Created for: The Sims 3
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
This is my first official girl sim that I attempt to make, so I hope she turned out well! :)
Nya can be difficult to deal with. Marked by the abandonment of her dad when she was a little girl, she has a hard time trusting men, which has affected greatly every relationship she has been in. She does not want to be labeled as anything in particular but herself, so she likes to change up her style quite often. She is passionate about music, and can play piano exceptionally well, although she keeps it for herself and only plays when she is alone. She is the girl that makes Aiden (sim uploaded by me :D) go crazy, and although she will never admit it to him, Nya has feelings for him as well. She does not want anything to do with men though, so these two feelings often collide, driving Aiden insane trying to figure out what she feels.
Hope you guys like her!
Short URL:
ItemID: 1190141
Filesize: 11 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

SOME of the CC is NOT INCLUDED. You will need to download the following to make her seem as in the picures:
There are two hairstyles for her, as well as two outfits. You can download both or either one of them.
Peggy December 2011 Special Gift Hair for Females
**Short Hair**
**Second Outfit**:
:::::SLIDER USED:::::
---PLEASE NOTICE--- You do NOT need this if you are NOT GOING TO USE THE HAT.If you are going to use it, please notice that the way I have set up the hat in the pictures, the hairstyle shows in the back. If you do not mind, then you can leave it as is. If you don't want the hair to show in the back, you can make the hat bigger with the use of the slider.
The rest of the CC that appears in the pictures is included!
I have Basr Game, World Adventures, Showtime and Season's EP's! Some of the clothing she is packed with might be from any of the EP's, but if you don't have tyem, no wotries, they will be replaced by the base game clothes.
Please DO NOT re upload her or claim her as your own. If you want to use her for anything other than gameplay, please contact me prior to using her.
Credits: All TSR artists, Tifa, Peggy, Newsea, Sims3 Modeli and AWTMK, thank you!!
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: