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hiedibear75's Guestbook

maxi kingSep 13, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!Hope you having a wonderful day my friend!TC,hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Sep 13, 2010

\:D Hiya!! You are defo braver than me \:D My son LLoyd came over again today \:D  He visited from 4.20pm till 8.30pm and he had his dinner with us, so we had a nice long visit. He says he will try and come again next Sunday \:D Keith, LLoyd and Cerys played Guitar Hero on the Playstation ..lol Im useless at it..\:o So I didnt play \:\( Instead I had a download spree on new paintings \:D I hope you had a good day too \:wub\: Its 23.49pm so I better be getting to bed no lie in \:\( School tomorrow for Cerys \:rah\: ..lol TC ((((((hugs)))) \:wub\: Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 12, 2010

\:D Hiya hun \:wub\: You are more adventurous than me ....I dont like hights and I would never go bungy jumping or white water rafting \:puke\: I would be too scared \:P When I was little I used to hang upside down on my nan's apple tree by my knee's that's about as adventurous as I get \:P I dont even like rollercoaster rides \:o My stepdaughter loves to go bungy jumping \;\) I hope you enjoyed your chinese take away \:wub\: My dad is poorly he has shingles, he went to the doctors when he first got the pain and said 'I think I have shingles' but the first doctor said it wasnt shingles \:mad\: When he came over last sunday I took one look at the rash and said SHINGLES, he went to a different doctor in the pactise last monday and he said SHINGLES ...He has it in his eye and on his forehead \:\( He is on anti-virals and cream and tables, poor dad he is 76...Anyways it 12.08am here I will catch you tomorrow TC (((((hugs)))) \:wub\: Lorraine

lisa9999Sep 11, 2010

Good Morning sunshine! Don't feel bad I haven't seen my oldest in two years and I have talked to him in months, But just remember how it was when you went out on your own. Eventually they need you again!\:wub\:  I got two hours of sleep, then was up for three and then got three and half hours. I feel and look like hell! LOL After we take mom shopping I am coming home and napping! I hope you sleep well and don't be listening for breakfast cereal! LOL Hugs, Lisa\:wub\:

71robert13Sep 10, 2010

Aye, Thanks for that great comment (Wild Flowers Set #2). It's awesome that you like them so much! Have yourself a fantastic weekend. SKS \:cool\:

ziggy28Sep 10, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! Crickey I thought you said your mom was blind \:confused\: How does she do all that ? Im surprised she gets a chance to sit down \:P Very busy lady \:wub\: Cant you buy come more icecream if it helps? OK Im gonna give you a run down on the meal names and when they happen in the UK...Breakfast ..speaks for itself \:P Lunch around noonish.......5 pm - 6pm we call tea or dinner..But the posh peeps some times have tea in the afternoon 3pm - 4pm it also sometimes called high tea that usually is like sandwiches and cakes..and then there is supper in the evening after 8pm...\:D And some peeps go out to dinner and that usually in the evening...lol Very confusing ....And then there are snacks... :P  When I say dinner or tea well usually have it between 5pm - 6pm ish sorry to have confused you Hiedi \:wub\: Its sounds like we eat all day \:P Making me hungry NOW \:P I have only had breakfast so far and now its 1.55pm, I havent had chance to eat anything else yet..\:\(  Gonna grab a sandwich now..lol thats a snack...lol TC (((((hugs))))) \:wub\: Lorraine

lisa9999Sep 10, 2010

No I keep my ophone on vibrate and I can't hear it. I keep it next to the bed so when I wake up I have something to do! LOL I enjoy hearing from all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is Friday so I am going to try and stay up late. Maybe that will help me to get tired and stay asleep. LOL Hugs, Lisa\:wub\:

ziggy28Sep 9, 2010

\:D Hiya Hun!! Gosh your mom is very clever, I bet she is a real interesting person to know \:D Nice to know that Susan is safe with relatives \:wub\: Are you still eating your icecream? We had chicken curry for tea \:D TC (((((hugs)))))\:wub\: Lorraine

lisa9999Sep 9, 2010

Sometimes I wake u[ in the middle of the night and check facebook with my phone and poke everyone! LOL I haven't been sleeping normal lately. I fall asleep sleep two hours and then I am wide awake. It sucks. So I average about five hours of sleep a day. I think I have picked up some bad sleeping habits from you guys! LOL I am kidding. Huge Hug Lisa\:wub\:

