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liberty's Guestbook

spitzmagicDec 17, 2009

jumping up and down for you....I sure hope it will stay for you. Maybe you get your White Christmas...yes I would love to see some pictures...have a great day Vriend...\:wub\:

FreemousseDec 16, 2009

Hello Liberty\:wub\:Thank you so much for your comment on my screenshot "the house I can't upload" \:\)Yes, my house is too much heavy (26,4 Mo) Thank you for your answer \:wub\: Excuse my bad english, I'm french \:o \:D Have a very sweet week \:wub\:

spitzmagicDec 14, 2009

Hey Skattie, yeppers they started early. I would have perferred they waited, but they are doing well to be so young with children. I'm a proud mom. My daughter on the other hand may not have any. I'm ok with that. They are a hand full. Your other parents/family ROFL It might be a good idea to keep them secert. One may not understand. LOL Knuffles Vriend...

spitzmagicDec 14, 2009

((((Mike)))). thanks for visiting my gallery. I'll have some more a bit later. I forget how tiny babies are when they are new. Neil is 2 years older then you and Holly has 6 days to catch up to you LOL...Have a super day Vriend...\:wub\:

spitzmagicDec 14, 2009

Mine was good, I tried to get some pic's of some really cool houses while I was in Marble Falls. Very cloudy and lots of trees. So needless to say I did not get any that you could see through the trees...I will keep my fingers crossed that you get some snow for Christmas....\:D

spitzmagicDec 13, 2009

(((Mike))), yes Little baby Katie made her appearance on the 10th, she is a little angle. I'll have a pic posted soon. Hope you weekend was good....\:wub\:

fredbrennyDec 12, 2009

Dank je liefie! Ben nog steeds aan het problemen oplossen. Ik heb een familie die ik niet meer kan spelen. Ik kan er op bezoek gaan en in het huis komen, maar als ik huishouden wil wisselen dan freezed het spel en kan ik er alleen nog maar uitkomen met CTRL ALT DELETE.... hmmm...maar ik ben al een stuk verder!

mensureDec 11, 2009

I think, I was too late to say happy birthday. \:wacko\: Happy Birthday..... \:P I wish to you a wonderful life.\:wub\: Melinda!

spitzmagicDec 11, 2009

Vriend, I will be out of town this weekend, check your email, Knuffels...have a great weekend \:wub\:

spitzmagicDec 10, 2009

Hey Skattie, thanks so much for your compliment on my CypressZen lot, I'm still a amature, your comment means alot to me. Hope your day was grand. Knuffels Vriend.\:wub\:

fredbrennyDec 9, 2009

Dank voor je commentaar op mijn blog. Op de forums is ook nog niets nieuws te vinden! Ik ben een heleboel saved games al kwijt. Maar tot nu toe gaat het met twee buurten helemaal goed. Eenm oude buurt met een familie die alle skills hebben en een nieuwe buurt met Fred en Barb erin.

fredbrennyDec 9, 2009

Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday TO YOU...HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MIKEY....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOOO YOUUU!!!\:D Mijn man is vandaag ook jarig (Barb's man is op mijn verjaardag jarig...) Mijn spel loopt aardig alhoewel ik nog niet alles terug heb. Lees mijn laatste blog (aangevuld met nieuw) daarover maar. Ik hoopdat jij een hele leuke dag hebt! Knuffels Skattie! Freddie

Midnight222Dec 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Mike! I hope you have a wonderful day. Best Wishes, Kaz

ladytaurus67Dec 9, 2009

I hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday Mike! Thank goodness Barb sang to you because you definately don't want to hear my singing! LOL!!!! Colorado would definately be the perfect place for you to visit. That state gets ALOT of snow in the winter months. I am actually looking forward to my daughter and son-in-law moving there. I have always wanted to go skiing, and that will give me the perfect opportunity! March is our Spring season here. I love the changing of the seasons because they are all have their own beauty, and I absolutely love taking pictures of nature! Again, have a WONDERFUL birthday! :wub-Scarlet

spitzmagicDec 9, 2009

Happy Birthday to you      Happy Birthday to you      Happy Birthday Dear Mike   Happy Birthday to you!  Have a wonderful day on your day. ((((BIG HUGS)))) \:wub\:

ladytaurus67Dec 8, 2009

Hi Mike! I don't mind you asking! I live in a town called Niles here in Michigan. Population is less than 13,000 people. We moved here last December to be closer to my hubbie's mom. She isn't doing very well health wise and often needs our help. We moved here from the state of Indiana which is only about a half an hour from here. Michigan however, is my home state and the town that I grew up in is only 10 minutes from here. I spent the first 20 years of my life here in Michigan and spent the other 21 years in South Bend, Indiana. I love it here in Michigan. The weather is always unpredictable! Although, I am not overly fond of the cold weather, every year I look forward to the first real snow fall. I am like a kid when it comes to that! LOL. So, you are celebrating a birthday soon? My daughter just turned 21 so you are around the same age as her. Trust me you are NOT old! LOL! I do have some pics of my family in my gallery. I plan on using some kudos to get more gallery storage and the I will put up a pic of a beautiful Michigan winter! Hope you are having a great week! \:wub\:-Scarlet

Peachybitz1Dec 7, 2009

Hi liberty, thanks for commenting on my screenie \:D, i thought i'd had it for a moment, but i out-walked him \:D

ladytaurus67Dec 7, 2009

The Netherlands! How splendid! I have only seen pics, but from those I am guessing it's truly beautiful there. Where at in the Netherlands are you, if you don't mind me asking? My son-in-law is stationed in Baumholder. He will be coming home in Feb. We will only get to spend time with him for about a month(if that), then he is off to Colorado Springs, Colorado which is where he will be stationed next. I am off to find some more downloads. Have a great week! Hugs &\:wub\:-Scarlet

ladytaurus67Dec 6, 2009

Hi Mike! I was able to figure out how and where to place the Colony House and cemetary! They both are magnificent! Thank you so much! Michigan is about an hour and a half from Chicago and I am on Eastern time. I'ts 3:30 pm my time right now, so that makes it 9:30 pm your time?? My son-in-law is stationed(he's in the Army) in Germany and he has about a 6 hour time difference as well, and I still get confused! Have a great day and thank you again! Hugs\:wub\:Scarlet

spitzmagicDec 6, 2009 Hi ya skattie, how you doin'  LOL check out the above link. I don't know if you have seen it yet or not. Have a wonderful week Vriend...\:D  

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