Dutch Real Estate, Prosponed
Hi guys
I've an anouncment I can't submit lots for a few days or any other maybe I can put in part 3 of my story line but I can't be certain. I'm remodeling my room at the moment. There fore I had to disconnect my PC with the Sims 3 on it. So I can't play either for a few days. Please help me to get through these difficult days it already feels like rehab.LOL. I really hate this I finisht 1 lot that I wanted to upload today but I didn't had the time for it. So that lot I'll owe you.....
And my room looks like a tornado hit it.
AS soon as I can re-connect my PC I'll let you know, Thank god I still have my laptop/notebook with wireless internet YEAH So I don't have to miss out anything here on TSR.
Speak to ya soon