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kanzen's Guestbook

luckyoyoJun 30, 2009

Hi, Thank you for commenting on my snapshot R.I.P Michael Jackson, I really appreciate you taking the time to comment, it means alot to me.  \:wub\:  Dee xx

hiedibear75Jun 30, 2009

I've tried that several times actually. \:\(  Not sure why it crashes. \:confused\: 

maxi kingJun 30, 2009

\:wub\:Hi!Thank you for your great comment on my new story!Yeh,I know it wasn't fair realy but always having nice whether and a view things did get easier at sims3 got me the idea for it!Have a nice day!\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 30, 2009

Yes my game constantly crashes. \:\(  And we've upgraded the video card & added RAM. \:confused\:  I've got no custom content at all......as in I don't even have a "disable/enable custome content" screen. \;\)  But aside from the game crashing everything else works just fine (knocks on some wood). \;\)  Have a great week. \:cool\:

shaml_sim Jun 29, 2009

Hi there! \:\) Thank you for reading and commenting on my Learning to Love story, it's much appreciated \:wub\: I'm glad you enjoyed it \:\) Have a wonderful day!

ellestannaJun 29, 2009

Oh I'm sorry ahout the mouse. XD That must have been such a pain. I hope you get it fixed soon if you haven't already. =P

Queenie1988Jun 29, 2009

\:D That tends to happen with computers. Especially when you finally have the time to play a game or when you really need the computer to do something. \;\)

stephanie1225Jun 28, 2009

Thanks for anoter story comment!   Btw I checked out your story Lorelei, and its really good!  I didn't comment because I haven't read any of the other ones, but such pretty cover art \:D

stephanie1225Jun 25, 2009

Thanks for commenting on my story, your so sweet! \:D

xtinabobinaJun 23, 2009

lol! of course you are worthy to read my stuff! that was very sweet of you to take the time to read it! im so happy you enjoyed it \:\) it makes my day! ill bookmark you for your time, and perhaps ill see more of your comments in the future! take care!

YukosanJun 22, 2009

Ah ha. XD Just submitted the next part, but the one after that will probably take a while too. Oh well. I'm hoping that you are able to get past that feeling you have about putting your story into words. That happen to me too (at least I think so). Well, when it gets hard figuring out how to write it out, I end up going back and changing the part completely. But any way, do you like to read a lot of books? (Is it weird that I'm asking that to someone who writes?) XD I like to read, but not a WHOLE lot, just like shorter stories, or ones that are split up into parts. Unless it's a really good book. But if you do like to read a lot, you can take a look at a book or story that you really like to see how the author put their writing into words, to maybe spark your inspiration? XD I bet that made no sense at all, lol.

luckyoyoJun 21, 2009

Hi, Thank you for commenting on my snapshots Spooky crypt in the evening and  Moring sun.\:wub\: Dee xx

clairepitts1994Jun 21, 2009

Well if one person remembers it then my evil diabolic plot to acheive global domination with mind control devices has a chance to succeed!! Victory is mine!! I've been writing my new evil story for a little too long. And my happy pills have also kicked in. Swine flu is spreading! There's like a lot of cases in Australia and most of them a big huge percentage is in Victoria!! My state!! Well not mine....but I live in it so I'm entitled to some benefits.....I assume. It's ridiculous though. Outrage!

clairepitts1994Jun 21, 2009

*hugs* hope you start feeling better soon\:\) Tis the season for colds. Doesn't help with swine flu floating around.....I sure hope I don't have that. Seriously I had like a full on sneeze attack! One after the other....it wasn't pretty. My cat gave me funny looks and everything. There is nothing worse than having your cat think you're weird. I don't give him strange looks when he sneezes. Well actually come to think of it....I do. But my cat sneezes funny. It's not so much the sneeze but his expression afterwards, very...odd. I'm going to go finish the next chapter to my escape from paradise story, that I haven't done in ages and wonder whether anyone remembers it. I'm commenting on your recent Lorelei story, hope to see the next chapter up soon!!\:D Get better soon! adios xox

BBKZJun 21, 2009

Hey there \:\) Thanks for commenting my screenshot. I'm glad you liked it. Hope you're having wonderful weekend \:\) Barb

clairepitts1994Jun 21, 2009

Yeah I've noticed that in body shop, it's not very bright. I think I'll to make my next character for whatever story I'm working on in bodyshop though\:D How have you been? Hold the phone, I don't think I've read the recent Lorelei! Awsum!! What better time to read it then now\:\) hehe I've always wanted to say that 'hold the phone' it just never fits into any of my conversations. Anyway....I have to go find the tissue box because I've just sneezed 10 times in a row...I'm going to die! Anyway don't mind me and my over exagerating, I just hate colds. They're not as fun as I remember them. I'm going to go read Lorelei though now, have an oi-sum weekend, adios xox.

YukosanJun 20, 2009

I love that screenie (->\;\). But your style is awesome! Thank you for being so supportive though. \:cool\: Sometimes it's hard to keep writing a story, you know? I'm sure you know what I am talking about, but your story is coming along very well. \:D

fredbrennyJun 20, 2009

Thank you Kanzen for the wonderful comment on my screenshot "Canal Living" I put it up for download...Have a great weekend! Frederique

YukosanJun 17, 2009

Yay the next part's up!! \:D -going to read it after I send you this comment- And that's schweet that it got featured once again! It's deserving of it \:\) Lols. Creepy? \:ph34r\: Hmmmm. I wish I could write like you do. I just try writing the next part of my story and it comes out... really weird. Part 3 is done just haven't gotten around to submitting it. You sound like a real author when you write your story. \:D

luckyoyoJun 17, 2009

Hi, Thank you for commenting on my screenshot Something Weird , Thankfully my toddler didn't stay like that and is now a teenager. \:wub\: Dee x

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