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liberty's Blog

Alcudia, Mallorca, Spain, part 3 (stuck on Mallorca)

Hi ya all as you've all notice I'm playing, building, decorating again I've got some more time now.

All is well only one thing I'm stuck on Mallorca I can't leave the Island not that I want to but I'm truly stuck.

Last week my wallet is stolen and in there was my ID card wich I use to travel with within the European Union. for the time being I'm stuck.

to busy any way at the moment next week monday we've got the premiere from the new show We Will Rock You a lot of new dances to learn and lyrics but pretty cool show to do..... I hope I'll be able to get some photo's from it and I'll post them then here or on facebook....

I hope you enjoy my new upcoming lots ofcourse.....

Seeya all soon

Alcudia, Mallorca, Spain, part 2

Hey all,

It's been a while since my last blog.

I've been really busy over here. Everything is going wel.

We all have a great time again, it's really hot these days the tempetures will rise soon above 40 degrees celcius.

I've been trying to keep track of everything that's going on here on TSR (not easey with the limited time that I've got.

But I say great reviews over the new EP Ambitions wel I coulden't wait until noveember so I had it shipped over from Home. now I have it already I hope I can soon regain uploading Screens and maybe even a lot. I first have to figur the new EP out.

Seeya all soon Mike

Alcudia, Mallorca, Spain


Well I've been on the island for over more then 3 weeks or so (not sure I barley know what day/date it is) I haven't worked yet because there's nothing to do at the moment, the shops, clubs, cafe's and most hotels are still closed. It's like an old western town LOL. The good thing is I'm still getting paid for it.

I already saw some nice property's that I can use for inspiration. If I've time I'll create and upload them aswell. Don't hold your breath because I can not carrentee that I'll upload. if not you'll have to wait untill I'm home in november. Adios Amigo's

Summer 2010 part 3

Hello Simmers

I arrived on Mallorca. I'm glad to be here again.

In my last 2 blogs I said that it would be difficult to be on TSR well it isen't the hotel where I work/ live has cheap internet so I can go online in all my breaks and on my day off. I also could install the sims 3 basic game on my laptop so when I've time to create and upload something it will appear on the site. I'm just glad that I don't have to be without TSR for 8 months.

Hasta Pronto

Summer 2010 part 2

Hiya all

This is my last blog for now.

I told you in my last blog that I sigen up to work in Spain.

Well  the plane is leaveing on the 4th of march From Amsterdam to Barcelona (12:20 h)(GMT + 1) from there I'll fly to Palma de Mallorca at (17:00 h)(GMT +1) It's gonna be a long day considering you've to be earlier on the airport and all. and I don't know at what time I arrive at the hotel.

I hope you all like the last submissions from me, there will be more in november 2010 when I return.

Everything I was working on: New Worlds, some lots, and the story has been prossponed till end november 2010. I'll be back around the first of november but before I've finish things it will be the end of november..

I've to get packing, I only have today and tomorrow left


Hasta Pronto, Adios

Summer 2010

Today I got a call from the Company I applied for a Job. and got HIRED yeah.

So this is my last month in The Netherlands.

I'll  be of for 8 months to Mallorca Spain for work.

In this time you won't see any uploads from me I think. The hours that I'll be making are very long but it's so nice to do LOL

I will be on the internet and cheking in from time to time.

I'll be back in Holland in november then I'll be starting to upload again.

Untill I leave I will be uploading some lots. (that I'm working on right now)

Thank you for all the support you all gave me in the last  months and I hope you'll be supporting me after I come back from spain.

Thank you all

Goodbye 2009/ HELLO 2010

Happy New Year

This is the last blog off the year 2009. I want to thank everyone for there support this year.

I hope you all support me in 2010. That only be like 4/ 5 month's for me LOL

I wish everyone a wonderfull and save New Year....


Reboot part 1

I know it's been a while since you heard of me Sorry about that.

There's a good reason for that after the last update from 16-12-09 The Sims refused to start..... I looked in the forums here on TSR nothing usefull for me I looked at the official site. I got help there the y said keep trying some had the problem aswell and after a few times it started up well not for me I tried for at least a week. still no game. So I decided just to uninstall the hole game and install it again..................

It means I lost some stuff I don't know what but I lost some.... also my story I've got some parts saved elswhere or on sites but I don't thing I can retrieve it all as soon as I know more I'll let yu know


The Year 2010/ Spain

Hi all

Yesterday I made a decicion about what I'm going to do next year.

Real life is catching up with me and I've to start doing something with it!!!!!!!!!!

After I graduated at the beginning of the summer. I had a nice holiday, but that holiday is still stretching on until today and first it was nice to be home and all considering I didn't had a holiday in the last 4/5 years. Anyway it'starting to be really boring to sit around and do nothing.

For my study I worked on Mallorca (one of the Islands from Spain) in 2007 & 2008.

Yesterday I made the decision on going back in the Summer of 2010.

Nothing is for sure yet but in order to have a shot on a place next year I sigened in the application yesterday. I haven't sign any contract yet. But it's unlikely I'm staying in The Netherlands. 

I sigened in for a period of 8 months from March till the end of October. I'm waiting on a reply from the company now so this is all I know for the moment. When I have more info I'll let you know...

This means that IF I decide to go I won't be able to upload any lots/ screens or stuff like that

I can only chat/read/look and follow you all here on TSR. witch is also nice to do.

Like I said I'm still not atteched to anything. I'm just giving a heads-up

I'm not gone yet so you can still enjoy my creations

Greets/ Hugs Mike


I'm speachless. I posted a nice little Holiday card on TSR. It got featured on the Frontpage and the reactions just rolled in.

Thank you for all te Reactions on the card.

I wish you a Merry Christmas


Latest Headlines

Alcudia, Mallorca, Spain, part 3... Alcudia, Mallorca, Spain, part 2 Alcudia, Mallorca, Spain Summer 2010 part 3 Summer 2010 part 2 Summer 2010 Goodbye 2009/ HELLO 2010 Reboot part 1 The Year 2010/ Spain Speachless
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