![Sims 4 — Isabella Fontane by Witchbadger — Vintage, retro style sim. Young Adult Serial Romantic Romantic, Hot Headed,](/scaled/2554/w-600h-450-2554156.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Vintage, retro style sim.
Young Adult
Serial Romantic
Romantic, Hot Headed, Self Assured
Custom Content MUST be downloaded and installed separately BEFORE installing the Sim.
This is to ensure the Sim appears in game exactly as it was designed.
See Creator Notes for ALL things needed.
Thank you to all the artists that make the awesome content that my sim uses!
Please DO NOT re-upload or claim any of my sim's as your own. This includes modifying and re-uploading them.
By Witchbadger aka SimWitcher
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1283126
ItemID: 1283126
Filesize: 110 KB
Custom Content: Put the Unzipped PACKAGE file into your Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods folder.
The Sim: Put the Unzipped files (5 of them) into your Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray folder.
*Serenity 2 by Cazy*
*Betty Hair by Vampire_aninyosaloh*
Eye Shadow: *Sintiklia - Eyeshadow 4*
Eyeliner: *Intrusion 1,2,3 by jomsims*
Eye Lashes: *S-Club LL eyelash 01*
Eyes: *Nightcrawler eyes 01*
*Recolor Pin Up dress lunares 1 by Colores Urbanos*
*Rockabilly Dress v2 by Colores Urbanos*
*Red floral cocktail dress by sims2fanbg*
*Swim Time by Lulu265*
*Set shoes with strap by Colores Urbanos*
*NataliS Metal bracelet with crystals*
*NataliS Metallic nails collections*
Please DO NOT re-upload or claim any of my sim's as your own. This includes modifying and re-uploading them.
You may use my sim as a model for your own Custom Content (eg: your own created clothing, hair, etc) but please credit my sim with a link to its download home (this page) and let me know.
By Witchbadger aka SimWitcher
*SimWitcher Site*
- Custom content: CC used
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.