to my friend Lynne, her cat was a silly thing...It used to sneak upstairs and sit the in the sink, it LOVED to be bathed \:wacko\: And she LOVED cucumber!!! Very strange cat indeed...\:P Well its nearly midnight here so I will catch you again tomorrow \:wub\: (((((hugs)))) TC Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 27, 2010

\:D Hiya hun \:wub\: Im sorry you are having all this trouble with your son \:\( I think there comes a point where you just have to let them go, they have to learn to take responsabilty for their actions and learn from their mistakes. You just have to hope they do learn \:wub\: Thank you Hiedi for the lovely comments you left me on my new Underwired Teddy \:D I care what you think about my creations, so your comments mean alot to me, thank you \:wub\: I like making the preview pics, I just hate taking the pics in game in camera mode, you only have to knock the mouse and you end up someone else's garden!!..\:P That bit drives me nuts \:P I hope you have a great sleep...I will catch you laters ((((((hugs))))))) TC Lorraine \:wub\:

ziggy28Oct 26, 2010

\:D Here is my lastest clothing item.....http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/ziggy28/downloads/details/category/sims3-clothing-female/title/underwired-teddy/id/1019096/ .......I know you like to check things out \;\) TC ((((hugs))) Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 26, 2010

\:D Hiya hun \:wub\: Yeah kids ah you cant wait to have them and then when they are older you wonder why you bothered \:P When you have a girl you imagine dressing her in pretty clothes and all she wants is to wear jeans and jogging pants..lol And boys oh boy!!! You never know what they are up to, when Lloyd was about your son's age he used to say me 'Mom Im going to Lee's (that was he mate and co-accuseed in the crime!!)' Ok I would say, only till one day I needed him for something so had to ring Lee's home, oh said his mom 'Lee told me he was going to Lloyd's!!' ....I felt like banging their heads together \:rolleyes: Kids sure a handful and the rest!!! But Lloyd grew up ok in the end \:D And he used to bunk off school too, so been there, read the book, had the tshirt as we say in the UK, you are not alone with kids problems \;\) Im sure he will turn out ok \:D TC I hope you have a good nap and wake up feeling more with it \:wub\: ((((((hugs)))))) Lorraine \:wub\:

ziggy28Oct 25, 2010

\:D Hiya hun.... It sounds like you had a nice time out...\:wub\: Im glad the rain stopped for you to be able to have trip out \:wub\: Here today is has been really sunny \:D But cold \:D Cerys is on half term for week \:D At least she has loads of things to keep her amused, that she had for her birtday \:D You will never guess what she really wanted as one of the presents....A boxing punch ball and gloves \:eek\: ..lol So I can now here bash, bash, bash, bash,..lol Coming from her bedroom.....lol I hope you are having a good day Hiedi \:wub\: TC (((((hugs))))) Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 24, 2010

\:D Hiya Hiedi, sorry Im late getting back to you today, buts it was Cerys's birthday...Been busy, busy \:D I think she had a nice time today, lots to eat and lots to play with and dress in \:D I hope you got you head cleared in the end \:wub\: I wont stay long now coz its 1.26 am\:eek\: Im shattered I will catch you tomorrow TC \:wub\: (((((hugs)))) Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 20, 2010

\:D Hiya hunnie \:wub\: OMG!!! We had to scrape the ice of the windscreen this morning \:eek\: I told you it was getting cold here!! They have forecast snow in Scotland\:eek\: I want the summer back \:\( You last winter here was the coldest winter for 31 years \:eek\: I hope it isnt going to be a really bad winter again here this year \:\( It costs a fortune in heating bills \:\( Cerys went to a Halloween disco after school today\:D She went as a cat \:P Ohhh here is the link for my lastest dress, its an evening gown, it wont be available till Friday, its in my upcomming pod \:D :-----   http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/ziggy28/downloads/details/category/sims3-clothing-female/title/elegant-evening-gown/id/1017444/ Today I have been making more paintings, I will approve them laters \;\) I hope you day has been a good one \:wub\: Keith was gonna go fishing today \:P He's glad he didnt now \:P TC ((((hugs))) catch you laters \:wub\: Lorraine

maxi kingOct 20, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!In big city's they have halloween party's!There more and more every year so maybe one day we have it same as you!\:DThe whether here is wet and cold,not nice at all!\:\(All my kids are doing well in what they do in the moment but I would be the same!\;\)And there will be times again when they don't want to get up in the mornings!Oh well!\;\)I wish you a wonderful and not too stormy day!TC,hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Oct 20, 2010

