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infohata's Blog

Stripping EA store content

Due to lots of requests I have decided to strip EA store content (but not free content) from my creations.

I will replace objects with Custom Content from this website OR with default content, might be from Adventures expansion.

However, it WILL take time, and don't expect anything before march - I am quite busy until mid-february and 17th leaving to Italy until start of the spring.


Hello everybody who watch!

As of this week I've started my Master studies of Geoinformatics in TKK/Espoo in Finland. I'll be very busy next few years, but I will publish something from time to time, as probably I will not stop building. Currently I'm developing 3 residential lots with issues :) so they are far from ready to be published, but i think they wiill come someday... maybe even all at once.

To be continued!

Out to Lithuania

I'm out to Lithuania for 2-3 weeks, not sure for how much exactly. My boat leaves tonight already. I have unfinished and unpublished 4 houses, including DragonQueen's lair, the huge house blogged before, and a few small... I should be back after 5th August and continue building! :)

DragonQueen's Lair

Hello everybody, especially DragonQueen!

I've started to build Dragon's Lair in my rebuilt Riverview. Well, even if it got classy, 40x40 lot was probably too small to put it into very mountain, but it's dungeon anyway, and will have more tree cover afterwards.

Here are some of my first screenshots. It's far from production state and totaly unfurnished/undecorated. But i want to get the opinion, especially from my inspiratoress..


I'm out for 2 weeks vacation - traveling with 50cc scooter around Finland and Äland arcipelago. Even if i will be online sometimes, i will not be able to play sims 3. Well, but i should get inspiration!

I did not disappear - i'm building a big!!!

Hello everybody,

I'm building a new huge house recently. I have not so much time anymore to spend on Sims 3 as I had 10-20 hours per day, but still - enjoy my creations :) i am so glad you like them...

Here are some screenshots of my upcoming BIG house - i've colored it only outside, made inside walls and doors, added fireplaces and stairs.. room plan is done - now left to make them functional... However I had an issue with "unveven terrain", where i did not flatten all the lot before building. Now it may have complications - i'll try to fix/test them out. Anybody who knows something about such issues and can help is welcome!!

Rebuilding Riverview: introduction


I have posted several lots from my Rebuilding Riverview work few days ago, but it is far to the end. I'm still working on all the town, but central island looks already into its form, at least there is what to show - enjoy the view from the roof of the Town Hall (screenshot below)

2 lots are already published: Criminality Reslax Hangout - located near warehouse in industrial part of town, and Kultanlasi Museo (Golden Glass Museum) in front of Cinema. I've got the approval for another 2 lots submitted and at the moment they are in queue. Roman style pool should come out today - screenshot below: left side between SPA and groceries. Grand Royal Library is scheduled for tomorrow - screenshot below: right, between bookstore and bistro.

Other mystery will be to release parks - they alone are 4 lots by now, as you can see from the above and below screen shots (from top by above) - heart lake with playground and octagonal restroom (1), Memorial Plaza (2), Trigofou Alley (3) and Oak Park (4) on the right acting as parking lot/pavement support for the library. Plus some tiny modifications to original Cinema, Grocery, Bistro, SPA, Bookstore and Town Hall. These modifications are neatly inserted big fig trees everywhere but Town Hall, where golden marmoreal stripes went to.

It's 5 AM now and sun is shining clearly in the sky in Helsinki - time to sleep...
In the meanwhile - enjoy the view to the Grand Royal Library from one of the bridges to the main Long Island...

to be continued!

Latest Headlines

Stripping EA store content Studying! Out to Lithuania DragonQueen's Lair Travelling I did not disappear - i'm... Rebuilding Riverview: introduction
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