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SaozJun 16, 2009

Yes, I meant in the forums. I've replied to your PM. \:\)

cep1247Jun 13, 2009

I have actually wrote two chapters of a story I think I might try to post soon! I just have to get the pictures and try to figure out how to upload them correctly. I'm not the biggest techie.:P

fabrizioammolloJun 13, 2009

Hi Zen, sorry for the blunder \:o. Because you ask, sometimes I wonder if I am, but in that case I would say that I just pick up clues \;\). Bye, F.

fabrizioammolloJun 12, 2009

But I know you are a perfectionist and you need to take your time for doing things properly, so I will wait patiently... Have a nice week-end, F.

fabrizioammolloJun 12, 2009

Hi Lorelei! SO there is a reason!!! I knew! I presume he was not a secret spurious son, is he? Could he be their father's robot experiment?  I can't wait for the next part! \;\) Bye, F.

miller1220Jun 12, 2009

Sorry for bothering you. Im just very slow-minded. I could tell that Mikiru was a sevrant but I wasnt exactly sure who the young boy was. Thank you for telling me though. Your story is very cool and I liek to read it!

SaozJun 11, 2009

I'm one of the people who helps to approve stories, so I'm often in the stories part of the site anyway. It takes about 20 seconds if I have to log in, even shorter if I'm already there because it's my turn. It really is no bother to do something as simple as change a story's status.

SaozJun 11, 2009

Re story submission (I couldn't comment on your blog entry) ... until the submission problem is fixed, when you have a story ready to be submitted you can send a private message to me or to deagh (http://www.thesimsresource.com/staff/deagh/). With your permission, we can go into the system and manually change your story's status to "submitted" so it will be reviewed for publication.

miller1220Jun 11, 2009

So tragic! I cant wait for the next part. I'll have to look closer at the pics. Im so excietd, I just uploaded my first upload....it's pendign or whatever right now. I dont really know what to do next.....It's a remodel of a home that came with the game. Im going to use it for one of my stories hopefully. \:D

YukosanJun 10, 2009

Hehe, I never even thought of it that way, so maybe you should be the one given credit, lols. \:D -hugs-

clairepitts1994Jun 9, 2009

They are definately pretty sims! I find with reading peoples stories that everyone has different styles to how they make their sims. and you my friend have an awsum style. You're practicing them in bodyshop? So is that where you make your sims or do you just practice on bodyshop? I've never made actual sims using bodyshop....hmm....

YukosanJun 8, 2009

It's so nice of you to say that \:eek\: \:wub\:  hehe, I don't think it is so good though. XD But I won't erase it. There seems to be no more technical problems on the site, as far as I know anyway, so it won't be erased.

clairepitts1994Jun 8, 2009

yes...my hyper...ness is a skill i've honed over the years.....it comes and goes as it pleases. And is always helped with excess caffeine. I've had a lot of coffee today. I sure hope steve is okay....I haven't seen him today, he's usually flying around my table lamp. What is it about bugs and lights?? Not to bright them bugs ahahaa I made a funny and didn't realise it:P. My cat's not too bright either and I have appeared to have 'misplaced' him, oh nope I haven't his snuggled up 'under' my doona, you can just see his extremely happy face sticking out. Yay! hope it comes out soon....your story that is. It's very unique. I love uniqueness, and your sims! They're soo pretty\:\) You're from the Philippines? What's it like there??

YukosanJun 7, 2009

Kaaaaaaaaanzen \:D thanks for leaving your comment on my screen shot. \:wub\: It's nice to hear from you. Take care. \:\)

clairepitts1994Jun 6, 2009

Awsum! You'll have to post it soon, I need, not want, to know what happens next! Might I add that you scared the crap outta me replying so fast, I was just about to turn my puty off and bam! there it was, right after I hit the refresh button. oh poor moth, just got zapped by my light. sorry so easily sidetracked!\:D I do feel sorry for that moth however. I shouldn't name things though, I get far too easily attached....poor steve. eeeewies my cat just ate his.....ahem...remains. Well I'm off to go before I start going into further details of poor steve and his family of moths. I hope steve didn't have kids. Poor moth babies. I hope steve wasn't a...stevina. how would the babies survive without their mother!! I've been thinking too much about steve and his family life. I wonder how moths know if a member of their family dies, is there a moth funeral service that we don't know about? But what if they didn't discover the dead moth would they-- I'm stopping right now because I could go on talk all about moths for ages, for no particular reason. He lives!! Steve's alive!! my cat just spat him out and he flew away, yucky moths. Not a big fan of bugs. Okay can't wait for the next part....adios xox

clairepitts1994Jun 6, 2009

Hey Kanzen *hugs* I'm just posting a comment now on Lorelei, I loved the recent part, the story's developing really well. Hope to read zee next part soon\:D have an awsum weekend! Adios xox

YukosanJun 3, 2009

Not really sure. \:confused\: You know the page you go to where you can edit your stories? Well, when my other story was up, I went there for a sec, and both parts of it were just gone. So, thinking it was more of a technical thing, but that's alright. Hehee, it's very kind of you to say that, though. ^ ^ And thankes for leaving your sweet comment on the new one. I am waiting for the next part of Lorelei! Let me know when you get the next part out, oki? -hugs-

YukosanJun 2, 2009

Hello, thanks for telling me! \:\) And my old story got removed from TSR, but there is a new one. Anyways, hope you have a great day. \:rah\:

clairepitts1994May 24, 2009

Hey thanks for letting me know, can't wait to read them. Hope all is well with you, have an awsum day! adios xox

cep1247May 13, 2009

\:\) thanks for letting me know.can't wait till your next chapter!

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