laughingcrow (4817235)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (100 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Excelsior Park Model
Published Jan 11, 2019
About Me
Laughingcrow's Elite Homes brings you the best (or the worse) in Real Estate. Want a small mobile home? No problem! We have an extensive line available from the Redneck Special to the Posh and Powerful.
Need a modern home? We've got those too!
Victorian, an endless supply!
Ranch? Giddy-up little dogie!
Castle? For sooth with a Hey Nonny Nonny and a Ho Ho Ho!
Send us a message and let us know what you're in the mood for and we'll find it/ make it for you!
Come on down to Laughingcrow's Elite Homes!!!
My Latest Updates Show All
Submissions HelpWritten Aug 21, 2018
I don't know how many people are out there submitting creations for Sims 3 review, but I'm sure there are a lot. I'm one of them.. I've noticed that on the upcoming creations list, there are only 4 and they've been there at least 2 days. I would LOVE to help move these things along and review them. I'm 51 years old and wracked with pain, so I sit most of the time... ...More
Comments and InsanityWritten Feb 20, 2018
I've been making houses for TSR for nearly a year now and I've really only gotten a couple of comments on my houses that I just have to shake my head at. When you download a house, or see one on TSR and you think something is wrong with it, download it and CHANGE IT. It isn't a real house, you don't really need money to do it. You just need to go to Edit Town, click on the... ...More
My Facebook PageWritten Dec 28, 2017
In case you don't know, I have a Facebook page as well. Laughingcrow1318 Sims 3 Houses I post the photos and the links to my TSR page. Please come and like the page and enjoy the pics! Recently, I purchased Sims 3 Supernatural. I sat and played it for awhile and turned some sims into werewolves, made a few houses and such, but what I don't get is how to cast... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
homiesgirl4Nov 04, 2018
You are most welcome your talent shows keep up the good work.
Emmalene1987Sep 09, 2018
AnimeKitty_MeowzersFeb 20, 2018
thank you for being so kind