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hiedibear75's Guestbook

ziggy28Oct 12, 2010

\:D Hiya, was nice to chat to you \:wub\: As I was saying I think your walls are great and I think what ever colour you do them in they will still be great \:rah\: As you know I have been learning to re-texture clothes, well to do this I have had to learn yet another graphic's programme \:eek\: Adobe PhotoShop 7\:eek\: It similar to psp7 but also very different and Im learning that with Adobe you have to work in layers and channels, but I needed to learn this because you need layers and channels when re-tetexurising clothes, so I been trying to learn Abobe and how to do the clothes. That is why I think it is taking me so long with the clothing, I would be pithering about looking for where things are on adobe and by the time I found what I was looking for I couldnt remember why I wanted it,,,,sooooooo....I kept refering back to the tutorial too..lol Anyways I have bored you enough \:P I will catch you laters \:wub\: TC ((((hugs)))) Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 11, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! I hope you managed to have a good sleep \:wub\: Its now 9.34pm and I can feel myself falling asleep \:eek\: I didnt have a very good sleep last night, I seemed to toss and turn and wake up and turn over and over again..and I kept thinking the alarm clock was going off and would wake up but the alarm wasnt going off\:mad\: I should sleep like a brick tonight \:cool\: I made a lamb stew today, something I hadnt made for years and years, I had forgotten how nice it was \:D I had a go at a clothing item today, but Im so tired I will have to leave that till some other time \:rolleyes: Two of my grandchildren have been poorly over the weekend, they have got a sickness bug, it seems to be going around at the moment \:puke\: There is also Chickpox going around, Cerys hasnt had that yet \:eek\: Keith has been playing director again with the video's and posted another one on FB, its a different style you will have to have a look \;\) I will have a look at your walls when they are in your upcomming pod \:wub\: I will catch you tomorrow \:wub\: ((((((hugs)))))) TC Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 10, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Ohhh she's back now its 22.34pm and is suposed to be going to bed but she is driving us nuts!!!!\:mad\: She has too much energy!!!I wish I could find where they put the batteries \;\) A hormonal teenage boy not good \:eek\: Good luck with that \:P If its not your sims he is looking at Im sure he will find something to look at,,, at least sims aint real..lol I wouldnt worry to much until he discovers the bathroom and starts to have a wash without being told to have one.....then I would worry\:P ...Girls on the scene..\:P Lloyd was always in the bathroom grooming himself..I said to him 'are you ill???' he says 'no why?' I said 'because you keep having a wash and washing yer hair'..lol Were we like this as teenagers?I dont think so.. \;\) ...I have got to go throught all again with Cerys!!!\:eek\: If she lives that long!!!\:P You sound like you are getting along nicely with your walls, nearly finished them \:wub\: You can never have to many walls \:wub\: Well I will catch you tomorrows \:wub\: TC (((((hugs))))) Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 10, 2010

\:D Hiya!!! Your butterfly walls look really nice, I checked them out in FB. I tried to chat to you but you didnt answer, I think maybe you had gone to bed or you were busy..\:wub\: I think they will look great in any colour, and having them in lots of colours gives peeps a lot of choice \:D I dont know where they fly RC planes around here, but they used to fly them in a park  nearly to where I used to live in Birmingham, there was an accident and I think it was a little girl who was killed by one \:eek\: I dont know if they still fly them there now, but I do know if you want to fly them here you have to have insurance to cover accidents like what happpened..was such a shame so sad \:\( They can be very dangerous \;\) Cerys has gone to grannys, they have just go back to my moms \:D Its quite a nice day here now, Keith was going to go fishing today, he got all the gear ready and when he got up it was so miserable he didnt bother to go, but now it has really turned into a nice bright sunny day..I expect he will go in the week some time....Did you see Keiths latest video on FB it is a a time lapse video of the sky as seen from our garden..\;\) Take a look at it, he set the video camera to take a pic every 10 seconds for about 2 hours then you play them like a video and you can see the result.\:D Good luck with finishing your walls \:D TC ((((((hugs)))))))\:wub\: Lorraine

pierreandreply4Oct 10, 2010

your welcome and happy simming to you as well

ziggy28Oct 8, 2010

\:D Hiya hun ,,,, Im really pleased you are having some nice weather \:D I hope you managed to have a go at doing your walls \:wub\: Keith used to make RC planes from kits years ago, but we havent got the room for him to do that now....My daughter Jessica used to love her RC car she wore it out..\:P And then she out grew it, but we kept it and and just the other week Keith had a go at fixing it and it works fine again now...Cerys loves it \:D My son bought a petrol RC kit but he still hasnt finished it, he is always working...He came over last night straight from work and had his tea with us...It was nice to see him, have been seeing him a lot recently \:D Casper goes mental when he comes over he loves LLoyd..lol He will be 26 in december, god it makes you feel old \:eek\: ..lol Anyways catch you soon (((((hugs))))) \:wub\: Lorraine

maxi kingOct 7, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedy!I wish you a wonderful day!TH,hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Oct 7, 2010

