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laughingcrow2's Blog

Submissions Help

I don't know how many people are out there submitting creations for Sims 3 review, but I'm sure there are a lot.  I'm one of them..  I've noticed that on the upcoming creations list, there are only 4 and they've been there at least 2 days.  

I would LOVE to help move these things along and review them.  I'm 51 years old and wracked with pain, so I sit most of the time and play the Sims.  If there is anyone out there who feels as I do, please leave your comments below!  I want to hear from you!

Comments and Insanity

I've been making houses for TSR for nearly a year now and I've really only gotten a couple of comments on my houses that I just have to shake my head at.  When you download a house, or see one on TSR and you think something is wrong with it, download it and CHANGE IT.  It isn't a real house, you don't really need money to do it.  You just need to go to Edit Town, click on the house, click on the tools button and change it.

That's the beauty of digital manipulation.


Writing to me in a comment and making negative remarks is insanity.  If you don't like it, don't download it.  If you already did download it and decided you didn't like it, either delete it, or change it.

When I make a house or a building, I try to make it as realistic as possible.  Lets take for instance my recent building, "Silver Dentures Senior Apartments."  The only floor that has been decorated is the first floor.  There is one communal toilet, and the building has stairs.  But there are three other, undecorated floors with plenty of rooms...empty rooms.  You can add bathrooms in any one of these or all of these.  If you don't like the stairs, which would have been in an apartment for the elderly in decades past, make a place for elevators.

I make them so they aren't perfect so you can have the sastisfaction of fixing them.


We all have our thing on TSR.  Some adore making contemporary homes that are perfection in every way, but I like making quirky houses so people can put their sims in a house that feels real, or can change them to their satisfaction.

To complain that the house or building is not up to your standards when you can go to someone elses houses and download them, or change mine, is insanity Personified!

Now that I've had my say, I hold no ill will to that lost soul who commented, I merely wanted to point out the insanity of the comment.  Love to all!

My Facebook Page

In case you don't know, I have a Facebook page as well.  

Laughingcrow1318 Sims 3 Houses

I post the photos and the links to my TSR page.  Please come and like the page and enjoy the pics!

Recently, I purchased Sims 3 Supernatural.  I sat and played it for awhile and turned some sims into werewolves, made a few houses and such, but what I don't get is how to cast proper spells and why the things you place in the collection cabinets don't show on the shelves?  Some things about Sims are mysteries to me.

I love the Victorian clothing!  I wish they had more of them and better skirts!  The shoes are cute too, but they don't look quite right.

Also, what's the point in having a full moon when you can turn them into werewolves any time you want to?

I'm sure that someday they will iron out all the wrinkles we complain about in future versions of the Sim games, but for now here are a list of things I wish they could fix for me on Sims 3;

1. Rabbit holes.  We should be able to walk into public buildings and see the action.

2. Infant's should not need to be constantly swaddled.  They should have pjs and blankets and diapers.  They should also be able to be bathed as they were in Sims 2.

3. Opening shops.  When your Sim opens a home store or a shop in town, you should be able to sell things and set prices like you did in Sims 2.  That was awesome fun!!

4. Ponds, your Sim should be able to swim in ponds, or at least wade or sit on the banks and dip their feet in them.

5. CC's.  When you download CC's from TSR, you should be able to place them in your uploaded houses for publishing, without making other people download them separately.  When they download your house or Sim, they should just automatically get that CC.

6. For the sake of the children who play, Woo Hoo should be an option you can mask so they can't see what's happening.  Even the suggestive movements under the covers is a bit too much in my opinion.

7. If the Sims can represent Witches, Warlocks, Werewolfs, Fairies, Muslims, and Buddhists, why not Christianity?  How about a cross for the wall, a bible, a church?

8. More modest clothing in cute styles.  How about layered tops with Peter Pan collars and V-neck sweaters/dresses?  How about properly fitting skirts, like pencil skirts or A-shaped denim skirts?  What about long jumpers (what we call over dresses in the U.S) and white T-shirts or long sleeved T's under?

I guess that's it for now.  I'm sure someone will take offense to my Christianity suggestion, but I'm also sure I'm not the first to say it.  Just realize that Christians are people too and we want to be represented just like everyone else.

Thank you for reading!  Please comment but when you do please be respectful and kind.

Building Suggestions?

Hello freinds!  Sorry my houses slowed down considerably, but I had things to do and places to go, but now I have time to make more.

I would like very much to know how you've all enjoyed my castles?  I have another castle in production at this time and I'm going to take my time making it so I can get it just right.  Well, as "just right" as I can with what I have.