ziggy28Sep 8, 2010

\:D Hiya Hun!! Im sorry to hear that your gran has it too, its a terrible illness \:\( I hope your mom and aunt have a good visit with her \:wub\: Its sounds like your Susan has settle in well, thats good to hear \:D That was nice for your mom to have a win on the slots, well done her \:rah\: And really nice of her to treat you to the subscription \:D I hope you are having a good day hun \:wub\: It has been a really nice day today here weather wise, it was horrid this morning raining and windy and gloomy, but after noon it brighten up and was lovely and sunny all afternoon \:D Keith has bought me the stuff pack for TS3 High End Loft so I have been having a look at this evening in my game.. Its 22.45 now here so I will catch you tomorrow \:\) TC \:wub\: ((((((hugs))))))) Lorraine

lisa9999Sep 8, 2010

No ransome, I woke up three times in the middle of the night though so they weren't very good at their job! LOL Hugs, \:wub\:

maxi kingSep 8, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!Hope you having a wonderful sunny and painfree day my friend! TC hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

Living Dead GirlSep 7, 2010

Actually, I've been out of my cave rather than in it.  \;\)  Doin' that whole 'grab life by the hojos' thing you blogged about.   Beautiful post, by the way.  Summer's almost gone, and the cave will begin to beckon as soon as it gets cold, but until then, I'm loving life.  Did you get to go to Mayhem Fest this year?  Hubby went, but left early.  He was in the first few rows & Rob Zombie's pyro made the arena feel a bit too much like an oven to make it through all of Korn's performance.  Other than that, he had bunches o' fun.  Hope all is peachy on your end!  Take Care!  \:wub\:

ziggy28Sep 7, 2010

\:o That should say 'Keith's dad not day' stupid keyboard \:P \:wub\: TC (((hugs))) Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 7, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! Any luck yet with your subscription?? I thought I had replied to your GB entry but I havent \:o Smacks ziggy on the hand \;\) It rained all night!!! And when we went to fetch Cerys from school today it tipped it down..\:mad\: It always seems to time it perfectly \:mad\: We went to see Keith's day today in the home, he was in a good mood and quite chirpy I even got a hug and kiss (he has dementia)..Can you see my banner now?? We have just had dinner.. I fancy something nice but I dont know what \:rolleyes: TC ((((hugs)))) Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 6, 2010

\:confused\: Ohhh I dont know why you cant see my new banner \:\( The one you are describing is my last one \:confused\: Perhaps the site has to update \:rolleyes: Im sorry you had a bad night hun \:wub\: I hope you get your subscription sorted soon \:wub\: Its 6.30pm here and its nearly dark!! Its overcast and raining \:\( I want the sun back!!! I hope you have fun in your game today and dont have a icky a day \:wub\: My son came over yesterday \:D  havent seen him christmas, he is always working or going to see his son, he lives 140miles away at the weekends. ((((hugs)))) \:wub\: Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 6, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! How does it today?? Good I hope \:wub\: OOhh its been so quiet here today..lol But the time went really quickly one minute we were dropping her off at school and the next we were picking her up again!!\:P I have changed my banner and avatar AGAIN \:eek\: I couldnt get used to the last one \:P I hope you like this new one \:D Think I will be sticking to this one for a good while now...\:D TC (((((( hugs )))))) Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 5, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! If you re-read my re-read my recent posts in your GB I did say eat ice cream \;\) Keith had a chuckle, I read out what you posted in my GB.. You know on that day he had a 12lb carp and he has been twice since...(OOO yes and he took cerys with him too ,,, He said NEVER again!!!) he hasnt caught anything decent since \;\) As for global warming it will actually create an Ice Age!!!...Got to go Granny here for Cerys ((((hugs)))))) TC \:wub\: Lorraine

SIMcredible!Sep 5, 2010

Hello, Hiedi! \:\) Oreo should be really trying to figure out how can he get to that "wet restaurant" on the high shelf \:rah\:  Yes, internet is really a bless and here is a great friendly place to talk \:D  Wish you are having a great time! \:cool\: Group Hug back to you! Andres \:wub\:

ziggy28Sep 4, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! I know the summer here hasnt been good either, you know this August here has been the coldest for 23 years \:eek\: I dont feel like we have a summer here \:\( I wish we didnt live so far away I think we would be great freinds in person..lol If you get what I mean \;\) Im sorry you didnt get to see your daughter before she left \:wub\: TC ((((hugs))) Lorraine

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