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Created for: The Sims 4
I Present my biggest project to this date, the Beauty Skin. I wanted to make a soft and delicate skin that would be great for closeups and makeup. I ended up with this skin and added 5 versions with different eyes:
- V1: Beauty Skin
- V2: Asian, no eyelids
- V3: Asian, eyelids
- V4: Deep eye sockets
- V5: Extra Deep eye sockets
I also created a Light version of the skin (picture 1) and a dark version (picture 2) which means you now have 36 nuances to choose from. It's a full face and body overlay that can be located under skin details with a custom thumbnail so it's easy to find. Top part is anatomical correct while bottom is not. This is created for females only but can be used for males, although i do not recommend this. Teen to elder ( To use on teens you will need to change to adult, put on the skin and then change back).
Hope you like :D
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1265989
ItemID: 1265989
Filesize: 3 MB
POLICY: *Click*
Credits: TSR and all the wonderful creators of CC and poses
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