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hiedibear75's Guestbook

SIMcredible!Sep 4, 2010

Hello, Hiedi! \:D Thanks for accept my belated birthday wishes \:\) Great to hear you could be with 2 of your children and also your mom did carrot cake\:wub\: Love it!  So cute gifts!!! \:wub\: \:D \:\) A fish tank should be very relaxing to keep watching! Your cat didn't try to play with your fish? Mine would try to eat it at any costs... \:\( I would be mad with him so, we don't have fish just because our cat...Thanks for share your party news, my friend!! \:D Hope your sister can be with you on Christmas and you can hug each other and remember childhood stories together laughing and having fun!!! \:D \;\) Fingers crossed! Wish you have a relaxing beautiful weekend, with no pain, no hurt and several hundreds of smiles, Hiedi! \:wub\: \:D Group hug back to you!!

topaz27Sep 3, 2010

Hi Hiedi, Just been reading your blog, your awesome \:wub\: wishing you a wonderful weekend and sending you loads of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

ziggy28Sep 3, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! Im glad you managed to eat something \:wub\: Im sorry to hear that you are having problems with your son, he is at that age \:eek\: A teenager, they are a different species at that age \;\) We got Cerys's school shoes, trainers and pumps for PE, cost us £64 \:eek\: Thats about $98.72.. But we walked in and was sorted straight away, OMG she even liked them \:D ..LOL you probably will hear me cheering where you are on Monday!!! \:P ((((((hugs))))) Lorraine

Cerulean TalonSep 3, 2010

Hi sweetie! Thanks so much for that really wonderful comment you left on my newest set of walls, Kitchen Herbs. I always look forward to your comments. \:wub\: Smiles & Hugs!!!

maxi kingSep 3, 2010

\:wub\:yeh,her hair is always beautiful,she does them for TS3 as well!I'm so glad she at our page now!\:rah\:It's been cold here as well,even had to put the heating on!\:\(The kids nearly all have a cold!\:\(Well,I hope you feeling better soon!Hugs irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 3, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi my friend!How are you doing?I hope not too bad?!We had a lot rain here and it's too cold but maybe we lucky for this weekend!Are your kids doing ok?And what about Denise?I hope she feels better soon just a little!Anyway,I wish you a fantastic weekend!TC,hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Sep 2, 2010

\:D Hiya Hiedi!! I hope you are having a better day \:wub\: This site has been really slow all day \:\( Only 3 days left till Cerys goes back to school \:D We are going shoe shopping tomorrow Im dreading it she is soooooooo fussy \:mad\: The are only shoes for school \:rolleyes: Kids !!! How are your kids??? Is your son able to visit now he has gone back to school? I have changed my banner and avatar again..\:D I hope you like it \:\) TC (((hugs)))) Lorraine

ziggy28Sep 1, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! That show I was on about,,, they put a bunch of celebrities in a jungle in Austrial and they live there and have to to tasks and challenges to earn their food and some of the tasks are eating ones, like eating bugs and thing that come from the Australian outback......\:P Isnt there anything that you fancy to eat?? That is fattening too?? What about icecream the full fat versions? Thought a thought cuz you dont really have to try to eat icecream or milk shakes with full fat milk...Anyways I hope you are having a good day today \:wub\: TC  ((((((((hugs))))))) Lorraine

eviSep 1, 2010

Hi hiedi!\:\) How are you. I just saw your comments on a couple of my sims lots and I run here to THANK YOU! You are always so kind and you are always giving me feedback to what I create\:\) Thank you. Your creations are wonderful too! I am glad you create. See you around love!\:\)

maxi kingSep 1, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!Hope you have a wonderful and painfree day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Aug 30, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! Have you got ' I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here '  in the US ?? Your kids would have done great on that show they have to eat all sorts of bugs on that program..\:P Keith says he doesnt enjoy a good soak \:\( Mind you the soak he got was in a field next to a pond when the heavens opened up yesterday when he was fishing ..\:P I hope you are having a good day...I had a right day yesterday...my external hard drive decided to go funny on me and I lost all my preview pics, dds, .rar files and other .jpegs to do with TS2 and TS3 that I have ever submitted on here\:\( Must have been about 15GB I lost\:\(   I might have lost all the .simpack files too,,, I havent tried to see if they still work in game yet.. We were lucky though our personel family pics were on that drive too thank god we didnt lose them \:D Keith has bought a new one a 1.5TB now 3 times bigger than the old one...I hope this one dont go funny on us too... TC ((((hugs))))) Lorraine

topaz27Aug 29, 2010

Sending you lots of hugs Hiedi \:\) and wishing you a great week ahead \;\) Topaz \:wub\:

ziggy28Aug 27, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! Im glad that you got some relief with a nice long soak \:wub\: Im hoping you have a good night!! \:D Good luck with your lot...Yep the cep file in the downloads folder needs to be loose not in another folder \;\) I hope that does the trick ...\:D OH BWT I think her pet slithered away \:P Only a week to go \:rah\: ,,lol TC (((((hugs))))) Lorraine

ziggy28Aug 27, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!! Im off to bed in a mo just checking my mini site... Yes hun your cep file needs to be in the downloads folder I think... But it should still be installed.. So Im still dont know why its not recognizing the cep file..ermm have you put the patch in for manisons and gardens??? Nite hun I hope you have a good nite or at least a better one \:wub\: TC ((((((((hugs)))))))) Lorraine

ziggy28Aug 26, 2010

\:wub\: \:wub\: Hope you feel better later \:wub\: ((((((hugs))))) Lorraine

ziggy28Aug 26, 2010

\:D Hiya hun!!!  Hiedi get  7zip it's free and it does the same as win. rar. My version of simpe is different which was for  apartment life I believe then I had to patch it for mansion and gardens...I have been to the simpe site and the version you tell me you have is the one that says its for everyone....so Im not sure if it needs patching or its got the patch with it \:confused\: What does your friend lisa say??? TC ((((((hugs)))))) Lorraine

ziggy28Aug 26, 2010

\:D I have CEP9 too... Have you got the right simpe?? You must get the simpe for maisons and gardens..Or I would try re-installing simpe...\:wub\: Yeah Im counting the days till she goes back!!! If she lives that long!! \:P She now has a pet WORM!! Oh and its a girl she tell me LMAO..\:P It lives in a pile of dirt that she has stuck in a bucket...I hope she checked on her PET today coz its rained so much the bucket is overflowing with water...bet its drowned!! \:eek\: lol Night night my friend \:wub\: ((((((hugs))))) TC Lorraine

ziggy28Aug 25, 2010

\:D Did your CEP install because I know they were having problems with last CEP at MTS, peeps could download it.. Let me know which version of CEP that you have .. because the one I have works with the simpe for mansion and gardens (you do have this one) I could send you the CEP file .....Let me know...\:wub\: I know it took you awhile to learn how to make the walls but peeps learn at different speeds and you got there in the end, that is the main thing \:D TC (((((hugs))))))) Lorraine

QuengelAug 25, 2010

Hello again \:\) I have added a poll on my site, if interested \;\) Bye again \:\)

maxi kingAug 25, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!It was stormy here yesterday but it didn't start raining till night,so I got the washing dry!We have a dryer but I don't like using it much!\;\)And we don't have any animal out here wich would like to play with it!\;\)I didn't know they do that!If any of mine girls would go to uni,they wouldn't go that far,our country isn't that big!You can go from north to south in a day!Well,I hope she will enjoy her new life,I gess it must be a big step for her!And for you as well!Anyway have a wonderful day!TC,hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

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