kattsand's Blog
Upcoming items
I uploaded two lots yesterday that will be available for downloading tomorrow. Unfortunatly I didn't realize that I was using some FA objects so both lots will be subscriber only. Sorry! If I have the energy to do it I will maybe do a version without the FA objects so the lots will be available to everyone.
I have also made a third lot but haven't uploaded it yet because I forgot to export it but probably later today I will do that.
I hope you will like what you see and download them for your Sims 3! Until next time, have a great day!
30 000 downloads!
Oh wow, how could I have missed this? I'm over 30 000 downloads and I now have 54 people boomarked me. That's amazing!
Thanks to everybody who have downloaded, bookmarked and thanked me, I really really appreciate it. And thank you if you've commented, of course!
I'm gonna try and create some stuff this week and upload now that I have gotten injections by my doctor into my muscles and got more pain medication. I've decided not to talk about this kind of stuff on TSR because I talk about my physical problems in my Swedish blog enough so that's everything I'm going to say but the important thing is that I'm going to create as much as possible before Thursday because I'm going to Finland to meet up with my boyfriend who is doing his military service there. I will be back home on Tuesday and most likely create more things for The Sims 3.
Since my reinstallation of The Sims 3 it have not crashed yet but I have only played twice and with little CC installed. I have decided not to install any objects yet to see if that's what making my game crash. It sucks because I don't think it's fun to play with only EA objects. They are ugly and uninspiring.
Hope you've had a great weekend and have a nice evening!
Forced to reinstall The Sims 3
Okey so at midnight I had to do what I've been avoiding to do. Reinstall The Sims 3.
I got Error 16 for the first time. I started to try and fix it by readin about it in the Readme file like the game told me to do only to find out that error 16 doesn't exist in the readme file.
After that I hit the forums. I found two different solutions.
Choose "Save as" instead of "Save". Still got error 16 with a bad save as a result. So that didn't work.
Then I found an answer from EA with a solution. It was something about replacing the bad files with the legacy save, the only problem was that I didn't have any legacy files in my saves folder. Just the ones that EA said was corrupted. The thing I got really really pissed off about was that EA said in their answer that if you install patchxxx the problem will be fixed. For me, that was bullshit as that patch has been installed like forever but I still got error 16.
As I understood Error 16 messages is a problem that came with WA which I think is weird because I've had WA since the release day and haven't had any problems with any error messages until now. I feel like it should've appeard earlier or something.
Because I couldn't find any more solutions to my problems with the saving I removed all of The Sims 3 and then installed it again. When it was finished it was one o'clock in the morning so I didn't get the chance to try it out. But I will do now.
I don't even want to think about all the CC I lost. I always delete everything from the downloads folder after installing it so now I couldn't find it to back it up.
Hope no one else had the same issues as me last night.
So sick of the game problems in The Sims 3
This is getting really annoying. My game doesn't stop crashing. I'm pretty sure the new patch is causing it since the game worked fine before installing it. When I tried without CC it took about 1 ½ minute before it crashed to desktop.
The most annoying thing is when you have furnished your house for at least one hour (because The Sims 3 doesn't have a collections feature) while forgetting to save and then it just crashes and you have to start all over again.
If it wasn't for all the loading screens I would go back to The Sims 2.
Luckely this time I saved 15 minutes before it crashed so I've only lost a short amount of time today. Yesterday I forgot to save so two hours of furnishing and building just disappeared right in front of me. I gave up.
Thinking about throwing my Sims 3 out the window.
I'm really starting to hate The Sims 3. I played for about three minutes before it crashed on me to desktop because of the new patch and along with the other problems I'm experiencing (posted about it in the forums) I'm starting to get fed up. Maybe I should go back to The Sims 2... Stupid EA.
Back to business
I got so annoyed with not being able to use costum content for the sims 3 before so I stayed away from the game and TSR for about four months but now I'm back and i just remade 18 creations so they will work with the new patches and all.
I'm gonna test my things in-game now and hopefully they will work. At least the EA launcher now says that the things are installed so I'm optimistic. Hurray pessimist-Cindy for being optimistic!
13 paintings will be uploaded, three swimsuits (wich I think look aweful but there's always someone who will like them), a jeans skirt and a cardigan.
I think dresses are the most fun to make so I will probably do at least one in the near future.
I should be studying at the moment because the swedish SAT are on saturday but it's just too boring. I'll probably have to make those dresses after saturday. After the test I have all the time in the world to make things for the sims.
Collections feature in The Sims 3, please
Everytime I play the sims 3 or build anything in the sims 3, do you know what I miss from the sims 2? The collections feature. If I wanted a modern home I could just go to the "modern" collections folder and select stuff from there. Now I have to look through every single one of all items to find a modern one.
This annoys me. ALOT. I hope that EA some day makes a new patch or something where that feature is included. It couldn't be that hard to fix, is it?
Upcoming lot
I just submitted a lot. It's kind of a cottage, kind of not. I don't really know because I don't know the definition of a cottage... It's for The Sims 3.
Tell me what you think about it!
Just finished
I just finished doing a cardigan to the sims 3. I'm not that happy with it but I did it based of a picture of it on a swedish clothing website and decided to do it because it looked easy. EA still hasn't realesed a new patch so I won't be uploading it until I can try it in game and take pictures of it.
I will probably try and do something else later tonight, maybe some clothes for another age category than I usually do?
I'm sitting by my computer with my cat next to me. I just bought my first thing with my earned Kudos. Now my profile page is pink and I'm loving it!
I have created a couple of things for The sims 3 but I didn't read about the problems with the new patch until I already had installed it on my computer so I don't know how my new creations look in the game and I can't take any preview pictures of them because they are not showing up in the game.
The things that hopefully will be uploaded soon are 2-3 bathing suits, paintings and a jeans skirt. Now we just have to wait for EA to undo what they did to our games.
I will probably try to make some hair now for the first time since that's the only thing showing up in my game right now.
Hope you all had a happy new year!