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hiedibear75's Guestbook

ziggy28Sep 26, 2010

\:D Hiya hun \:wub\: I have had a look at your Meadowbrook Lane, its great \:rah\: I think your collages are really good too, because you dont have a lot of space to showcase your lot, I think you have done a really good job of it\:wub\:.....Cerys will be 8 in October, she had driven me spare today \:\( ....Im sorry you dont get to see your sis and niece as much as you would like \:wub\: I have a hell of a day with sim stuff... First my workshop stopped working properly, so unistalled/reinstalled/unistalled/reinstalled again and again... still no joy so I did a system restore \:eek\: Still didnt work \:mad\: and now my game has messed up and I have lost all my models that I made to show off my clothes \:\( I was trying to sort all this with Cerys driving me mad... she got her harmonica out and wouldnt shut up it...It drove the dog mad \:mad\: I had to threated to get up to her...\;\) She then stopped anoying us \:\) But by this time I had a headache trying to sort out the pc and her... Keith went fishing... I think next week I will go by myself and have some quiet too.... I dont mind Keith going fishing, I would only have to say dont go and he wouldnt go \:wub\: I will catch you tomorrow ... My head is still pounding so Im off to bed ....TC (((((((hugs)))))))\:wub\: Lorraine

BillsAngelSep 25, 2010

YAY to YOU! \:D \:D I think I figured it out! Thank you so much \:wub\: I hope you have a great weekend

maxi kingSep 25, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!I wish you a wonderful and painfree weekend!TC,hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Sep 25, 2010

\:D Hiya!! An ice cream cake ah \;\) Yours sisters daughter yes? When is it her birthday? Every thing is so commercial now, when I was little you had a cake baked yer mom\:P With the candles falling over on it \:P Will you get to see her on her birthday? You seem to be having a good day \:wub\: I hope you get to finish your collage tonight \:D I will look out for your new house \:D Im off to bed now, its midnight \;\) Catch you tomorrow \:D TC (((((((hugs)))))) \:wub\: Lorraine

BillsAngelSep 25, 2010

You make it sound easy enough!! Thank you so much

ziggy28Sep 24, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! We took him an eccles cake \;\) He likes them, I dont think you have them in the USA, they dont have cream in them, they are like a pastry stuffed with currants, like an individual cake not a big cake that peeps share. He didnt eat it!! And a box of jelly babies which he did eat \:D That dog didnt bark last night he started barking at about 6.30am instead \:mad\: Which set the dog off next door, then the refuse truck turned up, then my alarm went off..\:mad\: I hate early mornings..\:P Yeah!!! Saturday tomorrow \:rah\: Lie in \:rah\: Today I have been trying to learn re-texturing clothes for TS3 and I have managed to make a new top \:D I will blog about it laters so you can see it..It is my first attempt so no giggling!!! \:P I hope have managed to work on some of your idea's today \:wub\: I will catch you laters\:wub\:  TC (((((hugs)))) Lorraine

Cerulean TalonSep 24, 2010

Hi friend! Thank you for that very nice comment you left on my Butterfly Garden painted wall set. I *really* appreciated it! I read Rose is Rose, so baby talk is right up my alley! LOL Smiles & hugs, Ceri \:wub\:

BillsAngelSep 24, 2010

That would be great! \:wub\: I couldnt figure out how to do sets but Id like to. Thank you \:D

BillsAngelSep 23, 2010

Yeah thats a big reason! Not to mention the people who just use ems as a taxi service! GRRRRR!! I know what you mean about playing/creating to take your mind off the pain & boredom. It does help a little. The pain meds dont so much anymore \:\( Thank you so much for bookmarking me! \:D Im hoping to get a few more things out by Monday. Have a good day hon! \:\)

ziggy28Sep 23, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Sorry I didnt back to yesterday I was going to reply to last night but we had flaming power cut last night for one and a half grrrrrrrrrr... It was like the dark ages, had the candles and the torches out\:\( The lily is a sort of pinky/peachy colour, very pretty. \:D Actually Cerys is dad, dad, dad, dad, too..lol Its a case of 'Can I have?' I say no and then its dadddddd 'Can I have?' when I just just said NO she plays us against each other...\:mad\: They know everything when they are young and then as they get older they dont know anything about nothing and ask for your your help when it all goes wrong \;\) We went to see Keiths dad in the home yesterday it was his birthday he was 77\:D I think you do great making houses just using Maxis stuff because EA dont get you much choice...I hardly had any sleep for the last 2 nights, someone just around the corner has a dog that has been barking all night for the last 2 nights\:mad\:  I have reported the dog today. I rang the police last night about it but they couldnt do anything I had to report it to the council, when I was on the phone to the police another neighbour went charging around to the house and was banging on the door, but they wouldnt come to the door, I dont know if they were in but my neighbours are fed up with it too, because when I reported the dog today the lady on phone asked me if it was a black and white jack russell, so someone else must have reported too. I couldnt tell you what the dog looks like, so I think it must be the person who lives next door to the dog who has reported it....It even woke Cerys up the last 2 nights and she sleeps in the back of the house...I better go and do stuff now \:\( House hold stuff \:\( Then sims stuff laters \:D Catch you laters TC ((((((((hugs))))))))\:wub\: Lorraine

