liberty's Blog
Up coming
On thursday the 28th of may there will be 3 lots avalible to download here on TSR.
You can find out on my minisite under up coming. You can also find screenshots of the lots under screenshots today or tommorow I'll upload som more of these properties.
I hope you like the new lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I uploadedsome new screenshots again. some of them will be availible for download here on TSR. I don't know witsh one!!!! If you have see one that you would like to have don't hesitate to ask me.
I hope you like them.
Greets Mike
P.S. don't forget to comment, rate on the shots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TSR Newsletter part 2
Hai Guys
I want to thank the 3 people that reacted on TSR Newsletter part 1. If you didn't recieve the News letter use this one It really helps
With in minutes you get the latest TSR Newsletter send to your E-mail account.
Now I got a new quistion about the TSR News letter how many times do they send the TSR Newsletter???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Already thanks for your help!!!
TSR News letter
Hi guys,
I've got a question do you recieve the TSR newsletter?
I had one about 2 months ago for the first time in years. I put in my profile that I want to recieve it but, I don't recieve one! I also didn't aquire the kudos for the last time I recieved the news letter. The last time I recieved kudos for it was in 2006. I know it was 3 years ago.
Am I the onley one with this problem or does more people have this problem???????????????????????
Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uploads part 2
Hi guys,
I just came on the site and I was checking the submissions area and I was able to upload again.
So I submited 5 lots right away these are the names of the lots:
5705 Old Road (homebusinesse)
Strange Court 6 units
City Hall
Tomales Road.
7890 Hillside Drive
Don't forget that I submitted these lots it doesen't mean that TSR will aprove all 4 of them.
More lots are on the way
I believe I already uploaded some screenshots of these lots so check them out.
Don't forget to rate, comment the screenshots and the uploads
I also hope that TSR doesn't have these server problems for a while. It must be frustrating for them!
TSR keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greets Liberty, aka Mike
Hi guys,
I have some upload problems I don't know why but it's still the server of TSR.
As soon it's possible to upload I'll do that. I'm continueing to build a lot of SUMMER lots in diffrent style's.
I hope I can upload again this weekend.
To be continued
Calistoga Road
The lot Calsitoga Road is coming out tommorow. the 5th of may
I hopé 'll al like it.
Don't forget to leave a comment or whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi guys
Because I don't have enough kudos to buy a poll I'll do it this way.
I've got 2 quistions.
Question 1: What kind of lots you'll like to see on TSR from movies/film, TV Series
The O.C (Orange County TV serie)
Scream 1,2,3 (movie)
Charmed (TV- Serie)
Lethal weapon (movie)
Halloween (movie)
Cinderella Story (movie)
Other (explain witsh one)
Quistion 2: Would you like to see more houses/lots in the style of a country? example: Dutch, German, Spanish, Swedish, English, American, Mexican, France, Italian.
To react on thes quistions you can sign my Guestbook or send me a message
If you have ideas for houses, apartments, busniesses whatever, but you don't know how!
Don't hesitate to ask me. I could create it for you or I can give you advice on how to do it.
Or if you've got other questions don's hesitate to ask!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can reach me on TSR, Facebook, Hyves, E-mail
If you want to contact me on the last three just ask for the adres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seeya Mike
Black day in Dutch History!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Guys,
Like I said in my blog of yesterday it is Queens day in The Netherlands. In my blog I wrote that I would be out partying. Well this didn't happen. On April 30th 2009 at 11:50 (local/Dutch time) someone tryed to attack the Royal Dutch family in a car. (maybe you've seen it on CNN, BBC and other international TV) The Royal Family was unhurt but people in the crowd where deadley wounded.
The car a black suzuki swift (European car) came from out of the crowd, before entering the road it already hit 2 fences (metal/iron) and ofcourse people that where standing on the side of the road waving to the Royal Family. People and the safty fences where flying through the air and hit the hard concreet road. The car was ceverley damaged and out of control it came to a stop against a monument at the otherside of the road. Because the car was damaged it went to the left side of the road away from the bus that was carrying the Royal Family. If you want to see what happend there's a video on Search on the next line Queens day 2009 The Netherlands.
The whole country is stunned by this and all the events/activity's where cannceld. Out of respect for the victims and the Queen.
On Queens day we celebrate the birthday of our Queen. It's a national holiday for us. After today Queens day will never be the same. This is the first time there is a direct attack on the Royal Dutch Family in many years. The last time the Royal was attack was when they killed Willem van Oranje and that was somewhere in the 1800s.
Today 5 innocent by standers where killed (among them a pregnant women) in the attack, 12 people injured 5 of them are still critical. The driver's condition is also critical and the rumor is that he's braindead?
My respects go out to the victims and family's and ofcourse to the Royal Dutch Family.
I love Holland