Who am I ?
Maybe it's not the right question, or maybe it's just the reply to the first question that realy is
What am I?!
I am a simple guy with great objectives, but some of those objectives were lost during my life time,
I'm 45 years old, and am a coastal Scuba diving resque gaurd from the coast guard, so jumping out
of helicopters is about my all life! LOL
Love Nature, my Mother and famelie leaves in Canada, where I was raized untill almost 19 years old,
my grandfather was the one that really teached me what was my most important things in life and
during all of it in my future, I am almost one with nature, and am happy to be part of it!
For instincte I do not get to close to people, first cause somehow my work teached me not to get
sentimentaly involved with them, that brought me a kind of isolated personality but not unfrendly
in any way, I am always ready to give a hand and help, my harte always tells me to support who
ever in what ever conditions.
I am glad to be around, but still I am missing something that haven't found yet!
See ya soon my friends