kbradley03 (470810)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (175 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Alexan Ridge
Published Mar 19, 2011
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (126 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

1500 Woodcrest
Published Jan 15, 2009
About Me
been a while...sorry
My Latest Updates Show All
Free lots - I've got'em!Written Jun 05, 2010
Hey guys! Many of you write to me requesting free lots. I've got so many lots you may have overlooked the fact that 43 of them are free - they're some of my favorite, too! Also, if you haven't looked in to the "Kudos" system here at The Sims Resource, I suggest that you do! That's how i got all the subscription-only content that I wanted before I became a FA. All you have to do is support... ...More
Hey guys - most of the messages I get are from people wondering how to make an attached garage. I have three tutorials on Youtube under my screen name KBradley03 (just search and you'll find me). One is a video of the old method I used, and two are detailed slideshows. One shows you how to make simple attached garages (a SUPER easy method, the one I use now) and the other shows you how to make... ...More
Computer Problem Will Keep Me Away For a While...Written Nov 24, 2009
I wrote about it here: http://forums.thesimsresource.com/showthread.php?t=377251 I can't play Sims 'til this is fixed...but I'll be back ASAP. Pissed that I can't play WA! I just got it a day ago! ARG! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
locafffJul 07, 2014
Thank you so so so so much for building lots that don't require tons of expansion packs!!! Your homes are beautiful!
NITESHADE99Mar 29, 2014
Love your designs. Thanks for sharing-I am void of imagination to build fabulous homes, you make my Pleasantville wonderful!
JKem115Nov 28, 2012
Hey Im a big simmer and im trying to build a home on a slope similar to a home in the town starlight shores(i think thats the name of the town)anyways, Im having trouble putting stairs on the slope to lead up to my house. HELP ME!