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jeni's Blog

Thank You All

Thank You to all of you who thoughfully and kindly sent me Christmas and New Year greetings. I very much appreciated them all.

Also to everyone who has left a comment on any of my creations (and hasn't had a reply!), or even just downloded something, or had a scan through my mini-site, a huge Thank You for your time.

My personal life has somewhat overtaken my Sims activities in the past few months, but I am hoping to get back into the throng very soon.

PS: What should one do to the Simself of a cheating, lying now Ex-partner of 18 years? Replies gratefully received via PM, screenshots could be forth-coming!

Tasty Walls! and other juicy stuff!

Thanks to a request from cvscorpio28, my newest set of walls and floors are in the style of the TC29 Limes collection. that come in five very tasty colours: Old Orange, Tomato Soup, Cafe Creme, Cornflake and Chocolate! I had fun with some lino designs too!

Starting with a recolour of the Candy-Coated Sofa and matching curtains I made a while back and took the screenies but never got any further with, I have completed a room set! File are on the File server just waiting to have their details added and will be available under a download button near you soon.

Also on my list for completion and submission are

oooh! a set of S&KCR crockery recolours, inspired by a wedgewood set I collected when I first got married...

another atomic furniture recolour - my list says orange and lime green!

a green check bedroom set that I have been using for ages but haven't gotten around to uploading...

some Seasons inspired carpets

Some Simaddict99 cushion recolours that are tremendous fun to do and use all those non-tileable textures! Hopefully I'll do several sets of these, the first 8 are in the room set I mentioned at the top...

and last but not least some Simaddict again curtain recolours.

Oh and I will be playing Bon Voyage! Have they invented the 48 hour day yet?

Reminders and Screenshots

Well it has been a while since my first poll so I thought it was also time to update my blog! Sorry I do seem to be a very intermittent blogger, always with good intentions but ... Anyway, I have also come up with an idea to help me remember what I want to poll about. I have found I get an idea but am waiting for the current one to run its course and then realise I have forgotten what the idea was! So now I add the title with the general topic and hey presto! a reminder! So what else have I been up to? Texture Challenge, as the current poll indicates has been featuring highly in my TSR activities. If you really have never heard about it, or would like to go see...Objects Forum Texture Challenge I was also highly motivated by the Screenshot Competition and loaded up my game and happily played around for several hours to create my entry: I seriously considered playing with the weather machine to make it rain and emulate the current British weather! It is supposed to be summer here but I don't think the weatherman has remembered. My thread has a list of all the CC I used, in case you would like to know.

First Poll !

I finally got around to working out what questions I wanted to ask in a poll, and also managed to get it to work first time - if you don't count the time I looked and tried it out a few weeks ago! Please feel free to add any other preferences in a comment here or a PM - I always seem to fail at leaving a comment in a blog!

In the works...

What is lurking in my folders waiting to be finished off, uploaded?

2 more sets of Simaddict's Ruffled Blinds. I saw the other day that the whole of her Sun Room set that this comes from is free at the moment.

2 Texture Challenge rooms, a TC42 living room and a TC43 conservatory. A little more work on them before I'll be perfectly happy with them, but then they'll be ready.

I also have a collection of Atomic/Space Kids furniture in TC42 wood texture that I intend to upload soon. The Maxis textures make these items virtually unusable, andnow I have done one texture, want to do some more as the meshes are actually very attractive.
Windkeeper also has an 'Atomic Plus' set that has a similar desk with usable left side and bookcases.

My Favourite TSR Downloads - updated 5 April

I have, for a while, at least, wanted somewhere that I could recommend/proclaim my favourite objects and downloads from here at TSR. Site staff have also been considering this idea and hopefully it will be included in a future site update. :)

My all time favourites include:

Bitzybus' Matching Bedroom Curtains I love that these use the bedding for their texture and that they fit the lower windows.
For the higher windows, Windkeeper's Perfect Match Curtains, are perfect too! They are now held under the TSR Archive - permanently free FA creations?

My favorite bedroom suite, the one that if I could I would have in all my sim's bedrooms:
Nikki041498's Craftsman Bedroom I just wish there were some recolours of this, perhaps I should have a go at some!

This is one of my all time favourites/must have sets. Lekker Sims Homemaker Series Also check out all her other stuff, it is fab too!

Found another favourite set of downloads: Anything by shtinky00 especially
*the Arizona sofa, loveseat, armchair and coffee table,
*the OFB apron sets - I always use the floral design one for uniform in my florists,
and the
*Frank Dining suite

More Favourites:

Stencillisimo by Linegud Brighten up any plain wall with these colourful stencils. I love them in bedrooms and florists.

Spacesaver shelves by Windkeeper and Working Wall Shelves Sysytem by Bitzybus for adding all those interesting bits and bobs to surfaces around your Sim's houses to make them look like homes.

Spring Cleaning

I was thinking that before I embark on a new idea, I ought to submit some of the items I made ages ago. I use them in my game, so thought it was about time I got around to sharing them!

I made the set shot, that I actually used, but forgot to include the sofa, so I am going to use the remake here!

I also recommended Hypnogirl's Circles 'n' Stripes set, which consists of a matching nursery set and another wall and a stripey carpet, as well as jokerette's walls sets based on the circle design. Well that was fun come submission time, I kept reversing two of the digits and found I was recommending red1060's red flamingo lingerie!

I have also found that despite this being a fairly new keyboard, less than 2 months old - spilt coffee all over the last one, that this one seems to be playing up,d no, no coffee anywhere near it, so apologies ony typos I 've missed - see that shoulsssssssssssssssssssssssss here we go again... that last bit should say sorry for any typos!


Well all the mini sets are now submitted, so I thought I'd share the Wall and Floor set pictures.

Just how far can I stretch one texture?

Well, actually there are several that I have combined, mixed, matched and co-ordinated. I started making one or two items to co-ordinate with the Sixty-One bedding and Curtain set. Actually I started with some walls, and then some floors. I already had the Mr Section seats lurking in my folders and so have ended up with several if not quite a few mini sets! Here are the room shots: What I realised was that in making these room shots I had dutifully mixed, matched and co-ordinated but made it almost impossible to make these into sets, without duplicating uploads. I settled for a Clubside - the more middle-of-the-road comfy style - Bedroom, Dining and Sofa Sets with a choice including the stripe design - "Sixty-Two" and Distraction - the more modern groovy style - Bedroom, Dining and Sofa set plus a pair of Pictures! Oh and don't forget a Wall and Floor set! Hope you enjoy!

Beds of Roses?

Well, I thought it was about time I submitted some more of the Bedding and Curtain Sets I have lurking around my folders. I searched 21,000 game snapshots to find the screenshots I knew had taken and phew, I eventually found them! So duly 'paint-shopped' and sorted there will be some new recolours coming by here very soon.

Latest Headlines

Thank You All Tasty Walls! and other juicy stuff! Reminders and Screenshots First Poll ! In the works... My Favourite TSR Downloads -... Spring Cleaning Elastic? Just how far can I stretch one... Beds of Roses?
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