Update The Old Ranch/ TSR Site/ Weekend
First of all I finisht the Ranch that I was working on the last few days. I upload today it just turned 01:35 here in my country.
I enjoyed creating it, furnishing was a challange on it's own. I hope you all like it just let me know what you think of it.
The discription plays a big part for this lot, so don't forget to read it. It's a bit of history and background information about the property. I did my best to make the place look old not only the wallpapers and flooring but mostley I focused on the furniture. That was my challange with this lot. The wallpapers are easy just try to get everything together wallpapers, doors/windows & furniture. To bad EA doesn't supply us with broken windows broken/old furniture and stuff.
The TSR Site I'm happy with it with the new mainpage I don't have to click on the Sims 3 anymore it became standerd for me.
I think my next challage will be to clean out one of the 2 towns and create a whole city. but I'm not sure yet???????
Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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