Forced to reinstall The Sims 3
Okey so at midnight I had to do what I've been avoiding to do. Reinstall The Sims 3.
I got Error 16 for the first time. I started to try and fix it by readin about it in the Readme file like the game told me to do only to find out that error 16 doesn't exist in the readme file.
After that I hit the forums. I found two different solutions.
Choose "Save as" instead of "Save". Still got error 16 with a bad save as a result. So that didn't work.
Then I found an answer from EA with a solution. It was something about replacing the bad files with the legacy save, the only problem was that I didn't have any legacy files in my saves folder. Just the ones that EA said was corrupted. The thing I got really really pissed off about was that EA said in their answer that if you install patchxxx the problem will be fixed. For me, that was bullshit as that patch has been installed like forever but I still got error 16.
As I understood Error 16 messages is a problem that came with WA which I think is weird because I've had WA since the release day and haven't had any problems with any error messages until now. I feel like it should've appeard earlier or something.
Because I couldn't find any more solutions to my problems with the saving I removed all of The Sims 3 and then installed it again. When it was finished it was one o'clock in the morning so I didn't get the chance to try it out. But I will do now.
I don't even want to think about all the CC I lost. I always delete everything from the downloads folder after installing it so now I couldn't find it to back it up.
Hope no one else had the same issues as me last night.