If there is any other kind of house you'd like me to make or suggestions (kind suggestions only) I'd be more than happy to try them and see how they work.  I've gotten suggestions in the past like "Why don't you make London's Parliment?"  Well, because there's an awful lot to parliment and the Sims doesn't give you all the necessary architectural items to make it authentic.  I'm not a modder.  I am a builder.  

Have a lovely week and please leave your comments with love in your hearts!  Bye!  <3

Making Lots By Request

This morning my daughter Emily and I were skyping and I asked her what kind of a lot she would like if she were playing the sims.  She said a cottage with a greenhouse and an old world look with wood beams and criss cross wood on the walls.

I thought about it for a minute and said, yup!  That's the lot for the day.

So I made this lot and called it "A Cottage For Emily"

A Cottage For Emily

I'm happy with it, she's happy with it and the wild horses in the game love it!

A day worth while.  <3


New Friends

Today my faith in human nature may not have been restored, but it was soundly nudged in that direction.  I was left a couple of comments by a fellow Simmer that made me feel that maybe it's okay to be me.  

Let me tell you who I am.

I am fun, I love to love, I love to make houses for TSR.  I love Simming.  I have two daughters and a granddaughter who is not quite 4 years old yet and she is my mini me.  She is coming to live with us, she and her mommy and I couldn't be more happy.

I love little furry dogs.  I find humor in cats.  My husband and I love to laugh with each other and we kid around in different voices for fun.

I live in a 155 year old Victorian farm house in the middle of a town in Maine.  I was born in West Virginia. I am a country girl.

If someone is in trouble, I help.  If someone is sad, I comfort them.  When someone is nasty to me, I get tough, and I fight back.

I am half Newfoundlander.

I am the last of five children.

I am a human being and I deserve love and respect because I live my life to please God.

That is who I am.  I like me.

Let's put down all the bullshit and be friends because life is short and if you're going to live it to be an *sshole, you deserve everything you get.  But if you live your life to be good and kind, you deserve love and friendship.  Loyalty is important too, but truth trumps that.

God trumps all.

Lets be friends.

Have a beautiful day! <3


Time For Another Shake Down

My last blog was about the influx of "Mean Girls" on the internet/Facebook.  I have since decided to pare down my dealings on the internet and just mind my own pages and my own downloads and leave the mean girls to ruin their own lives without my help.

I've also discovered that I have a new talent/love.  I totally love making public lots, esp. restaurants!  

I don't know why they seem to be coming out so well but I'm really happy they are!

I attempted to make a one room schoolhouse but the only option for zoning was Academy which is in fact referring to Martial Arts.  How sad that we can't make schools for our Sim kids.  I for one would love to see that become an option.

Also, there are other types of buildings that they have made into rabbit holes that we should be able to make ourselves.  Public buildings, business buildings, hospitals, bookstores...I guess I could still make a bookstore but it won't look as cool as the rabbit hole version.

Give us the tools on Sims 3!! Make a stuff pack for such things and we will buy it!  "If you build it, they will come!"


Thanks for everything EA, please consider firing Origin.  They've ruined our gameplay and we want autonomy back!

Mean Girls Flood Social Media

Hi everybody in Simland!

My name is Laughingcrow and I want to tell you about something that happened to me last night on a Sims 3 Facebook page.

For the past three months I have been making and sharing my Sims 3 houses and lots with these people.  I've been kind and supportive.  I've helped and cared about them, even though I didn't know them.

A week ago, several people asked me to start a Tumblr page for my houses and share the link so they could follow me.  I did.  No one followed.  So I started a Facebook page and shared the link...five people followed but the page was largely ignored.

Last night, sick from a tetunus shot, I posted how disappointed I was that no one had liked my page.  (wouldn't you be?)  Immediately there was a flood of mean girl comments that included the accusation that I was being entitled to something I didn't deserve, and a host of horrible unkind gifs.  Every answer I gave them was yet followed by another accusation of entitlement.  I do not feel entitled...I wanted the people who promised they'd follow me, to hold up their end of the bargain and keep their promise. 

Finally, before heading off to bed, I deleted the whole post...and found that five more lovely souls had followed my page.  This morning I thanked them properly and explained about the post from last night and promised to block anyone guilty of bullying anyone on my page.

Why are people so aggresively nasty online?  And to people they don't even know?  Because it's someone they don't know.  If they knew me, could talk with me face to face, they wouldn't be so quick to be unkind.  That's the trouble with social media, isn't it?

So, if anyone would like to talk, let's talk.

Lots of love!  Laughingcrow

Latest Headlines

Submissions Help Comments and Insanity My Facebook Page Building Suggestions? Making Lots By Request New Friends Time For Another Shake Down Mean Girls Flood Social Media
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