\:D Hiya!! I know I have trouble keeping up with my family too\:P I didn't make the mesh no,, Im not that good \:\( Have to learn to crawl before I can walk let alone run \;\) Not that I have any intention of making meshes, but there again I didn't think I would be re-texturing clothes, so I will never say never \:D Im sorry you didnt feel up to finishing your butterfly wallpaper\:wub\:  I like my MP3 player too, but not just for music, I like to listen to audio books on it too, when I dont fall asleep listening to them in bed :P  I download them off the net, there are alot of free ones out there \:D TTFN I hope you have a better day today and no rain \:wub\: ((((hugs)))) Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 5, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! Thank you \:wub\: Im glad you like my undies/swimwear for little girls \:D I wish I could make you feel better \:wub\: Or make the sunshine for you \:wub\: You are a very special and dear person to be my friend and hate to hear of you in all this pain \:wub\: \:wub\: I hope you feel up to having a go at making your cc laters \:wub\: I can upload clothes again \:rah\: Here is a link to my lastest clothes......http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/ziggy28/downloads/details/category/sims3-clothing-female/title/yaa-j-mendel-silk-dress/id/1014148/........I have been waiting 5 days to submit them \:\( So yer better like them!!\:P Catch you laters (((((((hugs))))))))\:wub\: Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 4, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Im glad you are ok \:wub\: I was worried, 3 days is a long time for you not to come on here...\:eek\:   \:D I have looked at your wall pics, butterflies yes?? I like butterfly wallpapers, nice hun \:D There is the link for the last lot of clothing I made :-     http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/ziggy28/downloads/details/category/sims3-clothing-female/title/lace-effect-girls-underwear-swimwear/id/1012690/ Little girls undwear/swimwear..I have another 2 set of clothing made but I cant upload them there is a problem with uploading clothing for TS3 at the moment, I have been trying to upload them for four days now\:\(  Im glad those storms have gone \:D I will catch youl laters.. Go and get a nap if you have been up all night \:wub\: TC ((((hugs))))) Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 4, 2010

I hope you are ok \:wub\: I havent heard from you for 3 days \:\( TC ((((hugs)))) \:wub\: Lorraine

ziggy28Oct 1, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! I hope the storms calm down for the weekend\:D Its been raining all day here, since I got up and now its 1.35pm and its still raining\:\( But at least we havent been forcast any thunder and lighting\:D ERmm brush fires ah?? You will be ok as long as the brush dont get struck by lightening \;\) \:P \:P .....Your mom works really hard \:wub\: And all the driving would put wear and tear on Mike's vehicle too \;\) So in the long run it  flying probably works out cheaper than driving there \;\) ....Catch you laters... Got to do stuff like washup \:eek\:\:mad\:  ..lol TC (((((hugs))) Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 30, 2010

\:D Hiya hun \:wub\: We had a really bad thunderstorm last Friday, the thunder was tremenously loud \:eek\: and it seemed to last for ages, but there wasnt much lightening but lots of rain \;\) This time last year I was on standby to get to the hospital when Jessica went into labour, it was amazing seeing him being born \:wub\: He is walking every where now, this last year has gone so fast\:\( Im getting older by the minute \:P I hope you are having a good day \:wub\: Say hello to your Mom for me \:D TC ((((hugs))))\:wub\: Lorraine

MooSkittlezSep 29, 2010

HEy \:\) I'm the girl who had the cat named Skittles and yes I do play the sims a LOT and I have the sims 2 expansion pack for Pets. I look at your pets all the time and you have some really amazing creations! I never got the hang of creating stuff for the sims 2. it's quite hard! I envy people who do know how \:\)

ziggy28Sep 29, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! There is no pleasing some people...too cold....not hot enough.... too HOT :P\:wub\: I dont think I would like 100+degree's either... not we get it that hot here \;\) Im glad you are feeling well enought to have a build \:wub\: We have been friends on here for over 2 years now \:cool\: How time flies \;\) I have been cutting off the dead leaves and flower buds on the lilies today..between showers it has rained all day on and off here \:\( It is my grandson's 1st birthday on Friday, we are going over after Cerys has finished school for a little birthday party \:D TC (((((hugs)))) \:wub\: Lorraine

maxi kingSep 29, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!Well I hope you will be lucky and the thunderstorms will miss you!We having a sunny day for a change!We needed that after all that rain!Have a wonderful day my friend!TC,hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 28, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!Our whether wasn't nice at all the last view day's!Rain all the time and cold!We went to a bigfood show and I was happy as it ended as it was so cold and wet but the cars looked great!I hope it stays warm for you,so you get alot done!Hope you feeling well! We are all ok!Did you talk to Denise?I hope she isn't too bad,I think alot about you two and always hope it is warm and sunny at your place, least from the inside of your body!TC my friend!Lots of hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Sep 28, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Im glad that you liked the lilies \:D It was really pretty, it has closed up now I dont think it will open again now \:\( Oh well at least I had one bud that flowered \:D I was looking on your FB on Keiths account at your pic, I think your girls look like you \;\) And your son sure has grown, I dont think your mom looks her age \;\) I forgot to ask if she did get to go surfing? I have sorted my game out now as best as I could, and I have made a few more model sims, to show my clothes on. Yesterday I made a set of 3 lace effect underwear for little girls, they can be used as a two piece bathing suit too...I think Im getting there now!! Well I hope so anyways \:D Very time consuming making clothes, then you have to cut the sims out of the screen shots and paste them on your preview picture..It takes me ages..lol I hope you are having a fab day and feel up to getting into your game today \:wub\: Catch you laters TC ((((hugs))))\:wub\:  Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 26, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Sorry I had to rush off, granny was at the door to collect Cerys \:D So some peace this afternoon \:D ... I hope you like the pictures of the lily in my gallery \:D Keith has just posted a little home made video of cerys on her pogo stick..If you watch it make sure you watch it till the very end, there is some more after it says 'The End'..\:P Right well Im going to go and try and have a go at making some more clothes \;\) Catch you laters \:wub\: (((((hugs)))) Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 26, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Just letting you know have I put the water lily pictures in my gallery \:D Catch you laters \:wub\: TC (((hugs)))) Lorraine

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