BillsAngelSep 22, 2010

Thank you bunches \:D  I get on a wall making kick sometimes & what you see are the results. Im glad you like them <3 Im also glad EMS could do something to help you. Most people just complain about how slow we are & whatnot. Especially within Detroit....where lots of my friends work. Unfortunatley I cant work anymore because the job trashed my back \:\( , so I get bored & make walls :P  Have a great day! Dee

ziggy28Sep 21, 2010

\:D Hiya hun \:wub\: Tut smack my wrist \:o I thought I had replied to your GB entry sorry \:wub\: Im sure you will finish everything in time when you dont feel so ill and you have your clever head on\;\) No rush \:wub\: Actually Keith was lucky it didnt rain \:D It only seems like I creat when Cerys is off school, but I didnt have a choice..lol She was on school holidays so she was always around then \;\) Its much easier to think when she is at school!! ..lol I dont have to keep re-doing bits on my cc coz I missed something coz she is 'Mom, mom, mom. mom, mom'..all flaming day!!..lol I am working on some teenmale and adultmale tshirts\:D OOO guess what? Do you remember I said we had water lily buds on the pond? Well one has actually flowered \:D Its really pretty \:D I will put the pic in my gallery, I havent done it yet \;\) Will let you know when I have put there \;\) I hope you are having a good day, no icky tummy \:wub\: TC ((((hugs))))) Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 20, 2010

\:D Hiya hun \:wub\: Crickey Hiedi I dont think I would be fit enough to do what your mom does and Im 13 years younger that her \:o ..lol   You are wrong about no surfing in the UK, in England they surf in Cornwall, its well know for it \;\) I did get my lie BWT and this morning too \;\) I hope you had a good day and managed to play your game today \:wub\: Im off to bed now, its 12.35am school run tomorrow \;\) TC \:wub\: (((((hugs))))) Lorraine

QuengelSep 18, 2010

Hi \:\) \;\) No problem \;\) I have still my real life, too. So it might happen, that I answer sometimes some days later, too \;\) \:\) I enjoy Sims 3, yepp and Rockband + Guitar Hero on the Playstation 3 \:D! Makes a lot of fun! Next week comes finally a new game out of Guitar Hero (6). Next week at this day and time, I guess I'll play guitar \:D! I wish you a wonderful and joyful weekend! Take care you too \;\) >Hugs< \:\) \;\)

ziggy28Sep 18, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Yes thats what Keith does 'catch&relese'....Your mom is super active!!! Can I ask how old she is??? I have never been surfing wasnt something that you could really do this far away from the sea \;\) Keith has done water skiing \;\)  Im glad your day improved \:wub\: Gosh you are working on a lot of things \:D Lots of things there to keep you busy \;\) Im sure you will get your head around re-colouring \:wub\: Give it time and practise, practise, it takes me time to get the hang of things too \;\) Keiths not back yet it 2.20pm he must be having a good day \:D Well I better go do stuff like washing up \:rolleyes: TC (((((hugs)))))) Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 17, 2010

\:wub\: Awww I hope your day improved hun, and you felt better later \:wub\:  I hope you dont end up paying twice for your subcription \:mad\: What are you working on or planning next ? Im really tired tonight gonna try and have early night but at least I get lie in tomorrow \:D Keith is off fishing tomorrow, I wouldnt get up a 6am to go fishing he must be mad..\:wacko\: ..lol Catch tomorrow \:wub\: TC (((((huggies))))) Lorraine

maxi kingSep 17, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!hope you doing fine!Over here it's cold and windy,no rain jet!But the summer is gone for us!If you go shopping you even can see christmas stuff already!Well have a wonderful and painfree day!Oh and if you talk to Denise,tell her I think about her and miss her!TC,huge Hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Sep 15, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Im glad your mom is home safe and well \:wub\: I bet you missed her...I am pleased you have got your subcription sorted now, I bet you are downloading like mad \:D We have had problems with cards not working before, but that was in the shops, the magnetic strip on the back was damaged, it worked on some cash registers but not others...And I had a problem registering a card to a site before, I completed all the required security questions related to the card and it was refused even though the details I gave were correct, it asked me to contact my bank and they said that this sometimes happened and I had to change the date of birth to a date that was given to me my bank, nothing like mine..lol I think I would have been very old or very young..lol I cant remeber which it was..lol but when I put the date in they gave me it worked and my card was accepted...Maybe Mike should check with his bank \:D I hope you are enjoying all that icecream \:D You could make milk shakes with the icecream \:D I have submitted a set of four more TShirts and on the indiviual set items I have shown the backs too \:D The set is in my upcomming pod \:D I have a lot of idea's for doing other things in the game in the way of adding icons and that sort of thing, but Im new to this on TS3 so it's taking me a while to get my head around things. Also the tsr workshop that is used to do these things is playing up because I have a NVIDIA graphics card and the workshop doesnt like NVIDIA graphics cards so the preview pictures of some clothes is all messed up and I cant see the clothes properly which doesnt help when you are new to re-texuring clothing and adding icons to the clothes..Sorry Im rambling\:o \:P I hope you are having a fab day and catching up with your mom\:wub\: TC ((((((hugs))))))) Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 14, 2010

\:D I have submitted my first ever clothing item \:D Its a TF T-Shirt, it in my upcomming pod \:rah\: Take a look Hiedi please let me know what you think of my first effort, I do value your opinion \:wub\: TC ((((((hugs)))) Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 14, 2010

\:D Hiya!! I get a rest when she is at school eh??..lol I have to slave away over the pc making stuff \:P And Keith is still here ..need I say more..lol It must have been a very big tub of icecream to put 2lbs on...\;\) I hope it does help you with your weight and icecream is nice to eat...\:P I am going to be working on something different for me if all goes well \;\) Clothes \:eek\: I know a bit different from the paintings and other things I do \;\) Its a horrid day here grey, dark and raining \:\( I guess that it is the summer over for us \:\( Well Im going to start my new projects \:D  Catch you laters \:wub\: ((((hugs)))) Lorraine

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