liberty's Blog
Duo the update from 17 nov I can't acces my neighboorhood that contains some lots including the Victorian Mansion. I can't finish it now. that's really sad it was a great lot and I put a lot of time and energy in it. Don't worry there will be other lots.
I've bought WA so after I played with it (because It's really nice to do) There will be some lots for these area's aswell.
and ofcourse the normal lots will come to.
With Christmas approching my site will be red or green untill the end of december just to get in the spirit......
FACT'S about the EP's from the Sims 1, 2, & 3 When do you think a new EP will rise
Some people are wondering about the Sims 3 EP's well read this. I never notice untill I looked it up and wrote it down for you
Here's a list of all the expensions of the Sims since 2000 the beginning of the era of the Sims
It's been 9 years since the first one came out: we had in those years 3 Sims games:
Sims 1 had 8 expensions
Sims 1 base game released in Februari 2000
Sims 1 Rich Life released in August 2000
Sims 1 Party released in March 2001
Sims 1 Hot Date released in november 2001
Sims 1 Vacation released in March 2002
Sims 1 Animals released in September 2002
Sims 1 Superstar released in May 2003
Sims 1 Abracadabra released in August 2003
Sims 2 had 8 Expensions
Sims 2 base game released in September 2004
Sims 2 University released in March 2005
Sims 2 Nightlife released in September 2005
Sims 2 Open for Business released in March 2006
Sims 2 Pets released in Oktober 2006
Sims 2 Seasons released in Februari 2007
Sims 2 Bon Voyage released in September 2007
Sims 2 Free Time released in Februari 2008
Sims 2 Apartmentlife released in Oktober 2008
Don't forget the 10 stuff packages that also have been released in the period above
Sims 3 has 1 expension
Sims 3 base game released in June 2009 (original was februari 2009 but duo bugs prosponend)
Sims 3 World Adventures released in November 2009
If you look at the list you'll see a pattern. there where 2 expensions each year (not counting the Stuff for the Sims 2 ofcourse. 1 is released early in a year and later in that year 1 other . Some ar diffrent the reason was mostley bugs in the game and therefor delayed.
The base game is always been released in februari exept the Sims 3 but The original date was FEBRUARI 20TH
I expect 8 expensions spread over 3 or 4 year so in 2012/ 2013 perhaps there will be a Sims 4 then it's a franchise in my eyes
If you see this I think we all know when to expect a EP (expension)
Some say it is a franchise already well I don't see it the Sims 1 Sims 2 Sims 3 are 3 games the Expensions are a extension of the base game and not a game aloneand the covers say it aswell EXPENSION a well that's my opinion
I'll keep updating this list when a new EP rises
Note that the expensions are similair but in a diffrent order released
Hi all.
I've finished the new chapter of my story about Tommy and Dutch Hall. I know it has been a while but I've been busy the last few months and I couldn't concetrate enough to finish the new chapter but I've finished it, I also have submited it. So it will be out soon the next chapter will come out sooner then this one. I hope the readers of the previous stories will read the new one....
I've also submited the house that I use in the story, yes the ghosts are also present.....
Goth Manor
I just submited the Goth Residence I thought I had to change a lot because of all the CC I used and that the lot filesize was to big but it's a respectable 15.7 MB or so. I'm so happy to upload it as I wanted to be.....
Thank you Thank you very much to 36.877 downloaders. For downloading my creations. It's really apriciated, it means a lot to me. When I started out in 2009 with my creations for the Sims 2 and later on for the Sims 3 I couldn't have imagine that I would rach this high number of downloads 36.877. I'm glad you all enjoy the lots that I create and I'll be creating much more in the upcoming years.
Soon I'll publish the Goth Residence I'm workin gon the finishing touch as we speak, and the Victorian Mansion, I'm also going to create a new church with the amazing objects of Cyclonesue, The Clockwork she has created is perfect and screems for a new church. When there ar Christmas items availible everything will come in christmas style but it depends if EA or creators here on TSR are working on those items.
Thanks again for the 36.877 downloads.
Hugs Mike
The San Fransisco Lot/House
Hi guys
My latest creation the San Fransisco is unfortley a subscriber lot.
In the lot there's a FA item I'm looking for this item to take it out. I'm not a SA or FA until I'm I want my creations to be free. or at least most of them will be free. I apoligize for the San Fransisco if you reconize the item please let me know so I can take it out and upload it again but then for free
I try to keep these items out put patterns are hard to reconize as FA in the game.
I hope you'll understand.
Update Victorian Lady (2)
I've submited the Victorian Lady, I removed some CC objects small items nothing big, The items will show up on the screens, I didn't take any other screens because I really wanted to upload it and most of all It's how I wanted to be decorated, The items are coffee mugs and reading books and alll it was all CC and avalible here on TSR. So You can always download, If you can't find them but want them just ask me in my GB. I'll tell ya where to look. I will upload the full file on thesims3 soon.......
Update Victorian Lady
Hi I'm so stupid I tryed for 3 days to upload the Victorian Lady. I kept kepping the same error, First I thought because TSR had some problems friday that the where still fixing the upload sector. I was wrong it wasn't a problem of TSR that I coudln't upload the house was over 30 MB TSR ir around 18/20 MB for lots to upload stupid of me. I'm downsizing the ot now and I'll submit it when it reaches 18/20 MB
I'm not gonna take new screens of the house so you can see how I decorated it what will be in the lot I can't say I don't know what I will take out. The full version will be soon avalible on TS3 when my main PC has internet again.
Sorry that it took so long
Story update
I just want to let you knwo (readers of my story about The house on the Hill) That I'm still working on the next chapter. The last few weeks I've been busy remodeling the house for real not in the Sims, Also I'm still looking for work this takes up a lot of time. I'm a bit a shamed that you all have to wait this long for the next chapter, I apolagize for this.
Before anyone comes with the question why does he upload houses but not the next chapter!
If I get an idea for a house I start on that right away to get it out of my system, my priority still lies with creating lots and then writing stories. I will make the story to the end I hope you all will still read the story and the next stories to come. when the remodeling is over I've got more time to do both.
I hope to upload the next chapter soon I'm still working on it it just takes longer then I thought at the moment.
I can only hope that you'll understand and be patient a little bit longer.
THANK YOU Liberty/Mike
Dutch Real Estate, Update
Hi I finnaly could connect my PC again, and started the game today, I'm working on some things right now.
I'm still very bsy with other things aswell but I hope to upload some new lots saturday so early next week it should be out. I can't promise a thing but I'll do my best that's all I can do.