\:D Hiya hun... I hope that thunder has passed now \:D I thought we were going to have thunder here today too...I went really really dark and tipped it down \:eek\: Just as it was time to get Cerys from school, typical \:mad\: It her birthday on Saturday \:D Still havent clue what to get her \:confused\: And on the 31st we have been invited to a halloween party \:eek\: and its fancy dress \:eek\: We want a bought fancy dress for me, keith and cerys \:P I bet it rains, its going to be at Keiths daughters, they are having it outside and having a bonfire and fireworks too..or snows \;\) \:P I will catch you tomorrow hunnie \:wub\: TC (((hugs))) Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 19, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! Its ok Hiedi, the site does that to me too \:mad\: Now when ever I type a long comment out I always copy the text because Im afraid the site will go down just as I post it and then I lose the lot, it seems to happen alot lately to me \:mad\: It drives me mad too \:rolleyes: Not to worry hun, I will catch up with you soon \:wub\: TC (((hugs))) Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 18, 2010

\:wub\: Its ok hun \:D Still lubs yer \:wub\: Have a good sleep \:D TC ((((hugs)))) Lorraine

maxi kingOct 16, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!We don't do Halloween like you do!But we have something like it later in the year!My son will love it!Well,sleep well and enjoy your game tomorrow!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Oct 16, 2010

\:o OLD omg I meant COLD!! Stupid keyboard!! \:o :P

ziggy28Oct 16, 2010

\:D Hiya hun... Let me see 'joint of smoked gammon' ...joint= piece of meat, in this case gammon=ham, and it was smoked..and I cooked it in the oven, I roasted it...I hope you can understand this explanation \:D Im surprised you hadnt seen that video from Simsdeignavenue, its a few years old now, very good and very funny though \:P Im sorry to hear your game crashed on you \:\( My game of TS3 does it to me too...and usually just before I was gonna save it \:mad\: Makes you wanna scream!!! and then I dont wanna play my game because when I got so far with my game and it crashes I think OMG all that work, and all those hours wasted, it makes me not want to play for a very long time!!! Infact that is the reason I havent played my game of TS3 for about 3months \:\( I know what you mean trying to find familes, Im the same \:P Its old and bright here, no rain for a change \;\) Catch you soon hun \:wub\: TC (((hugs))) Lorraine

topaz27Oct 16, 2010

Hi Hiedi, I love your new butterfly wall sets \:wub\: thank you so much for sharing them \:\) I hope you and all your family are keeping well and wishing you a wonderful weekend \:wub\: lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:

maxi kingOct 16, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!I wish you a wonderful weekend!I hope you feeling ok or even better my friend!I love the butterfly wall's!They look realy lovely!It's been cold here and a bit wet,not too much!TC,huge hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Oct 15, 2010

\:D Hiya!! I havent done much today...I have cooked a big joint of smoked gammon, mmmmmm it melts in the mouth \:P And I have made some tshirts for halloween for TSR:P  and lost at bingo on line\:\( Oh well never mind \;\) What have you been doing today? And its FRIDAY yeah!!! These weeks are going really fast dont you think ? Its been a really dark day here, murky, but not damp. I hope its better weather with you \:wub\: Im going to watch TV for a bit now \;\) I will catch you laters \:wub\: TC ((((((hugs)))))) Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 15, 2010

\:D Hiya hun \:wub\: Yes I did get a good sleep last night, I went to bed at 10.20pm \:eek\: very early for me I know \:P I have out most of the day at Keith brothers, been helping out there...\:rolleyes: Soooo I havent done any sim stuff today \:\( I will have to have a go tomorrow now...Its late here is 23.54pm so Im going to head off to bed \:wub\: TC ((((hugs)))) xxxxx Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 12, 2010

\:wub\: Night Hiedi .....Your green wall is lovely too, nice shade \:D Sleep well \:wub\: TC ((((hugs))) Lorraine

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